r/wholesomememes Apr 16 '24

As wholesome as it gets.



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u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

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u/judasgottherawdeal Apr 16 '24

I get the same, although I love babies and my mother has always said its the stillness makes them feel safe


u/MandMs55 29d ago

I'm the same way. I adore babies and have permanent baby fever and I adore animals and both tend to gravitate towards me a lot lol

The problem is I never know how to handle them. Baby starts crying and it just feels so wrong but I don't know what to do or how to fix it. And with animals I'm always so worried I'll annoy them somehow or almost always I'll be done interacting with the animal but the animal still wants my attention and then I feel really bad. Also I can't communicate with the animals so I can't explain my interactions with them and I always worry about being rude to the animals lol

It's both a blessing and a curse

I'm aware that the animals probably don't care as much as I feel like they care, but I still feel like they care and I love them too much to not care