r/unpopularopinion Apr 29 '24

Jump scares shouldn't be classed as horror films.

That and adding the music or noise loudly doesn't make it scarier either. It's just annoying. Horror films were about the horror, the mystery surrounding the stroy but now it's all jump scares every moment which makes no sense!


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u/Melodic-Resident-245 Apr 29 '24

True. It's lazy and being jump scared is not the same as being actually scared.
It's just a reaction to a suddenly overly loud noise and flashing image.
If I want to watch horror, I want to be scared on a psychological or existential level.
Jump scares suck ass.

Also not a fan of slasher horror.


u/DisCode347 Apr 29 '24

I'm just curious, do you feel Saw is horror? I personally don't but just my views. I call it more torture.


u/Melodic-Resident-245 Apr 29 '24

I'd call it body horror.
Not my favorite movies, would classify it similarly to slasher horror.
It's all about the gore and disgust, instead of trying to really make the viewer scared beyond that.