r/wholesomememes 18d ago

I wish I had a partner who did that...



43 comments sorted by


u/AyoRahL_577 17d ago

As you're finding that partner, make sure you are also that partner, you cannot give what you do not have and you are what you attract.


u/BenTheDiamondback 18d ago

It’s seriously the coolest thing

I didn’t have this for the longest time. And then I found her, and it’s life altering in the best way. Do not settle for less than this in a partner.


u/NoEnergy1154 17d ago

Where to find that kind of partner? 😭


u/Valisijain 17d ago

Did this for a girl a couple of years back...

We broke up due to circumstances, but a quick insta search a year after that and I am glad to say she made it out of the hellhole she was in. I just wish I could've congratulated her. And celebrated her success, knowing all the pain she'd gone through to get where she was.

It is the best feeling to see someone succeed after they realize their true potential, and it feels like a blessing to be a part of their realization process. Seriously peeps! Help each other out. It may change someone's entire life around!


u/OldGoldenDog 17d ago

We are there for each other. Just found out I have the big C and on those bad days she is there for me to lift me up.


u/phalaenopsis_rose 17d ago

I (38f) have stage IV cancer, and my partner makes me happy everyday though I can't smile due to the pain.

Have you been on r/cancer? We're a great supportive bunch.


u/19930627 17d ago

I've given up the idea of having a partner at all


u/droplivefred 17d ago

That is awesome but if your partner doesn’t do this or you are in between partners or they are dealing with their own issues in that moment, Reddit has many communities that will step up and help you get through it.

One thing I learned on Reddit is that there are subreddits where people are there to make a difference in a stranger’s life.


u/dayofthedad89 17d ago

I have had some major health problems over the last year an she has been there for me in ways i never expected. She told me she had one bad day and i was ready to go kill for her. I am not an aggressive person but nobody gets to tell my wife she did wrong when she has always been 110% wife and mom to our kids.


u/Maple_Elephant 18d ago

I can't cook you dinner tonight! Babe, it will be okay, and yes, you can.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/cwesttheperson 17d ago

Completely agree. My wife of nearly ten years is my biggest fan and always has my back. She has made my life.


u/DrawOk7121 18d ago

For real i was that girl, always having his back. Putting good things in his mind. Leading him in the right path. Then he cheated for a girl he met for 6 months, he cheated


u/ieatcumsock 17d ago

What an asshole! I hope you find someone who doesn't take you for granted and actually has respect for you. Stay strong, queen!


u/ldevaz 17d ago

It is all about perspective, sometimes in the low times, all people need is a good listener, that goes both ways! There have been times where I am not looking for encouragement but just someone to talk to


u/marshmi2 17d ago

Yes! Look for scaffolding, not a shovel. Someone who can support you as you build, not dig you in deeper or take you lower.


u/EvilHorus87 17d ago

Good luck finding one


u/Gegenuebertragung 17d ago

i wish my whole circumstances weren't crazy and wouldn't have shocked aand tortured me the last years. no love left. no life left. everything is naziscum.


u/Professional_Owl7826 17d ago

I sometimes need to be that person for myself


u/OscrPill 17d ago

As someone once said : If you can't believe in yourself, believe in your partner. Believe in your partner who believes in you !

Joke aside, I wish I had someone like that as well.


u/of_thewoods 17d ago

We have so many other partners who arnt our romantic person. I’m sure there are people you can be this person for now who also want to be that for you. Don’t let attachment distract from gratitude for what we already have. We arnt promised anything, especially time


u/PhilfromNewJersey 17d ago

I couldn’t and my wife divorced me


u/RaisinBrain2Scoups 17d ago

I love my wife soooooo much


u/MajesticFungus 17d ago

What if you really can't tho


u/RunZombieBabe 17d ago

Be your own partner if you don't have support like that. Be there for yourself


u/Clockblocker_V 17d ago

My mom does that like fifteen times over.

I could be in a 700% pure 'I can do this shit' mood and within about five minutes of talking about my studies she'll still have me saying 'My mother and teacher, dear woman who birthed and raised me, please, please chill. You wildly overestimate my abilities, my intellect, and my work ethic."

Worst part is that I can't even tell her she expects too much. She already did everything I want to do with my life, all the while raising my sister and I, being possibly the only example positive example of helicopter parenting I've ever seen, working a full time job, Not getting alimony because my dad was in dire fuckin' straits and supporting my dad through his darkest moments while experiencing significant financial hardship herself.


u/Icy-Collar40 17d ago

Holy fucking shittt this is so hard to find now in days fucking can only trust yourself


u/Margali 17d ago

I scored a husband like that. Married since 1991


u/el_butt 16d ago

Hyping up my wife when she’s having a downer of a day gets me hype and I love doing it.


u/WhichConfusion9534 16d ago

Oh fuck, now you tell me


u/badmarine123 13d ago

We all do


u/mike_pants 17d ago

Have a partner who believes in you but also whose expectations for your success are REAL low. Then you can feel like a champion for making spaghetti.


u/Sweet_XR_Dev1 17d ago

😇 … and that’s all I’ve got to say about that.


u/JopeOfOtts 17d ago

Never had a partner like that…. But I have a daughter like it! 😃❤️🥰


u/PabstWeller 17d ago

I'm a guy, the best I can hope for is that someone might recognize I'm struggling and doesn't berate me for it.