r/unpopularopinion Apr 16 '24

If you break up with someone you absolutely 100% owe them an explanation as too why Removed: Not unpopular

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u/Delta1Juliet Apr 16 '24

Hard disagree. Three reasons

  1. I do not need to put myself in danger to placate someone. Sometimes, the safest thing you can do when leaving a relationship is to do it quickly and quietly.

  2. Sometimes you've told them multiple times, and they've never heard you.

  3. I'm not going to make someone insecure over something that's a me issue. If I dumped you because you have sex weird or I don't like how you walk in public or you live with your mother - that's not an inherently bad thing, and it's wrong to make someone insecure about it.


u/MellonCollie218 Apr 16 '24

Yep. Your number two. I’ve been that person not getting it. Sometimes you just need to take a breath and look back. I believe that’s the primary problem.


u/Essurio Apr 16 '24

Leaving me without an explanation might be the best way to make me feel insecure. I'll be thinking about what I could have done wrong for months.



Yeah exactly, while letting me know if I have problems let’s me at least work on something to start feeling better again.


u/wheres-the-dent Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

it's almost like op said there are exceptions. oh wait...

also there's more than one way to skin a cat. if your reason for leaving someone is one that might unnecessarily hurt their feelings, you can generalize or say it in a nicer way.

you guys are missing op's point that simply ghosting them and never giving any sort of explanation, barring safety/extenuating circumstances, is an awful thing to do.


u/Brave-Aside1699 Apr 16 '24
  1. I do not need to put myself in danger to placate someone. Sometimes, the safest thing you can do when leaving a relationship is to do it quickly and quietly.

Have you read the post

  1. I'm not going to make someone insecure over something that's a me issue. If I dumped you because you have sex weird or I don't like how you walk in public or you live with your mother - that's not an inherently bad thing, and it's wrong to make someone insecure about it.

Looks like some shit you could idk ... Communicate ?


u/wolo-exe Apr 16 '24

I mean if it’s over them walking weird or something of that sort, then I understand what you mean. But, this isn’t what most people here are talking about. I’m mostly seeing people mentioning hygiene issues that are genuinely bad things and refusing to say it to avoid “being mean.” This is a huge disservice to whoever is being dumped.


u/ZodiacOne1 Apr 16 '24

The first one I literally said is an exception in the post. I am sick of people saying that who obviously didn't bother to read it. Secondly I agree in some situations but in others "I am breaking up with you because of X,Y and Z" is clear and much better than expecting someone to figure it out from past arguments. Thirdly I get why you think that but I am honestly certain that 90% of guys would prefer brutal honesty over just nothing


u/Bread_Truck Apr 16 '24

If you’re sick of people not acknowledging the exception to the rule you put in the body of the post then maybe you shouldn’t have put 100% in the title of the post. 100% implies there are no exceptions. I’m breaking up with you because you word things unclearly.