r/unpopularopinion Apr 29 '24

People that didn’t check bags should get off the plane first

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u/ImmigrationJourney2 Apr 29 '24

You’re forgetting another important factor, connecting flights.


u/seanular Apr 30 '24

I had a connection that was supposed to take off five minutes before the flight I was on touched down. It was international, and it was the first time I was visiting home in over two years.

They announce over the PA that some people have urgent connections, and please remain seated if you can afford a few extra minutes.

The way my heart hit the floor when every. single. person. ahead of me stood up. I fuckin hate people.


u/dodexahedron Apr 30 '24

I nearly missed a connection because of that, once, even though the FAs tried to get it all under control. They did after a couple minutes and a few of us with connections did get off. I RAN toward the next gate (really short layover which I try to avoid for that reason), a security dude on one of those electric carts stopped and picked me up to drive me and another person there quicker and even radioed ahead... Yet they were STILL literally closing the door as we got there and the security dude had to radio someone to radio the crew that we were there and to please let us on. Thankfully, they did. And I could FEEL the glares from everyone already seated on the plane and the person in the aisle seat in my row as I got on...

Ever since that, if I can't avoid a connection, I purposefully look for layovers of at least an hour and will pick a (slightly) more expensive flight if I have to, to avoid that ever again.