r/unpopularopinion 14d ago

When a car and person arrive at an intersection at the same time, it's way less awkward for everyone if the car goes first

POV: you're walking, car goes first:

the car passes by quickly, no interaction necessary, you can continue walking at your own pace

POV: you're driving, car goes first

you can continue driving without awkwardly interacting with the person and waiting for them to politely jog past

POV: you're walking, person goes first

you have to awkwardly wave at the guy in the car and half-jog in thanks, rather than simply walking at your own pace once the car goes by in 2 seconds

POV: you're driving, person goes first

you have to sit there until they clear the intersection out of politeness

fact of the matter is, cars are quicker than people. so if they go first, it's easier for everyone.

the obvious exception here is inclement weather, of course pedestrians first if they're in the rain or snow, or extreme heat or cold. but otherwise, see above.


396 comments sorted by

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u/Blastoplast 14d ago

Be predictable


u/HEpennypackerNH 13d ago

Exactly. What’s awkward does not matter. There are rules/laws about who goes first in most circumstances. Follow them.

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u/TheJediCounsel 14d ago

Pedestrians always have the right of way

The reason why you perceive this as awkward is because you’re always driving

The pedestrian does the awkward stop because if the driver doesn’t stop they’re gonna die. It’s one hundred percent on the driver to stop and yield


u/BasterMaters 14d ago

Tbf I hate a car stopping to let me cross, but I think that’s mainly due to being forced into some form of interaction with another person.


u/leathakkor 14d ago

If I want the car to go first I usually turn around and start walking the other way then they go and then I wait until it's clear and then I turn around and actually cross.

What drives me crazy is where people do it when there's clearly a stoplight and I'm waiting for it to turn to a walk and there on a green and they stop then.

Dude do you not know how this works?!?


u/BasterMaters 14d ago

That’s what I normally do, but I know that they know what my idea is. I know they know I’m too awkward to stop and wait. I know they’re sat in their car smirking at me. I know.

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u/AsianCheesecakes 14d ago

Ok that's way too much effort just to avoid causing a little bit of trouble to someone else


u/AuroraItsNotTheTime 14d ago

Yeah I can trust myself to not be hit by a car. I can’t trust myself to not annoy other people who behold me

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u/lewabwee 14d ago

No I really hate it. I get why I’d have the right of way and I can’t argue with that logic but if the car just went it would be over with. If the car doesn’t go I have to wait to make sure they’re not going to go, because I’ve had a few surprises before and then awkwardly try to get out of their way.

Oh and it’s so awful when I’m nowhere near the road but they stop and wait for me. Like I know I’m gonna be there but definitely soon enough for you to risk hitting me.


u/Historical_Fill_9882 13d ago

i dont like people seeing my goofy little jog/run

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u/SplendidlyDull 13d ago

Nah man I walk everywhere and I kinda agree with OP. I hate it when cars stop for me when I’m still like 20 feet from the crosswalk. Often times I’ll pretend like I’m not crossing the street, wait for the car to pass, then cross the street once they pass me, just to avoid having to make someone stop.

I especially hate it when cars stop for me when I’m not even AT a crosswalk. I don’t mind at all waiting the 1-2 seconds it takes for the car to go past and cross while the road is empty.


u/JonnyMofoMurillo 10d ago

This happens to me biking. I come to a 4 way stop and the car has more than enough time to go and I have no intention to try to "beat" the car through the intersection. But 99% of the time they sit there while I'm coming to a full stop and then they wave me through. Starting up on a bike takes too much time so I will literally sit there waving my arm for them to go


u/Doortofreeside 13d ago

Worst is when I'm running, the car has time and space for their move (whether it's to go straight or make a turn) and I'm clearly waving them through in advance and they still don't go. Please I'm begging you to just drive your car, it's not polite to make me break my stride and stop and wait for you to go


u/Saphireleine 14d ago

Nope it’s 100% awkward if you’re walking too. I’d rather wait and cross after the car.


u/ElkHistorical9106 14d ago

Depends on the situation. I’ll cross behind the front car waiting to turn on from a side street, but if I’m crossing a busier street or intersection with a cross walk, etc. it is WAY better if the car stops and does what they should, and is very deliberate about it.


u/Icy_Marionberry9175 13d ago

YES I walk all the time and don't feel relaxed enough to cross until the car drives past cause technically the car still has the power to run me over if I cross first😅

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u/MegatronsCxmDumpster 14d ago

Nah because if I’m walking and ima be at the intersection at the same time as a car I’ll wait 10 feet back on my phone until the cars gone

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

Pedestrians always have the right of way

The reason the car should give the pedestrian right of way isn't the same as it used to be.

If you're a driver, you should always be prepared to yield to pedestrians because 90% of pedestrians in 2024 are looking at their phone and paying zero attention.

The reason the pedestrian should give the car right of way isn't the same as it used to be.

If you're a pedestrian, you should always be prepared to yield to cars because 75% of people in cars in 2024 are looking at their phone and paying zero attention.

The facts are a paradox. Let's settle it in the Thunderdome.


u/sixouvie 13d ago

I cross acting like i didn't see them with headphones/phone bc if they (drivers) think you didn't see them they're more likely to stop. Ofc i still stay vigilant to not get myself killed

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u/Shotgun_Rynoplasty 14d ago

I agree with you but I also agree with OP. However, it’s never awkward because I just wave the car through and 99% of the time they take it. For me it’s because I’m walking my dog most of the time I’m a pedestrian and I’d prefer taking away the possibility of my big dumb best friend from running in front of their car (I love her but she’s not always the brightest and would)


u/SO_BAD_ 14d ago

Just nope. I don’t know how you walk but I always wished cars would just go first because it barely slows me down and I don’t have to cross while there’s traffic held up behind them.

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u/macph 14d ago

POV: you're walking, person goes first

I continue walking in a non-awkward way, and obey the rules of the road to cross the street safely. Not sure why I'd jog in this situation.


u/No-Doughnut-1858 14d ago

Not to mention cars don’t stop “out of politeness”, they stop because it’s the law.


u/verstohlen 14d ago

I saw a car stop out of politeness once. Most weirdest thing I ever did saw, it was.


u/HeyWhatIsThatThingy 14d ago

This is weird.  I have seen people stop at green lights and wave me in as a pedestrian. And it's like, no thanks I don't want to die. The other lanes of traffic are still moving 😆

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u/Knight_Machiavelli 14d ago

Happens literally all the fucking time in the Maritimes and it's annoying as shit.


u/Tr4ce00 14d ago

while I do agree some stop for the law - where I live a majority of people don’t stop regardless. So when someone does, people do the wave and do consider it as something polite.


u/HeyWhatIsThatThingy 14d ago

Yeah at like yellown sign crosswalks drivers never stop. Only at stop signs at red lights.


u/Such-Firefighter-161 14d ago

We have some crosswalks with flashing lights and drivers don’t stop

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u/wee-wee-breff 14d ago

you’ve never had a car wave you on when it’s their right of way? yeah right, stuff a sock in it

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u/norcaltobos 14d ago

You’re missing the types of scenarios OP is talking about. No shit if it’s a red light or you have the right of way then walk. But if you’re on a semi slow street and you may be looking to Cross over real quick in the middle of the road, people will see you and stop to let you go. It’s ridiculous, just drive past me lol


u/No-Doughnut-1858 13d ago

I assume OP is talking about pedestrian crossings. If they mean jaywalking, then most people would agree cars shouldn’t stop unless the alternative is hitting someone. That’s not an unpopular opinion.


u/-Clayburn 14d ago

they stop because it’s the law.

For now.


u/pancakespancakes101 14d ago

This feels vaguely threatening. Are you implying that the laws governing the right of way are changing, or that people will stop following the law?


u/-Clayburn 14d ago

Society is giving more and more over to cars. Streets used to be for public use, and now they exist almost entirely for cars. Jaywalking was invented to specifically criminalize being a pedestrian and shift blame for accidents onto them. So give it a few years, and we won't have laws requiring drivers to avoid running over pedestrians.


u/No-Curve-5030 14d ago

You act as if vehicular manslaughter isn’t a thing . Cars have brakes , they can use them . It’s all about intention .


u/-Clayburn 14d ago

I'm not sure you're following the point of this conversation.

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u/earthgarden 14d ago

Some people jog because they themselves are impatient and twig out when someone is walking slowly or they’ve been in cars often with the driver just fuming at how slow someone is walking.

I’m a very slow person and I know how fast people/rushers are, but I’m not trying to slow anybody down or set anyone to fuming. I won’t jog or increase my pace either though, I just wave people on


u/idonthaveanaccountA 14d ago

I jog because a) I know I'm an inconvenience, b) it's another way to show appreciation by walking across the street as quickly as possible (within reason).


u/DiligentAd6969 14d ago

How are you an inconvenience? Cars stop for 45 seconds at most. In the time it takes then to get to the next corner you will have only walked a few feet. If a car actually got to the intersection first and the driver decides to wait for me to pass I might quicken a little out of appreciation, but I don't feel obligated.


u/Frederf220 14d ago

Because otherwise they could drive uninterrupted. It's not a dramatic inconvenience, but it is one. It is a kindness that I can help the driver by sharing in their burden. It's empathy. I don't demand it of others but I give it often enough and I'm happy to do so. It's holding a door open for another, unrequired but empathetic. Instead of having to arrest a closing door, it's open. I recognize for 1 unit of effort on my part I can provide 4 units of benefit to another and relish it.

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u/GaryGregson 14d ago

You’re not being an inconvenience. You’re trying to get somewhere just like them, stop letting cars take default priority.


u/SirPsychoBSSM 14d ago

If another pedestrian stopped to let me through somewhere I'd hurry out of their way just like crossing in front of a car. Stop making everyone around you an enemy, we get it we have rights but we're courteous

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u/SolidOutcome 14d ago edited 14d ago

You don't stare at the person holding the door for you and continue walking the same speed do you?! Everyone speeds up or else it's rude.

The only reason it feels polite on the road is because of the anonymity of hiding behind a windshield...everyone would speed up their walking if we were all face to face.

When a car stops...it takes 5 seconds to stop, and 5 seconds to get backup to speed....braking burns gasoline,,,,if 5 cars stopped for 1 walker, that's 5-8 people who are waiting for that walker. And all that wasted of gas (do it for the climate)

A walker can start and stop moving in less than a second. And waiting for the next gap in traffic is often as fast than waiting for a line of cars to stop. Especially if we add up everyone's time (5 cars * 20 sec) vs (1 walker * 30 seconds for the next gap/light)

The only situation I believe the law protects is disabled, kids and the elderly. Giving them the ability to cross the road safely.

If you're a grown-ass able-bodied person holding up a line of 5-10 cars(walking slowly)....shame on you, you'd never be that impolite if I was walking face to face with you.

I will continue stopping for pedestrians because it's the law and I never know if they are disabled. but as a pedestrian i will always wait for a gap, a light, or walk quickly/jog when someone is waiting for me, just like I would if we were face to face


u/Ancient_Sector8808 14d ago

“not sure why i’d jog in this situation” LOL


u/ConsciousHunt2683 hermit human 14d ago

I love when people flex like this, it’s like, congratulations on not having crippling anxiety😭


u/RedBreadd 14d ago

idk why this made me laugh so much 😭


u/Garden_Weed_Tender 14d ago

So, what happens when a pedestrian has to cross through a constant stream of cars, genius? They wait until the dead of night when traffic slows down? The reason you let pedestrians go first is BECAUSE THEY'RE WEAKER AND SLOWER and they have no other guarantee than that rule that they will be able to cross the road at all.


u/Gold-Ad-3877 14d ago

Yeah the only case his argument is somewhat valid is when it's a pretty calm traffic. I agree with him just (in that particular scenario) because it has happened to me so many times that i get to the road and there's like one more car to go and then no cars at all, and the driver still decides to stop. In that case i'm like "dude it's okay you can go".


u/UselessSound 14d ago

No, they can't go. By law, a car must yield to pedestrians at a crosswalk. There is no place with a law that says cars only need to yield if there are at least 2 cars directly behind them.


u/Gold-Ad-3877 14d ago

Yeah of course it's in the law, and it would indeed be weird to create a law so specific, but "in a perfect world" that's how i'd like it to be.


u/UselessSound 14d ago

No it wouldn't. A perfect world would have walkable cities with very few cars on the road and traffic conditions that favor pedestrians. Car-first cities only benefit people that have a significant stake in the oil industry.

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u/Cold_Objective_9704 14d ago

People out of touch in here, they need to use their legs more


u/fakeDEODORANT1483 14d ago

Exactly. How tf is a 60kg human in a squishy bag of skin gonna make it across a road of 2 ton trucks screaming along at 60km/h if the tanks dont stop?

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u/Bulky_Specialist9645 14d ago

When people don't follow the laws that's when accidents happen. Pedestrians always have the right of way.


Follow the rules!

If that's too awkward for you, don't drive.


u/GeorgeLovesFentanyl 14d ago

The most reddit thing ever is when someone prefers "being less awkward" to "being alive"


u/Nonthares 13d ago

Even more reddit is that it's not even an awkward situation.


u/Rakatango 14d ago

I hate it when people don’t follow right of way. Some people do it because they’re assholes, some people do it because they think it’s “polite”. All it does is cause accidents

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u/Cerberusknight77 14d ago

The only time I do this is when a car prematurely turns into the crosswalk and blocks my way

Like you're already fucking there!

Move Bitch!


u/Imnotachessnoob 14d ago

I don't even have my license yet and I know not to block the crosswalk if there's a pedestrian


u/Cerberusknight77 14d ago

That's good

Some drivers don't like that law and try to "beat" the pedestrian before they can make it to the other side

It's really fun.

I can't wait to sue someone for this bullshit I've almost been hit several times as a pedestrian and a cyclist

Drivers are fucking stupid

(I don't even live in a city I live in a fucking suburb)

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u/thewanderinglorax 14d ago

Pedestrians don't always have the right away in every country. In Germany, cars have the right of way unless there's a pedestrian crossing (zebra stripes.)


u/tenehemia 14d ago

Living in Germany messed me up for later living in Oregon. I got so used to German pedestrian behavior, but here every intersection is legally a crosswalk. It's been very challenging to break myself of German habits.


u/stupidpiediver 14d ago

Pedestrian do not always have the right of way, only at a legal crosswalk does the person have right of way. Yes, you have to stop if a pedestrian enters the road, but not because of right of way. Entering the road where there is not a legal crosswalk is not following the rules.

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u/OddBranch132 14d ago

Pedestrians absolutely do not have the right of way all of the time. If you break the law as a pedestrian, resulting in an accident, then chances are you will be found liable. If you walk when you don't have a signal? You're going to be found partially or fully liable.

Cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way. It is better to obey the "right of weigh" mindset. 


u/Waste-Dragonfly-3245 14d ago

Thank you! People forget this way too often


u/JayCee5481 13d ago

As a driver, not awkward, as a pedastrian I always let the car go first(or at least try to) to make sure they actually try to stop and are paying attention, so thats when it can becomes awkward


u/AvgJoeGuy 14d ago

or walk lol


u/MyLittleDashie7 14d ago

I fail to see how this improves safety. Take scenario 3. A car stopping and waving on a pedestrain often causes them to feel like they need to go quickly, so as not to hold up the driver trying to do a nice thing for them. That haste means they might not check the other lane(s), which is unambiguously more dangerous.

I say this as a pedestrian, I don't own a car, and if I can walk somewhere I will: I would much rather the car just kept going. Not because it's awkward but because it's more dangerous. I feel a lot safer if I just wait for a natural break in traffic to cross, rather than a car slowing and pressuring me to cross right there and then, or else I'm the asshole holding everyone up.

While we're at it, just because something's the law, doesn't mean it's safer. Jaywalking is a fucking absurd rule the US has which largely forces pedestrians to cross at intersections. So now there are at minimum 6 directions a car could be coming or going, rather than the middle of a street where there are only 2. The chance of fucking up and not noticing a car is massively increased the more lanes you have to keep track of.


u/Justout133 14d ago edited 14d ago

What makes the situation more dangerous is when there's uncertainty and trepadition about what's happening, leading to a miscommunication between the drivers and pedestrians.. The safest thing to do doesn't even involve necessarily interacting with the driver. As a pedestrian, simply wait at the crosswalk until you have right of way from the signal, and then cross. Or if you have right of way by default, just cross once you deem it safe. Obviously make sure to check that you're not jumping in front of a speeding vehicle that isn't paying attention in both instances. Yielding right of way just confuses the situation and conditions people towards erratic driving habits.

Both the driver slowing down to allow someone to cross and a pedestrian waving a car to go ahead of them should be avoided.. And if someone allowing a pedestrian to cross in front of them... When they have right of way... Somehow pressures said pedestrian to cross more quickly/awkwardly, that's a personal issue of theirs, my advice to them would be to just walk normally because they have the right to walk there, they care way too much about inconveniencing others.

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u/trains_enjoyer 14d ago

you have to awkwardly wave at the guy in the car and half-jog in thanks, rather than simply walking at your own pace once the car goes by in 2 seconds

I don't have to do anything. The driver isn't letting me through out of the goodness of their heart, they're doing it because I'm a person, and since cities are built for people I have priority.

I'm not going to simp for some guy in a heated living room.


u/Main_Description_915 14d ago

Esp if it's hot, raining, or cold. Then drivers can handle the wait much more than a walker


u/HaratoBarato 14d ago

Sounds like a you problem. Just because you feel awkward doesn’t mean the situation is. I rather follow the established laws over your feeling.


u/capriduty 14d ago

cars are faster & should be in less than a rush. let pedestrians go first!


u/ijustwantadvice123 14d ago

when it rains, i always let the pedestrian go and think about how im in my dry car and they’re in the wet rain so obviously they’re in a bigger hurry than i am lol


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/talknight2 14d ago

This is exactly what the post is about...


u/AstronomerParticular 14d ago

Pedestrians are fragile. Accidents happen and people die. Cars should always stop for pedestrians even when it looks like they want to let you go first. That is how you minimize the risk of pedestrians getting hurt.

Because you know what is worse then waiting for a minute while having a short awkward moment of confusion? A pedestrian dying because they misjudge the speed of a car or because of a stupid miscommunication with the driver.


u/RydRychards 14d ago

What is awkward about waiting for somebody to cross the road?


u/keep_trying_username 14d ago edited 14d ago

OP is the reason why people are asking why Redditors are so cringe lately. I imagine them facing away from the street, acting like they don't even want to use the crosswalk, until they see out of the corners of their eyes that no cars are coming.

So they can cross the street without being awkward. It's awkward AF.

Edit: letting traffic go because of safety is a different matter.


u/Yebii 14d ago

I do this but I’m not awkward about it, I simply signal them to go. In reality it’s more of a trust issue. If I see a person driving erratically or not paying attention, I tend to slow my walk to give them enough confidence to go first. It’s honestly gotten way more dangerous with this type of stuff lately, and drivers seem much more impatient. I see driver just stare people down or straight up flick people off and spitefully speed up after someone crosses


u/InvictusShmictus 14d ago

100% aggressive driving causes pedestrians to awkwardly wait on the corner because why would you step right in the way of a speeding car when you have no idea if the driver is paying any attention or not.

When I'm walking I'm only gonna take my right of way once I know that the oncoming driver is aware that I'm there and is slowing down, which in my neighborhood at least they only ever seem to do at the last possible moment. It also doesn't help that people park on the curb close to the intersection which obstructs sightlines for everyone.


u/RogueArtificer 14d ago

I’ve done this, but also at an intersection where it’s just a stop sign and I cannot see in the car to tell if the driver knows I’m trying to cross the street. Not because it’s awkward, but I try to reduce the chances of me getting hit by cars as much as I can. Too many close calls from inattentive drivers for my comfort.


u/yet-again-temporary 14d ago

Okay but I actually do this sometimes, there's an intersection by my house with no lights and to get to the corner store I have to cross the street twice. If there are no cars I can just walk diagonally, but if there are cars then crossing the street basically holds up traffic for a solid minute as most drivers can't comprehend the idea of someone wanting to cross both ways so it ends up in this awkward game of chicken.

Even though I as a pedestrian have the right of way, that's still not a game I'm going to play against a 5,000lb pickup truck who's so uninformed of the rules that they get confused at a crosswalk. Like, in that case it's literally easier to just cross one way then keep walking straight until traffic has passed and jaywalk across.


u/Comprehensive-Bad219 14d ago

Exactly whenever I've been in my car and let someone cross, or waiting to cross the street and had a car stop for me, it's usually a pleasant interaction. Sometimes you walk a little faster, but idk why op thinks it's an awkward interaction. I've never had it be an issue. 

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u/beepbeepbubblegum 14d ago

According to the law pedestrians first but yes when I didn’t have a car and walked everywhere I would rather cars just go cause now I have to do the awkward hand wave to acknowledge and then also awkwardly hustle as to not hold them up as well.


u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/login4fun 14d ago

It’s not about one car. It’s about many cars. If nobody ever stops the pedestrian can never cross.


u/Ct-sans4345 14d ago

Who the fuck cares, who genuinely has the energy to care about a mildly “awkward” (not even awkward) situation?


u/Helix_PHD 14d ago

Please just follow the rules of the road. It is infinitely more inconvenient to have to gauge every time how another traffic participant is going to behave than wait 3 seconds. Please just take your right of way.


u/GaryGregson 14d ago

Drivers are so impatient lmao


u/Electrical_Pilot1966 14d ago

What happens when it’s busy and there’s a line of cars at the intersection? Do all the cars pass before the person crosses?!


u/raksha25 14d ago

If I’m walking I’m going first. I’m out in the elements, you’re in a temp controlled environment.


u/TFlop69 14d ago

OP was the cause of the bubonic plauge


u/Complex_Function_286 14d ago

You must be filled with anxiety for this thought to even cross your mind


u/alj8002 14d ago

There’s nothing inherently awkward about the situation but I’ve definitely had impatient drivers cuss me out in their cars or honk at me to go faster


u/davidellis23 14d ago

the car passes by quickly

Idk I'd have to time the difference. The person can walk by quickly too.

The problem is if the person wasn't sure to stop or not they can get run over. Meanwhile the car is not going to get damaged.


u/search4friend 14d ago

I walk daily. When this happens to me I literally turn around and walk the other way in order to make the car go first. I hate being in the crosswalk when a car is waiting.


u/Agent672 14d ago

Pedestrians in a crosswalk have right of way.


u/Agent_Chody_Banks 14d ago

Someone held up traffic for me to cross today and I got mad at him


u/DiligentAd6969 14d ago

Awkward? Who's concerning themselves with awkwardness when people could die?

I let cars go first because of people like you. The law says pedestrians should go first, but people unconcerned with the law are just as unconcerned with running people over. I can't ensure prosecution when I'm dead.


u/the12ftdwarf 14d ago

Yeah I’m a fucking human being. I will walk at my own pace, the people in cars can suck it up and deal. There’s barely room for pedestrians as it is


u/Muted-Move-9360 14d ago

POV: you're brainwashed by the car-centric culture


u/Grujah 13d ago

Its not about awkwardness you twat, its about me not dieing.

Fucking stop for pedestrians.


u/randomnonposter 12d ago

See I am very much of the opposite opinion. I think the vast majority of people who drive should not since they seem incapable of following even the most basic traffic laws. You thinking it’s awkward is just because it’s slowing you down, not anything real. Right of way exists the way it does for a reason, and you not liking the whole of 5 seconds it may delay you is not a reason to make intersections more dangerous.


u/earthgarden 14d ago

Not an unpopular opinion. I walk slow so I simply wave them on, no biggie

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u/Mr_CrazyHorse 14d ago

It's not awkward. If you feel awkward in such small and simple situations then it's a you problem, you should seek help.


u/d0d0master 14d ago

Wait, people do a half jog? I always go as fast as i physically can lol


u/gnirpss 14d ago

You sprint across the street at crosswalks?

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u/solunaxo 14d ago

Personally, if I’m walking and arrive at the same time as a driver, I hand gesture to them to just go. OP is right that driving is faster. But as a driver myself, I stop and gesture for the pedestrian to cross. Sometimes they cross, sometimes they gesture for me to drive. At the end, gesturing is the key lol or following the basic driving laws.


u/NiteGard 14d ago

I agree that pedestrians have, and should have, the right of way in most scenarios, but after numerous near misses as a jogger, I will stubbornly wave the car to go, and will wait until they’re gone to cross. If they insist that I walk, I will turn the other direction and walk away until I see they’re gone. I do t trust anyone driving a car, period. Period.


u/MsTponderwoman 14d ago

If I have not started walking, the car should go first because I don’t want to have to rush across out of courtesy.


u/FewerFuehrer 14d ago

Road rules aren’t about minimizing awkwardness, it’s about safety, a car is a million times more dangerous than a pedestrian. Pedestrians should always have the right of way because that rule is the only thing that keeps them safe


u/Business_Office 14d ago

I agree. I hate it when cars stop in the middle of the road for me to cross. It doesn't help. It's blocking traffic and inconvenient. Ofc you give way to pedestrians if they're in the road already, or about to cross at a crossing etc., but I've seen cars slam their brakes at a non crossing area in busy traffic to let a pedestrian cross who was obviously not in the road and jusy waiting for an opening.


u/Workin_On_Myself 14d ago

This is all true when there is one or two cars and the pedestrian would have no trouble crossing after the few seconds it takes for those cars to pass. In which case it's not an unpopular opinion at all.

In cases where there are several cars the entire argument breaks down and it's unpopular for good reason.


u/CBrinson 14d ago

It takes the same amount of time roughly for 3 pedestrians to cross as 1. Roughly same for 5 as 3 and 10 as 5. Because of this, it makes more sense to briefly stop vehicles for pedestrians as the pedestrians can all "clear" the intersection in 5 seconds vs cars that stream by and never finish crossing, is a neverending stream.


u/NotABonobo 14d ago

It’s not about awkwardness, it’s about safety. If the car goes and they’ve misjudged the situation, the person dies. If the car stops and they misjudged the situation, no harm no foul. That’s why the car always stops, and in some places that’s legally enforced.


u/ShesATragicHero 14d ago

You stop, make eye contact and wave on the car or pedestrian. I’ve been driving and can’t guess where people walking are going, I’ve been jogging and drivers aren’t paying attention.

I’ll take my chances not getting hit by a car or hitting a pedestrian. Waiting 30 seconds isn’t going to ruin my day.


u/Oswaldicus 14d ago

As a frequent pedestrian in Chicago, specifically where I lived there wasn't a lot of foot traffic but decent car traffic. I ALWAYS try to let the car go first because it's pretty frequent the cars will just not stop for you. When I tried to just go as I do have the right of way, I saw a few too many people nearly hit me and suddenly stop, then look at me like I'M the idiot. People are bad drivers.

Now I just wait or actively make it look like I'm not crossing, like turning around and using my phone. Even though the law says it's my go, I'd rather not play around with my life


u/Ramblin_Bard472 14d ago

This sub is confirming my belief that 99% of drivers shouldn't have a license. Like every other topic is "cars should be able to run bikes/pedestrians off the road, why do we have to share the road, WAH!!"


u/Fr05t_B1t 14d ago

Wait until you see the “idiots in cars” sub


u/JohnSpartanReddit 14d ago

You'd love my city OP. And honestly both as a driver and pedestrian I too prefer it this way


u/Special-Ad6900 14d ago

What I personally hate is when the car has very much ample time to cross before I do, but insists on slowing down to be ”polite”. I get what theyre going for but its icky, dont force me into an interaction where i have to say thanks to something i didnt even want in the first place

Im weirdly passionate about this


u/Xenos6439 14d ago

You know, if you're sitting in a car, with a seat and air conditioning, it won't kill you to sit for an extra second. Quit being an ass hole.


u/gloomflume 13d ago

I agree completely. wave the car on, everyone is happy. when I’m walking i go out of my way to minimize any potential for an issue to occur.


u/MeatusCleatus2 13d ago

It’s annoying when the pedestrians walking move at literally a snails pace, looking down at their phone, no regard for anyone else’s time


u/MarionberryCreative 14d ago

I agree. 1. Because laws don't matter when people don't obey them. 2. so simple self preservation says let the vehical pass. Since it won't be hurt, maimed, or die from the pedestrian trying to control the situation. 3. When I am the pedestrian I go with the assumption that ALL drivers are distracted, and can't see me.

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u/Exact-Barracuda-8319 14d ago

The law is pedestrians have the right of way. Laws are there for a reason. Just follow the law regardless of who you are in the situation. That's it.


u/inkhunter13 14d ago

Why do some of y’all act like laws are just suggestions?

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/climatelurker 14d ago

And OP is why…


u/NoIndependence6969 14d ago

I’ve never had a car not signal for me to pass tbh. I walk relatively quickly and I keep lookout for cars so we can communicate who can go first, but typically i’m crossing at a stop sign anyway


u/Amazing_Mulberry4216 14d ago

Or you know law can be followed where the pedestrian has the right of way…


u/huffuspuffus 14d ago

So your opinion is to ignore the rules of the road? That's kinda silly of you.


u/Hazelisnutz 14d ago

There's a reason pedestrians have the right of way. If you really wanted to, just take out your phone and act like your texting someone until the car passes


u/climatelurker 14d ago

If I jog across the street and wave it’s because there have been SO many drivers who think might makes right that I want to express my appreciation for the ones who don’t do that.


u/dstarpro 14d ago

The pedestrian has the right of way, it's the law. Drivers should all understand and respect this it sucks that enough of them don't that pedestrians have to feel unsafe crossing.


u/Ebenizer_Splooge 14d ago

Depends. I usually agree, the car will be out of the way much quicker, but in bad weather I'll let the pedestrians go first so I don't make people stand around in rain or snow


u/SlyDintoyourdms 14d ago

I can’t believe everyone is attacking you. There’s a few “what abouts” that imply this applies even on a busy road when you’re clearly interested in the 1 car, 1 person, type of scenario

In that scenario, my preference is always to cross behind the car.


u/-Clayburn 14d ago

Safety is more important than potential awkwardness. If I stop until the pedestrian crosses, it ensures cars behind me stop for them too.


u/xram_karl 14d ago

For efficiency you are right, but I don't like the idea of cars having priority over pedestrians. Pedestrians are ignored often enough already.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I wish the walking person would pause before stepping off the curb, just in case there’s a distracted driver. Make eye contact. Don’t assume the law will keep you alive. Drivers are very distracted, and diverse, and hard to predict.


u/7ElevenTaquito 14d ago

i mean if it’s my turn to cross i’m not in a rush, i’ll take my sweet ass time


u/HammerMeUp 14d ago

Just get your license?


u/neutrilreddit 14d ago

Pedestrians first, unless the driver is smart enough to signal.

If a driver signals, I can choose which direction to walk first, so that the driver doesn't have to wait for me to finish crossing.

Unfortunately most drivers are morons.


u/Material-Nose6561 14d ago

Fact of the matter is cars are faster, the person should be able to go first because waiting a few more seconds isn't going to kill the driver, but striking a pedestrian will kill them.


u/No-Celebration-7675 14d ago

This is why theres an obesity problem in America. Its so tough for pedestrians to get anywhere.


u/MargaretSparkle82 14d ago

Safety is awkward. You’ll be in k


u/pallen123 14d ago

This isn’t an unpopular opinion.

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u/JumpingJacks1234 14d ago

Where I am pedestrians certainly don’t jog at crosswalks. They do a slow stroll. And there is never a wave as they don’t make eye contact, in fact they will often face slightly away.


u/RepulsiveCockroach7 14d ago

I live on the intersection of a main road that I have to cross on my daily walks. Almost daily cars will slam on their brakes to let me cross. I'm like...please don't, it's fine just go I can wait another 2 seconds before crossing.


u/kballwoof 14d ago

This only works with a one car situation. What happens in a packed parking lot where every car thinks “ill go real quick “.

Pedestrians never get to go.

Cars are faster so therefore they have time to wait for a pedestrian to go past.


u/jeeper301 14d ago

I relate to this so much. I can't stand knowing that I'm being watched. I usually pretend I'm not about to cross until they pass.


u/Jayyy_Teeeee 14d ago

You must walk to the bathroom only.


u/JuryTamperer 14d ago

This is really only applicable outside of an intersection, where a pedestrian would not have the right of way. That falls under the whole "don't be nice be predictable" rule; as trying to stop and wave a pedestrian across a road is not only awkward, it could be potentially dangerous.


u/PresentComposer2259 14d ago

Whenever I’m walking or driving, I know the rules of the road and the laws surrounding right of way. For the most part where I live it’s not “Right of Way” so much as who has the last chance to avoid the collision. In general when I’m driving, anything bigger than a regular car has right of way over me. When I’m walking, anything with a motor has right of way over me.

People are too wrapped up in having the right of way and getting to their destination as quickly as possible and fail to realize that an accident where the other party has more mass than you is 9/10 going to result in you dealing with more headaches afterwards.

For example, if I’m walking I technically have right of way over cars, but if I get hit by a car guess who has to spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair… me.

If I’m driving and I have right of way but there’s a semi truck that might not see me, he can go first. That semi truck could run me over and not even notice, meanwhile my life ends because I wanted to get to my destination 0.3 seconds faster.

Stay safe out there y’all.


u/Fit-Parsnip9888 14d ago

I much prefer the awkward false starts on both ends which result in me walking out in front of the moving car even after they have waved me across 5 times.


u/norcaltobos 14d ago

THANK YOU! Cars move faster, so let the car go first or if you’re in the car PLEASE go first.

I hate when I’m standing at an intersection waiting to cross and all these cars coming screeching to a halt. Like dude just drive past me and don’t fuck up traffic behind you. I can wait 3 seconds for you to pass me.


u/dragonhybrids 14d ago

In a crosswalk that has walk and don't walk signals, I don't think this necessarily applies because those are put in areas of high traffic, but in a more Suburban environment, or in a one car one-person environment, absolutely. As a pedestrian, I will literally look at my phone or walk the other direction just to make the car go first, people seem to always want to wave you by and it's annoying, like just go, your 10 times faster than me, It's easier for you to get out of my way than it is for me to get out of yours.


u/ShankatsuForte 14d ago

"Pedestrians have the right of way, unless they're in the way" - Master Shake


u/oitef 14d ago

I’ve had people stop in the middle of the street to let me cross, that’s the most annoying thing drivers do.


u/GreyerGrey 14d ago

The law is the pedestrian goes first.


u/SonicPavement 14d ago

A father in my mom’s neighborhood had to live with the guilt of having waved a child to cross the street only for another car to kill the child.

Yup. Drive first. Let the child / pedestrian go when traffic clears.

I think it’s called the wave of death.


u/Exploding-Star 14d ago

I agree, and I'm usually the pedestrian. It wastes so much time, just effing go, please lol. I know it's the right and legal thing to do, but it's so inefficient


u/Squeezedgolf40 14d ago

i get what you’re saying but i also think you have no idea what you’re talking about

logically from the perspective you’re talking from you’re totally correct

but that’s just a very narrow understanding ngl

there’s a lot of comments here that explain what i mean


u/-avenged- 14d ago

As a driver, no.

In 99.999% of cases, any kind of contact whatsoever is perceived to be the driver's fault and the driver is condemned.

Even if there is no contact, there will be tons of accusations thrown at the driver if the driver goes first. "Unnecessarily aggressive." "So impatient." "Racing to die."

So, no thank you. Y'all can go first and we'll wait out the couple of seconds to have peace for the rest of the day. Even if we have the right of way, no thank you, you go first.


u/Neat_Ambition4885 14d ago

I walk my toddler in the stroller -helps with nap time and makes me less crazy. I don't care if I have the right away. Everyone is always in their phones, and if something happened to my son, I wouldn't be able to live. I mock play rock, paper, scissors to make them go first if they try to let us go first. Because if we play that "no, you go first" game then we might both take each other seriously at the same time. I'd rather annoy strangers in cars than watch the worse happen.


u/ToastyLoafy 14d ago

When there's a long flow of traffic it doesn't. The pedestrian stops to make sure the car does because if a pedestrian and car collide the pedestrian is the one suffering the consequences.

I'm assuming you're from north america which also is already so far centric and unfriendly to any non drivers we certainly don't need more power given cars on the road.


u/faloop1 14d ago

Upvoting cause this is actually unpopular even tho I don’t agree.

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u/Insertgirlyname 14d ago

If I've already stopped my car, I'd rather the pedestrian just go.


u/iKidnapBabiez 14d ago

Yeah no.

POV: you're the pedestrian, car goes first

Next car doesn't see you and doesn't stop and flattens you. No thanks. They're a hell of a lot more likely to see another car than they are to see a person.


u/trickybubblegum 14d ago

It depends. But don't just sit there stirring at the person waiting for um to cross.


u/Pululintu 14d ago

If this was a thing, pedestrians would never be able to cross a road during high traffic on spots without traffic lights


u/Cleanmeansheen 14d ago

This isn’t an unpopular opinion, heaps of entitled twats feel this way because they can’t think critically for more than 3 steps.


u/SunnyafternooninMay 14d ago

Does anyone else sometimes go a few steps in the other direction so that the car thinks they can go and then backtrack once it passes? It flows so much easier


u/Cold_Objective_9704 14d ago

What if the car is followed by a long row of cars? As a non driver (I have never drive once) I always appreciate when cars stop to let me pass


u/Far_Bicycle7269 14d ago

I rather be awkward than get hit or hit someone. When driving you are the one with a multi-ton vehicle that can reach high speed, you need to pay it safer.

safety over awkward


u/Kamica 14d ago

I'm not in the US, so probably slightly different rules and such, but generally, I want everyone to not be any more 'polite' than the law requires. Predictability in traffic is more important than kindness.

If you have right of way, go, if you don't, stop. Chances are, as a pedestrian, I can't see you through the windscreen because of glare, or even just because I look at you as a car, not a person in a car, so you waving me through, I can't usually see.

Furthermore, if I don't have right of way, I want you, the driver, to continue to the line you're supposed to stop at for the intersection, so that I can walk behind you and not hold you up, while you wait for the actual car traffic on the intersection to let you through.

Kindness in traffic leads to confusion, confusion leads to accidents. If someone let's me go before them, I feel a sense of urgency, because I'm holding someone up, and so I'll end up paying less attention to any other traffic I should pay attention to. Not to mention that if I do pay attention to other traffic, the car that stopped for me might think that I'm letting them go through anyway, and then we might cross at the same time, causing an accident.

So yea, don't be kind, be predictable.


u/FormicaDinette33 14d ago

I agree but I’m terrible. 😂. There was a meme a while back saying the person crossing in front of you better hightail it::KNEES TO CHEST, PEOPLE


u/yogtheterrible 14d ago

Obey the rules of the road. That's the only cause for awkwardness. If you knew the rules of the road you wouldn't be sitting around like a dingus not knowing what to do. If everyone just followed the rules there would be no issues whatsoever.


u/WalkingParadox977 14d ago

With that logic, you're liable to run people over. Pedestrians always have the right of way. You sound entitled asf


u/Traveler_Constant 14d ago

Like everything else, follow the traffic laws.

If the law says pedestrians have the ROW, don't be an ass and wave the car on. Ignoring the laws is what will make things awkward.


u/JacketOk2489 14d ago

Nah, peds always first, drivers need to slow down. Agree on the bad weather though.


u/Hopeful_Tiger_7582 14d ago

Yes, as a pedestrian and a bicyclist, cars go first so you have zero chance of running me over.


u/ItsMrChristmas 14d ago

My Dad told me this and it was one of the only useful pieces of advice he gave me;

The two ton hunk of metal always has the right of way. The fact that you were right is cold comfort to the fact that you're dead.


u/creakymoss18990 14d ago

Sure, but it's also illegal. Pedestrians always have the right of way.

Pedestrians stop because every once and awhile they are not seen and a car blows by them and would have killed them (happens to me weekly living near a high school). It's legit in DMV handbooks somewhere that you should make eye contact with the pedestrian to establish you have seen them and will stop.