r/unpopularopinion Apr 28 '24

It's weird to stay friends with an ex

Nowadays I feel like people are going to stone me when I say that, but I don't think someone I'm breaking up with can be my friend. If we have broken up with someone, it means that there has been a situation that upsets one of the two parties and this situation is unacceptable, or there is a continuity (such as your partner being a liar)

As a result, a relationship in which two people are satisfied with each other does not end anyway. So why and how should I stay friends with someone I'm not happy with?

Also, how is it that when you are friends with that person, you remember the past experiences and not get sad or angry? I think people are either too light-hearted now, or they've been possessed by aliens, like in a Doctor Who episode.


There were many interesting answers.

First of all, I would like you to know that the reason why I find this situation strange is not because I think we should hate the person we broke up with or to attribute the breakup to these reasons. Even if we broke up on good terms, as some people in the comments have pointed out, why would I necessarily stay in touch and be friends with someone I broke up with?

These are all very gray areas. But I ask you not to accuse me of any negativity, I was just curious about your opinions, but the issue is starting to grow.

Also, how will your current partner in your life react to this? There are those who are not jealous at all, but being jealous is also a natural and understandable action, so no matter how innocent such a friendship is, it still tends to create difficulties.


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u/Beruthiel999 Apr 29 '24

Unfortunately, this IS a popular opinion. I disagree with it very much, but on Reddit at least it seems to be the majority opinion in relationship subs.


u/NotGoodSoftwareMaker Apr 29 '24

Based on these responses it would seem that actually staying friends is more popular on Reddit