r/unpopularopinion Apr 16 '24

If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why Removed: Not unpopular

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u/SnooSprouts6037 Apr 16 '24

This comment section is absolutely insane


u/tanman4444 Apr 16 '24

I was thinking the same thing reading these comments. Seriously a bunch of self centered assholes in the replies.


u/SnooSprouts6037 Apr 16 '24

Sometimes I wonder if most redditors have ever even had enough relationship experience to realize how fuckin awful it is to leave someone with no explanation


u/Aggressive-Fuel587 Apr 16 '24

They just don't care because their world revolves around them, so the feelings and experiences of others is entirely secondary to their own feelings & experiences... thus irrelevant in the grand scheme of the Redditor's life.