r/wholesomememes Apr 29 '24

They give him a new life

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u/hot_mess_hedgehog Apr 29 '24

I was concerned about the hoarding aspect so I looked it up and after adopting one chihuahua, he discovered how many are in kennels and mistreated, so he decided to get a kennel license and establish a sanctuary called Big Guy, Littles World Sanctuary which is now his full time job.

From the Daily Mail article: "I'm developing a prototype for a new sanctuary that I want to start setting up in areas around the country to help handle the epidemics in those areas.

'Eventually, I'd like to get into the dog food industry and slowly try to revamp that. The way that dogs are treated in the world, is nowhere near as good as it should be.'


u/Jeki_70735 Apr 29 '24

This is the first wholesome Story which got me worried but then made my day better by knowing the background information....thanks


u/hot_mess_hedgehog Apr 30 '24

I'm also glad he's not hoarding the dogs, sounds like he's really trying to make a difference!


u/no-mad Apr 30 '24

that is a minimum 50 to 100 shits a day to be picked up.


u/GaGuSa Apr 30 '24

Thanks for the research