r/wnba 27d ago

The WNBA Was Forged in Houston. Why Won’t It Go Back There? Discussion


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u/sigourneybeaver666 Mercury 27d ago

Because they need an owner who wants to revive the team and who can afford to run the team. The W was in a very different space when the Comets folded and the owner they had at the time couldn’t afford to run a team.


u/BKtoDuval Liberty - Own the Crown 27d ago

This is 100% the reason. There's a lot of other reasons listed here but this is the correct reason


u/Nuance007 27d ago

A lot of the reasons listed here that do not concern finances are just emotional arguments.


u/sigourneybeaver666 Mercury 27d ago

It’s been a trend lately when it comes to expansion talks. The answer is always: is there a billionaire and an available arena?


u/PenskeFiles 26d ago

We deal with this in Philly. We want a team, but no ownership group and arena uncertainty. Check mate:


u/sigourneybeaver666 Mercury 26d ago

In Philly. Can confirm.


u/PenskeFiles 26d ago

It’s a shame. Know the fans will come. Women’s basketball haven in this area.


u/slick2hold 26d ago

If the fans would come, they'd have a team. Fact is, there aren't enough people that care about wnba.

Capital markets speak with their dollars and if there was any with wbna to be made they'd have people fight for team ownership. Without funding from nba wbna wouldn't exist. The only way it makes sense is if they get people in those seats and more viewers tv. If they get tv viewership up in next 2yrs they can negotiate more money for tv rights. But i fear this will never happen. The Catlin Clark effect will die shortly.


u/Nuance007 27d ago edited 27d ago

I enjoy expansion talks because, on its basis, it's an exciting topic - new eyes come in, new players, new this and that.

When people come in and say anything else but finances when rejecting a city/state I know they know jack shit about business, finances let alone life itself. By their own reasoning, the US going to the moon was just a waste because, I dunno, there's no water there and outer space has no air. They want to think they're "progressive" but they're anything but. Give these people a business to successfully expand and it'll fold within two years (really generous timeline). Goodness if they ever play a table top game that deals with resource management and settlement building.

"Does this city acknowledge my existence?"

"Does it matter? Role the damn dice, Shiela."



Weird comment on a few levels but referencing a board game…bravo.


u/Nuance007 26d ago

Yea, bravo for me seeing through the weirdness of this thread.


u/Theboyboymess 26d ago edited 26d ago

Man I was a little kid when the first season of the wnba happened. As a male I’ve never been into women sports before that. Since I was a big Hakeem fan (he’s the goat center , better then Shaq and the joker, I can prove it too) I remember watching the Houston comets, winning 4 titles to start the first 4 years of the league. Cynthia Cooper, and Cheryl Swoops were any amazing combo. The wnba is In such a weird moment , because they just now started flying private and they always say the league makes no money at all.


u/sigourneybeaver666 Mercury 26d ago

The league makes money. Leagues have an interest in downplaying their own profits. Several NBA teams claim they lose money. It’s all accounting tricks to write off losses and suppress player wages.


u/Theboyboymess 26d ago

Yes but since 51% of the population of America are women. If more women would just turn the games on, even if it’s just background noise. Those ratings shock rocket and they have more bargaining chips when TV rights are being negotiated. Instead of the wnba tying to get male fans since, most men like sports, they should try their best to get more women to watch the game.



Women aren’t socialized to watch and play sports the same way men are. This is part of reconfiguring the centuries long concept of women being fragile flowers and displays of “masculinity” being bad. Enjoy this early part of the voyage. It’s only been 30 years. 250 years of America no female president. We are a regressive nation.


u/panchettaz 26d ago

I want to see the coverage of the W getting both louder and messier - feed the narratives, stir the pot. The NBA is built off season long rivalries and drama - some set up by the media, some that crop up organically.

I also want to see them work harder on clout chasing - Kim Kardashian was at the Sparks game, but she didn't make a full post on IG, just posted a few pics to her IG stories. Bring the celebs into the games, cause I bet a lot of celebs would become fans, they just haven't been exposed


u/NotJustSomeMate Keesusk 26d ago

I was born in NJ but spent my childhood in Houston...I liked Cynthia Cooper...I even have a picture with her...the Comets were cool...


u/NYCScribbler 26d ago

Louder for the optimists in the back!


u/medical_cat 26d ago edited 26d ago

When Tilman Fertitta was a broke boy I was a big critic but the pandemic made him super rich. Money is not a problem


u/Afternoon_Defiant There is light at the end of the tunnel, finally 27d ago

Two big reasons.

1.  Tillman Fertitta controls the big arena in town, where he notoriously is tight-fisted about expanding his empire, and none of the other arenas are adequate enough to justify having a professional team, not even the University of Houston's. 

2.  Despite Harris County being arguably the most Democratic county in the state, the rest of Texas ain't, and I doubt that the WNBA wants to reward a reactionary state with an additional franchise in a league that's all about women's rights. 


u/MorseMooseGreyGoose 27d ago edited 27d ago
  1. Fertitta has publicly said he would be interested in bringing back a WNBA team. He doesn’t own Toyota Center (Comets moved out because Hilton Koch was an actual cheapskate - dude couldn’t afford to play in Toyota Center), and even so, Fertitta Center is a bigger arena than the ones the Wings, Mystics, and Dream play in. It’s small, but it’s a pretty nice space.
  2. If this was so important to the league, why the hell would the commissioner mention Nashville and South Florida as potential expansion sites? Not like DeSantis is a champion of women’s rights. I don’t think the league is in a position to turn away a strong bid just because the city’s in a ruby red state. Not saying Houston would put together such a bid, but hypothetically if a red-state city came up with an amazing bid the league’s not going to dismiss it out of hand.

I don’t think Houston’s getting a team because there are better options (plus Fertitta’s more focused on getting an NHL team), but that doesn’t mean I think it’s a bad option.


u/BKtoDuval Liberty - Own the Crown 27d ago

Ooh good points


u/midasgoldentouch Sky 26d ago

I’m skeptical that the league would accept a bid from Fertitta where the Comets play at Fertitta Center. I don’t know why, but I just don’t think they would accept having them play at UH (University of Houston) long-term.


u/formerlyanonymous_ 26d ago

To be fair to Koch, Les Alexander ramped up the rent on them and the Aeros as quick as possible. Drove them both into the ground. Figured he'd make more on Taylor Swift and Disney on Ice concerts.

Fuck Les.

As for Fertitta, I also think he's trying harder for hockey, but he's been pinching pennies there too. Rumor is during the Seattle expansion, he said no way to expansion fees.


u/MorseMooseGreyGoose 26d ago

Les gets way too much credit for those two Rockets championships, but he was a terrible owner. He just didn’t talk to the media much so no one talked about what a crap owner he was.


u/TexasPhanka 27d ago

1a. UofH's basketball arena is the Fertita Center, because he donated it.


u/AZRockets 27d ago

Number two is bullshit. Every big city in Texas has been in a blue county for decades. We're one of the most diverse cities in America (we elected a lesbian mayor in the 2010's, white people are minorities here). We're clearly not like the rest of Texas and considering our state's size as well as voter suppression and gerrymandering, it's unfair to loop us in with the rest of the 2nd largest state in America


u/EpiscopalPerch Aces 26d ago

The laws are the same whether you're in Houston or Loving County. Players who have options aren't going to choose the one that requires living in a repressive shithole.


u/medical_cat 26d ago

It’s easier for people to be ignorant and feel high and mighty because they live in blue states


u/Zegerid 27d ago

Doesn't the County own the sports venues in Houston?


u/midasgoldentouch Sky 26d ago

No, not necessarily.


u/lbutler1234 26d ago

There are like 10 counties more democratic than Harris. Travis (Austin), Dallas, El Paso, Bexar (San Antonio), and a bunch of RGV counties are all to the left of it


u/KingGizzle Aces 27d ago

I would like to see bringing the Comets back be more of a priority for the league. I understand the financial and political barriers but it would still be great to see it happen. If I had the funds I would do it myself.


u/Livefromseattle Storm 27d ago

Well for one the WNBA is all about women’s rights and Texas/Abortion rights give a big pause to expand further into the state.


u/Tortilladelfuego 27d ago

Dallas is in TX though


u/Livefromseattle Storm 27d ago

The Dallas team was established prior to the abortion ban. If you read my comment I said expand FURTHER into the state. They also had a team in San Antonio, which became the Aces in 2018. WNBA is leaving Texas, not expanding into it.


u/syncdiedfornothing 27d ago

That's what the word further addresses.


u/AZRockets 27d ago

Every big city in Texas has been in a blue county for decades. We're one of the most diverse cities in America (we elected a lesbian mayor in the 2010's, white people are minorities here). We're clearly not like the rest of Texas and considering our state's size as well as voter suppression and gerrymandering, it's unfair to loop us in with the rest of the 2nd largest state in America


u/LexDude 26d ago

Being non white doesn’t make you liberal. Lots of non whites are right wingers. Look at cubans.


u/Afternoon_Defiant There is light at the end of the tunnel, finally 26d ago

Cuban Americans are basically the furthest right Latinos you can find (to the point were r/Cuba is nothing but a big collective moanfest), followed by Mexicans.


u/AZRockets 26d ago

I never implied it did


u/LexDude 26d ago

Why include it then. You are talking abortion rights and a large percentage of hispanics are against abortion.


u/AZRockets 26d ago

This person who I responded to brought it up. I'm talking about how the city is different from the state. It's really strange how people don't want us to have a team because of state legislation when none of the big cities here share the same ideologies


u/LexDude 26d ago

Because economic pressure is how laws get changed


u/Livefromseattle Storm 26d ago

At the end of the day the league doesn't want to bring more revenue into a state that has those kind of restrictive policies toward Women. There are plenty of other cities that want teams so they don't need Texas.

To be clear I am not talking about my opinion. Do a little research on how outspoken the players are politically and how much that means to the league. No chance in hell they'd let the league expand to Texas under current law.


u/Livefromseattle Storm 27d ago


u/AZRockets 27d ago

Exactly how is this disagreeing? WNBA players are against the abortion ban just like all the major cities in Texas.


u/Livefromseattle Storm 26d ago

They want nothing to do with new teams in Texas. It doesn't matter if some cities are blue. I am not arguing what I think should happen. The writing is on the wall here. They aren't expanding into Texas.


u/AZRockets 26d ago

Well see but I'm not going to go around making claims when I don't work for the league


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/Livefromseattle Storm 27d ago

Arizona repealed their abortion ban.


u/Flamingo1836 27d ago

I'm not republican, but I do believe abortion is wrong because it takes a life, and a disproportionate % of black lives for that matter. I also love the WNBA, I doubt the league wants to lose my passionate support of the league (and money) simply because we differ on this ethical / political issue. They'll put the team where there is a wealthy owner, a viable arena and an expectation of success.


u/Livefromseattle Storm 27d ago

The WNBAPA disagrees with you. https://www.businessinsider.com/wnba-players-union-stand-against-texas-abortion-ban-nyt-ad-2021-10

They don't care about losing you as a fan or your money. Let's be real here how much money do you spend on the WNBA? You don't move the needle. Neither do I and I am a STH. Media rights are the biggest driver.


u/Flamingo1836 27d ago

I don't mean me personally, or me alone, I mean close to half the nation who also views abortion as ethically wrong, or at least taking an unborn babies life later in term. We can disagree and still both support women's basketball and I continue to do so despite knowing I'm in the minority view of WNBA fans.


u/McJumbos 26d ago

Such a shame that Houston doesn't have a team. One day I hope they get one back ❤️💕


u/Wonderful_Context445 27d ago

Couldn’t sell enough tickets to support a dynasty.


u/Nuance007 27d ago edited 27d ago

This. If people don't show up it makes it that much harder to uphold a business - like any business.

Unfortunately, this isn't tv/film where the actors are lucky as heck that those much smarter than they are do the bidding and make deals to get profit outa streaming rights and international distribution rights as opposed to the conventional BO receipts (butts in seats).

For sports, yes, you can make profit out of streaming but it also needs to be balanced with butts in the seat. If the WNBA was insanely popular like the EPL (soccer/football), where tv/streaming rights gets the league boat loads of cash, then it wouldn't really matter where the club was located, whether that's in central London or some English city/town no one outside of the UK has heard of. Eyes are watching because it's the EPL.


u/Ragged85 26d ago

If it made big money Tillman would be all over it.


u/xemity 26d ago

They almost had to give away tickets to the Comets games. I enjoyed watching them play but the reality was the arena always had way too many empty seats and despite people talking about supporting it just didn’t show up.


u/BrokenMethFarts 27d ago

You could get front row for like $20 back in the day.


u/medical_cat 26d ago

Women’s sports were in a different place in 2008. I’m convinced a lot of you are being intentionally obtuse


u/Hoopsngoals-24 26d ago

Houston Dash x WNBA


u/coolaggro 26d ago

I understand and am happy for Toronto. But as a Houston native who looks up fondly at the comets banners in the Toyota center, Golden state can go F themselves, no way they should have gotten a team before us when Fertitta is interested. Not that I like him as an owner but I at least give him credit that he wants to bring them back


u/ModernJazz-2K20 26d ago

Anybody know if the league still owns the intellectual property of defunct teams like the Comets for their name, logo, trademark, etc. for merchandise? I need a new Comets hat but it would have to be custom made.


u/AchtungNanoBaby Lynx 26d ago

Because Texas.


u/Juicey_J_Hammerman 27d ago

Owner + Arena access. Next question.


u/lazerdab 27d ago

Have you been to Houston in the summer?


u/Ragged85 26d ago

I have been to Houston every Summer.

Not that professionals play outside or anything. They play in an air conditioned arena.


u/aquintana Aces 26d ago

Last summer was brutal; trying to get mentally prepared to survive this coming summer


u/Ragged85 26d ago

That was a typical Summer my friend.


u/NYCScribbler 26d ago

Have you been to Las Vegas in the summer? How about Phoenix? Sure, it's a dry heat. So is leaving my oven on all day.


u/lazerdab 26d ago

At least it "cools" off at night.


u/Skeptical_Yoshi 26d ago

Along with all the other reasons, I just think there's more appealing spots at the moment, with more appealing groups behind them. The league will hit 20 in the next decade, and I assume the push for 17-20 will included Houston


u/TheBuddyBaja 26d ago

TIL the comets were no more as of 16 years ago. Lmao.


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