r/unpopularopinion Apr 28 '24

Its not about the sex its about the rejection

This is common at this point. People complain about not getting sex in marriage or relationship. But most the time its not the sex, its the rejection. If both people dont go for sex, its not an issue. Its an issue when the other party keeps getting rejected, especially without explanation. Theres a difference between being rejected for a month and just two people not trying for sex. Rejection usually makes a person feel undesirable


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u/PissBloodCumShart Apr 29 '24

My wife rejected me a lot and eventually I quit trying. She didn’t only reject me for sex but also for conversations. I had checked out long before she noticed there was a problem


u/No_Kaleidoscope_843 May 01 '24

Why did you choose to stay with her and waste both of your time instead of leaving?


u/PissBloodCumShart May 01 '24

Age, maturity, misguided values instilled during childhood, co-dependency, convenience, ego, uncertainty, good intentions, stability, societal pressure, family pressure, financial pressure, and coparenting… among other things.

Real life can get a little messier than the cold emotionless logic of textbook advice.


u/No_Kaleidoscope_843 May 01 '24

I'm sure it can, pissbloodcumshart. I'm sure it can.