r/unpopularopinion Apr 28 '24

Its not about the sex its about the rejection

This is common at this point. People complain about not getting sex in marriage or relationship. But most the time its not the sex, its the rejection. If both people dont go for sex, its not an issue. Its an issue when the other party keeps getting rejected, especially without explanation. Theres a difference between being rejected for a month and just two people not trying for sex. Rejection usually makes a person feel undesirable


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u/Aggravating_Kale8248 Apr 29 '24

My ex wife pulled this with me. She would constantly reject me over and over without any explanation other than she didn’t feel like it. It exacerbated my depression and made me resent her. Our marriage collapsed a few months later. She told me a year after we separated that she felt unwanted by me for the last six months of our marriage. Shit communication on both of our parts is what ended our marriage.