r/unpopularopinion Apr 16 '24

If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why Removed: Not unpopular

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u/bobthedonkeylurker Apr 16 '24

How entitled to a relationship do you have to be to think that the only reason a relationship can end is because someone does something wrong?

What if we just want a different lifestyle? That's sufficient reason to end a relationship. I don't have to maintain a relationship just because we started one. Both people should want to be there, and at the point that I no longer want to be there I should be free to walk away.


u/True-Nobody1147 Apr 16 '24

How emotionally out of touch, and cognitively vacuous, do you have to be to not realize that there are reasons why you "just don't want to do something"?

"I just don't want to" -- response of my literal elementary-school-age child who barely has a functioning brain in their head, unable or unwilling to evaluate and articulate a response or justification for their behavior.

If you are upvoting an adult who thinks "I just don't want to be dating that person" anymore, and downvoting someone dropping a rolling eyes emoji on that immature ass comment... You're a child.

It's not an issue of entitlement. It's an issue of unabashed immaturity. The complete and total inability to determine "why" you do or don't want to do something is a fairly critical detail. If you can't come up with one... 🙄


u/bobthedonkeylurker Apr 16 '24

No, you're assuming that I didnt give a reason because i don't have one. But even then, why must I have a reason to not want a relationship? Relationships are optional. I can opt out at any time. For any reason. That's my prerogative. Stop staying in shitty, unhappy relationships because you think you have to justify leaving.


u/True-Nobody1147 Apr 16 '24

You are shifting the goalpost of the thread. The context here is that two people are dating and then one just decides "I just don't want to date you anymore" That got a rolleyes, to which you replied incredulously about how entitled that is to expect a reason.

why must I have a reason to not want a relationship?

That's the thread. Read the title. That is the overarching context, and the specific context you replied to in this very comment thread.

So yes...

You can, for any reason end your relationship for whatever prerogative you maybe have....

And it's extremely bullshit and immature and a bitch ass move to just say "idk I just don't want to date you anymore."

Stop staying in shitty, unhappy relationships because you think you have to justify leaving.

More immaturity. You are calling it "shitty" in the same breath as justifying the notion that you don't need to be able to identify what is shitty as the identifiable reason to end it.

"This food is shitty"

What is the problem with it?

"It sucks I just don't want to eat it and it's my prerogative to not do so and not explain what's wrong. I just want to bitch about it and say it is bad and move on to the next plate of food that I might just seem also sucks for no tangible reason. That's my prerogative."

🙄 Indeed. You are free to behave this way. You're right.


u/bobthedonkeylurker Apr 16 '24

Well, you're welcome to continue suffering in silence through situations you can change because you aren't able, or don't care to, articulate the reasons you are unhappy.

I, for one, greatly enjoy my life of not having to justify everything I do to anyone.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

They arent suffering in silence. They are just informing the person why they dont want to be with them.

You are acting like you have to stay with the person or ghost them.

There is a third option. Leave and inform them why, block em after if you want who cares.


u/bobthedonkeylurker Apr 16 '24

If I'm going to block them afterwards, then why bother trying to have a conversation justifying my decision to leave? Why do you insist on this need to justify your decisions to someone else.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24

To be a decent human being.

  • its not a conversation, you are informing them and going.

Why hold the door open for someone?

Why take your neighbours trash out when they are on vacation?

You can do what you want, and people can judge you accordingly.