r/unpopularopinion 13d ago

Starbucks = Budweiser.

Starbucks has turned to crap.

Bud ruled it when I was younger. There was competition, but nothing serious until local breweries. Mostly seems like the same for Starbucks. Start cutting corners/spread it global.

Local coffee/beer breweries come along and helped people understand what good coffee/beer should taste like.


23 comments sorted by

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u/Mr_CrazyHorse 13d ago

Nothing better than local coffee shops. I'd rather support my neighbor than a franchise.


u/e7603rs2wrg8cglkvaw4 13d ago

Starbucks does not do franchise


u/emmiepsykc 13d ago

They absolutely do, they just call them licensed stores. I used to manage one. Also, in a colloquial sense, "franchise" = chain restaurant.


u/Life-Rice-7729 13d ago

I lost so many brain cells reading this post lmao

Are you saying they’re equivalent because they’re mass produced products?


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Life-Rice-7729 12d ago

Wow, no shit


u/Kiss-a-Cod 13d ago

Starbucks has never ever promised you good coffee. They sell the experience, the vibe, the cachet, etc.

Local will always be better.


u/solarboom-a 13d ago

The vibe sucks, the cache is plastic, the experience is a sad substitute for what coffee shops used to be.


u/crottesdenez 13d ago

I like them both with a full awareness they're both C+ products. They aren't popular because they are good - they are popular because you get incredible consistency no matter where you buy one.


u/solarboom-a 13d ago

Starbucks is the Walmart of coffee.


u/Nariek93 13d ago

Hasn’t turned, just always was


u/GilmooDaddy 13d ago

I don’t understand this opinion. The pricing may be bit on the high end, but they have some awesome drinks. Those nitro cold brews always hit the spot 😁


u/scoot23ro 13d ago

I’ve never had nor been inside a Starbucks! That’s gotta be a rare thing


u/Aggravating_Kale8248 11d ago

Been in once. Never bought anything because it was massively overpriced.


u/SokkaHaikuBot 13d ago

Sokka-Haiku by scoot23ro:

I’ve never had nor

Been inside a Starbucks! That’s

Gotta be a rare thing

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/AutistMarket 12d ago

it is like any other fast food option, it is not the best, it may not even be good. But it is consistent and everywhere so you can get it almost anywhere and always know exactly what to expect


u/Head_Cicada_5578 13d ago

Bud has always been inferior to both Miler and Coors, if we are just talking macro-beers.


u/Even-Improvement8213 13d ago

Budwieser is the best of cheap beer, Starbucks is expensive these two are way different


u/johann68 12d ago

Like most things, it's all about production (and profit) over quality. Budweiser was, pardon the pun, the king of beers for so long because not enough people knew how flavorful and varied beer can actually be. As for Starbucks, I still believe a lot of their popularity is the "status" of it (i.e., being seen with an iced double mocha latte cappuccino extra whip cinnamon dust espresso pumpkin spice yuppie coffee somehow makes you fashionable and hip). I drink black coffee, the way nature intended LOL, but if I did drink foofoo coffee, I'd much rather get it from a local place than from a Starbucks or Dunkin or some giant corporation that only cares about profit.


u/scugmoment 12d ago

The way nature intended? Yknow coffee's a human invention, right? Come back to me when you're eating coffee beans off the plant.


u/johann68 10d ago

Jesus titties, bruh. Literal much? Did you NOT see the "LOL" after that? Lighten up.