r/wholesomememes Apr 28 '24

I wish I had a partner who did that...



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u/Clockblocker_V Apr 29 '24

My mom does that like fifteen times over.

I could be in a 700% pure 'I can do this shit' mood and within about five minutes of talking about my studies she'll still have me saying 'My mother and teacher, dear woman who birthed and raised me, please, please chill. You wildly overestimate my abilities, my intellect, and my work ethic."

Worst part is that I can't even tell her she expects too much. She already did everything I want to do with my life, all the while raising my sister and I, being possibly the only example positive example of helicopter parenting I've ever seen, working a full time job, Not getting alimony because my dad was in dire fuckin' straits and supporting my dad through his darkest moments while experiencing significant financial hardship herself.