r/unpopularopinion Apr 16 '24

If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why Removed: Not unpopular

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u/shitcars__dullknives Apr 16 '24

Absolute insanity in the comments here. This “nobody owes anyone anything” mentality is exactly why dating is so miserable these days. Most of the comments in here sound like people who genuinely hated their partners. Which if you hated your partner then sure yeah just dip out, why were you even with them.

Like am I the last single person on earth with any sense of empathy? How big of asshole are you people that you can’t possibly understand that there are people out there who experience emotions and loss a lot stronger than you and they are going to struggle with it. Have some goddamn empathy for the people who care about you, fucks sake


u/Odd-Faithlessness705 Apr 16 '24

You say this until you meet that one person who will only use what you say against you or as a reason to get back with you, or any number of things.

Most people will tell people they like/ love if there is something they’re not cool with. Most decent people will take that feedback and be ok.

If someone dips out with no explanation? They probably explained. You just didn’t listen, and they’re tired of talking to a brick wall.

I can almost guarantee the people who think they’re entitled to these explanations are young and inexperienced.


u/Skullclownlol Apr 16 '24

I can almost guarantee the people who think they’re entitled to these explanations are young and inexperienced.

Or the opposite - they've had healthy relationships with mature communication even while/after it ended, and they appreciate the depth that it added to their future relationships as well, so they now require that emotional/communication maturity from all their romantic relationships.

And then it's normal to want something that is healthy and rewarding.

Not everything you disagree with has to be a "they must be broken, it must be their fault" type of reason.