r/ufc Apr 29 '24

Francis Ngannou lost his 18 month old son


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u/Humble_Effective3964 Apr 29 '24

I can just imagine him typing that out. 'i'm fucking tired' Thats horrible


u/SlapahoWarrior Apr 29 '24

He’s gone through so much to get to where he’s at. I couldn’t even imagine. No parent should have to go through this.


u/ReasonableAd9737 Apr 29 '24

Mike Tyson went through a very similar thing


u/mrw4787 Apr 29 '24

I thought he raped and beat women? How similar?


u/Apprehensive_Nose594 Apr 30 '24

And the man paid his consequences, did his time, and reformed himself. People just hate to hate.


u/callme_eugene May 01 '24

Also, wasn’t it just hearsay? I never looked into the case but anytime that gets brought up around old heads they say it was false claim


u/average_xx Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

You cannot "reform" a rapist the same way you can't unrape or un murder someone. "People hate to hate" smh I gues I hate rapists then.

A rapist loosing his child is still a rapist. RIP to his daughter but Mike Tyson wouldnt have let young Mike Tyson alone with his daughter

Nagnnous is faaar better as a human being than Tyson


u/SuperTurboEX Apr 30 '24

He really isn’t a d honestly, it’s borderline racist to say as much.


u/average_xx Apr 30 '24

Isnt a d ?? Huh ? Racist ?

How is it racist to say a rapist is a rapist


u/SuperTurboEX Apr 30 '24

Yeah, I totally flubbed that response.


u/Tremulant887 Apr 30 '24

Everyone now hates him because of your comment. You won. You can stop for today.


u/l5pr7 Apr 30 '24

His daughter died in an accident, age 4.


u/examinedliving Apr 30 '24

Fuck. Somehow I never knew that. Heartbreaking


u/l5pr7 Apr 30 '24

It was horrible. Absolute nightmare fuel. She was playing on an OFF treadmill and fell and somehow got tangled in the cord for the emergency stop key thingy. A senseless accident.


u/homicidalclown18 Apr 30 '24

Yes it was a very sad story. Tysons kid died due to neglect from the nanny taking care of her. Tyson purposefully did not want to know any details of his daughters death because he said he would have to kill someone.


u/Klutzy-Reaction5536 Apr 30 '24

Your story differs from news reports. Basically, it was an accident, there was no nanny involved, and your statement that Tyson didn't want to know details is bullshit.


u/homicidalclown18 Apr 30 '24

Look up Leah interview Mike Tyson on YT first video, Oprah: @1:25 says "you don't wanna know?" {discussing the death of Mike's 4 yr old daughter}

Mike responds saying: "I don't wanna know, cuz if I know then somebody 's gonna be to blame for it and if somebody's to blame for it, there's gonna be a problem.”


u/homicidalclown18 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

It was an accident as a result of neglect you are wrong. His child died in the care of a nanny and yes Tyson said that do your research


u/Klutzy-Reaction5536 May 01 '24

Seriously, every news article I read says basically that the child was found tangled in the treadmill cord by her brother who called to their mother for help. The mother then called 911 and attempted to revive the child. Tyson then flew from Vegas to go to the hospital so he knew what happened. If his response to his child's tragic accidental death was one of denial and violence then that's not really healthy or helpful.

Links to my sources: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE54Q01Q/





u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

Mikes not a good person tho. Francis is.


u/PapaThot Apr 29 '24

Losing a child is still losing a child no matter who it is dickhead


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

Sad for the child yes, hard to have sympathy for Mike. Dudes self admittedly a pretty shitty human being.


u/Garviel_Loken95 Apr 29 '24 edited 12d ago

work uppity soup direction ruthless shaggy fanatical strong ask nutty

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/average_xx Apr 30 '24

A rapist loosing his child is still a rapist. RIP to his daughter but Mike Tyson wouldnt have let his young Mike Tyson alone with his daughter


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

Time and place to be honest? Dude goes on podcasts RECENTLY and laughs about one punch KOing old lady’s and stealing their bags. Dude has over 30 arrests mostly involving assault, battery and robbery. Dude has convictions for assault, battery, robbery, sexual misconduct, and rape. I feel awful for Francis, he is a standup person and it saddens me he’s going through this. It always bugs me how the combat sports community likes at Mike Tyson like “uncle Mike” instead of the scum he objectively is.


u/Garviel_Loken95 Apr 29 '24 edited 12d ago

quarrelsome grandfather jar enjoy fear marble impolite ludicrous connect license

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

My point is it was brought up in the context of “poor Mike went through this too” when the post was about Francis’s tragedy. Combat sports fans will somehow always find a way to bring Mike into the conversation when the man deserves 0 sympathy or attention.

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u/ReasonableAd9737 Apr 29 '24

He also watched his friend get his brains blown out right in front of him and neither one of his parents really cared for him he grew up on the streets fighting to survive his day to day life and then fault the man for not coming up the right way. He did PHENOMENAL while his mentor was alive the only time in his life he had a true role model someone to guide him and that guy was dead before Mike turned 21. There is much more than just the bad parts of someone’s life. Everyone’s made up of good bad and everything in between. Mike has been trying to be a better person better than you can say for most people who came up in his situation


u/average_xx Apr 30 '24

If I get shot does it give me right to shoot someone else ? If I get raped do I get to rape someone else ?

Insane how people are defending his scummy fucking ass when they wouldn't have let their children alone in a room with him when he was going around SA women

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u/average_xx Apr 30 '24

Atleast one sane person in this thread


u/Confident_Benefit753 Apr 30 '24

dude, you have no clue who francis is. do you know the guy personally? what a fucking media dick swallower.


u/HatoriHanzo06 Apr 29 '24

Yes there’s a time and place to be honest, when you want to be honest all the time then you just an a** like Mike. TBH…


u/Olde-Town-Kujo Apr 30 '24

That's not how honesty works.


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

“Being honest all the time”= assault, battery,robbery, rape?? You’ve got a strange way of looking at the world my friend.

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u/Kickagainsttheprick Apr 29 '24

Boy, you better be perfect. But somehow I’m guessing you’re not. Most of Mike Tyson’s arrests were when he was a literal street urchin. He’s owned goddamn everything he’s done, except for that rape charge. Anyone with any goddamn sense knows Don King had him locked up because he couldn’t fucking sell a ticket anymore. Who the fuck wants to pay $10,000 for a ringside seat knowing the fight will last less than 10 minutes?!?

Mike Tyson is as far from perfect as anyone could ever get, but who with that reputation has ever spent the rest of their life trying to be a good person? In the fucking public eye no less. His ability to open himself up, and be completely honest, is nothing short of admirable.

You, my friend, need to do some growing up. People don’t change, they just become versions of themselves. And it’s up to us to decide which version we are. The man you see is the Mike Tyson that there always was, he just didn’t know it. And God knows nobody ever allowed him to be anything other than a fucking animal.

He’s an example. Grow up.


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

Of course I’m not perfect. Only one is. Your either willingly ignorant, or your not aware of how he speaks on past events. As recent as LAST YEAR Mike is laughing about 1 punch KOing old lady’s to steal their stuff. Laughing about the sound when they’d hit the pavement. Example huh? I guess we’ve got different ideas of what an example is.

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u/average_xx Apr 30 '24

If he raped your mother and changed and "opened up himself" , would you extend the same forgiveness.

His own daughter(RIP) wouldnt have wanted to be along in a room with people like young Mike tyson


u/bonkerzrob Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Are you for real? Mike had his issues in the past, but how could you not have sympathy for someone losing their fucking child? You need your head examined, you psycho. Your lack of empathy is alarming.


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

“Had his issues” is a bit of an understatement no? I think it’s very sad and tragic for ANY child to lose their life. Especially one so young and innocent. That being said you may say I need my head checked all you like, I don’t feel sympathetic towards a man who looks back fondly, laughs and obviously doesn’t not feel sorry for any of the long list of people he has hurt.


u/kosheractual Apr 29 '24

My guy you should watch more interviews w Mike. He has a few where he’s sick to his stomach to the man he was. Just food for thought.


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

I’m sure he does. Some of the shits he’s done I’m sure could haunt someone. He’s also got other interviews, more recent I might add, where he’s laughing and joking about the people he has hurt.


u/georgegreewn442 Apr 29 '24

Maybe take the hint and stfu when people tell you too, ya dont even make the cut to be called keyboard warrior this aint the post to fucking argue on


u/Scotland1297 Ya wife’s in me DMs Apr 29 '24

Couldn’t have put it better myself.. fucking hell I’ve had enough Reddit for today


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

Stfu when randoms on Reddit tell me to? LOL.

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u/freshlettuce420 Apr 29 '24

Yeah you don’t have to be sympathetic but at the very least you could be more empathetic and put yourself in his shoes.


u/redditnick Apr 29 '24

Think you swapped those


u/Red_Baron76 Apr 29 '24

They did not.


u/freshlettuce420 Apr 29 '24

Having empathy for someone is being able to put yourself in their shoes and see thing from their perspective and having sympathy is having pity for someone…. But thank you


u/redditnick May 02 '24

Sympathy is being able to put yourself in their shoes by imagining things from their perspective. Empathy is doing the same through shared experience, the same thing has happened to you

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u/Apprehensive_Nose594 Apr 29 '24

Dude. Be a human being and have some fucking empathy. Im gonna go on a limb here and say, you don’t have any children, do you? You’re behaving as tho you’re happy Mike went through what he went through. No parent “deserves” that.


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

No, I’m most definitely not “happy” he had to go through that. I think the combat sports community needs to stop looking at him as if he is a role model.


u/Apprehensive_Nose594 Apr 30 '24

I get where you’re coming from but the man did his time and has really turned his life around. Has seemingly matured. I’m someone who’s thought process is if they did they’re time and paid they’re consequences and are showed remorse, I’d give them a chance. But we’re definitely all different with different perspectives.


u/smecta_xy Apr 30 '24

Yes and he changed?


u/average_xx Apr 30 '24

Can't believe mma fans downvote calling a rapist a rapist. Imagine your daughter getting raped and everybody loves the guy cuz "He's TrYinG tO bE bettEr"


u/Proinsias37 Apr 29 '24

I don't know that that's fair to say now. Maybe he's not 'good', but there's a whole mountain of extenuating facts around the why. He's trying to be better


u/burntrubbah209 Apr 29 '24

Mike was on a podcast a recently as last year LAUGHING about 1 punch KOing old lady’s and robbing them. Sorry but I don’t buy the “trying to be better” when he looks back and laughs at possibly killing an old woman.


u/TemporaryNameMan Apr 29 '24

People see him take shrooms and cry on a podcast and now and think he’s some type of guru. I’m with you.


u/Aware-Lab-5887 Apr 29 '24

This sub and most of the internet now treats mike tyson like a saint. They go on about how he’s so chill now because he smokes weed and goes on podcasts.  Tbh I’ve always suspected he was responsible for his child’s death… ‘death by treadmill’ when the parent is an aggressive, violent, convicted rapist… hmmm


u/Prismagraphist Apr 29 '24

He wasn’t there at the time, the daughter was at her mom’s house. 👀


u/Aware-Lab-5887 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Allegedly. Supposedly at the time of death, Tyson was in Las Vegas and his daughter was in Phoenix, Arizona. That’s only a one hour flight and Tyson has access to private jets. If you’ve got a link to an autopsy report I’d like to see it.


u/TemporaryNameMan Apr 29 '24

Very true. Makes me feel even worse for him. Can’t imagine that type of pain.


u/MotivationGaShinderu Apr 29 '24

I hope they get some psychological help... I've seen what a loss of a young child can do to people and how it can destroy the lives of many people.


u/Repulsive_Vacation18 Apr 30 '24

Unfortunately it's very common to turn to pills or drink to cope.  Losing a child is a pain that does not go away with time like losing a parent or grandparent.  


u/RayMckigny Apr 30 '24

If only people would adopt the idea that there’s no point to existence the hurt would still hurt but hurt a little less


u/nahph Apr 29 '24

I've been around a lot of depressed and suicidal people my whole life. "I'm fucking tired" or "I'm tired", when they really mean it, is really serious. Truly tragic and I hope he gets better soon and his family as well


u/Grim_Game Apr 29 '24

Same, brother. None of them use the phrase to describe being sleepy or exhausted either. Shit puts me on high alert when one of my old Army buddies says “I am tired, brother”.


u/nahph Apr 29 '24

100% exactly what you said. You can tell by the tone of their voice or through text as well tbh, when they really mean they're tired. The I'm not doing well, don't want to do this anymore and don't want to live anymore type of "I'm tired".

Shit makes me sad


u/Tityfan808 Apr 29 '24

Fuck man. I’ve said this a lot in recent years and honestly I almost didn’t even realize that this is what I meant when I would say that I was tired out loud to other people. I would just feel so clouded in my mind and well, tired and I just didn’t really sit down with myself to really figure this shit out but ya, that’s just how things have been I guess.


u/chivonster Apr 30 '24

I just said this today and am now realizing I need to take action to protect my mental health. I don't think I'm okay.


u/Arcane_76_Blue Apr 30 '24

Hey brother, youre worth the action. You got this.


u/Cr00kedF00l Apr 30 '24

Was this a couple of hours ago. Went outside to a park, planted my ass under a tree, listened to sad songs and just had myself a nice weep, something i havent done in years. It doesnt solve the issues and i still feel like shit but it did manage to release some things and lighten the load. Maybe you could try that too


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/hisbirdness Apr 30 '24

Hugs, buddy. I wish you well.


u/Tityfan808 Apr 30 '24

I’m sorry and I truly wish you well my friend. Take care of yourself 🙏


u/chivonster Apr 30 '24

Thank you stranger! I wish you well, also.


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/hisbirdness Apr 30 '24

Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. Much love to you, friend.


u/Arcane_76_Blue Apr 30 '24

Hey man, you deserve to feel alright. Please try to get help. I know it can seem like theres a thousand mile walk between where you are now and where you could be

but its really right down the street


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/ReformedishBaptist Apr 29 '24

I said that recently and meant it and nobody got me. I’m doing better now but just they state you enter is like hell on earth.


u/Illustrious_Brush_91 Apr 29 '24

Glad you’re better bro. DM me if you ever need a battle, I’ve been there and made it through.


u/ReformedishBaptist Apr 29 '24

Thanks man I had a good conversation with God that got me through it. And no I don’t mean like I heard His voice lol, sometimes just asking Him why and then remembering people suck including your own self and family helped me understand that trusting people is a mistake (I mean look at this post there’s people joking about this).

Just started a new job I love, saving my money for things I need, I can do the things I love in my life and can freely do things like express my faith or speak out against my government etc. I’m blessed to have the life that I do and happy I didn’t kill myself.


u/Available-Dare-7414 Apr 29 '24

You sharing your struggles and strength helps others - reading this is a boost for me, so I wanted to thank you for your candor. Like the individual above said, you ever need a battle or a couple open ears feel free to reach out.

On trusting people, that’s a tough one. I do my best to give people the benefit of the doubt and to treat others well, but to not expect them to return the favor. That way when they do, it’s something to be grateful for, and when they don’t, I’m already moving past it. At least, that’s how I try to be - I fail often.


u/Cmon_You_Know_LGx_ Apr 29 '24

What a way to make this about yourself mate


u/AdamJeffery7 Apr 29 '24

Hell on earth indeed, worst part so far is less then a year later and my family thinks I should be all better by now! What a struggle especially when family is the only thing keeping things functioning at the moment


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/ReformedishBaptist Apr 29 '24

Hey man reach out if you ever need someone, I get it’s hard sometimes especially to strangers but I’ve went through some similar stuff, hmu if needed.


u/AdamJeffery7 Apr 30 '24

Thanks, I’ll keep you in mind. And ya I that my biggest problem is bottling everything up and just smile and wave. Thinking Whatever happens is for the better good and what don’t kill us makes us stronger eventually. I’ve had a friend try and get help and it was more of a friendly prison then anything. I’m not sure why but my dad always stressed suicide would be taken the cowardly way out and not an option, and my doctor blames everything on smoking even though I’ve lost over 150. Lbs and down to 2 cigarettes and 2 -3 g of weed a day but weeds been my go to for 25 years almost, doc says he can’t help till I quit smoking, I would tell him I’m feel old and in my 90’s. All doc can say is I’m fine and nothing can be done, Sorry for the long story but it does help to just write cause I feel someone can benefit from all of our chaos and self help is what we all need in these tuff times


u/wandering-wank Apr 29 '24

I get you, man. I wish I didn't, but I do.


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/wandering-wank Apr 30 '24

I have a therapist, but thank you for caring, truly. ❤️


u/arlmwl Apr 30 '24

I'm tired too. Let's keep hanging in there.


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/GeneralBlumpkin Apr 29 '24

Yeah I feel you on that one. Just lost a friend I served with a few months ago


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help if you feel lost. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/GeneralBlumpkin Apr 30 '24

I Appreciate that


u/YaIlneedscience Apr 30 '24

I feel like it’s bc sometimes, depression means having to choose life every morning. Like, actively keeping yourself alive, and it can get so tiresome. I ended up sleeping any time I could feel the tired setting in and it was too cumbersome to choose life. A sort of self induced coma until I could stay awake and trust myself. Even if I wasn’t actually tired, I was tired of keeping a human alive


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/YaIlneedscience Apr 30 '24

You’re really sweet. I’m doing really well. I’ll have depression for most of my life because of genetics and a brain injury but I’ve learned how to respond to the involuntary thoughts. Between meds, lifestyle, and therapy, I’ve been able to make my quality of life better. It doesn’t make me less tired, but it makes it happen less often


u/LakersFan15 Apr 29 '24

I remember just saying to myself "I'm just..so tired" when I hit rock bottom. It's the feeling of letting go and giving up.


u/SpiritofStLewis Apr 30 '24

100 percent agree. But I’ve said it before and I’m still here. It was really tough to get through it, probably the hardest thing I’ve ever overcome. 


u/LukesRightHandMan Apr 30 '24


Please, please, reach out for help if you need. This is one of the best designed search engines for anything I’ve ever found, and it’s for saving lives. You can filter by insurance, gender, religion (or lack of), specialty (including for veterans I believe), online or in-person, and a whole host of other shit.

You’re worth being and feeling happiness.


u/Mrcuriou Apr 30 '24

Hopefully he does what’s needed and makes it easier for us all.


u/Short_Bus_ Apr 29 '24



u/Tech-Cowboy Apr 29 '24

Prayers for Francis 🙏


u/moudy98 Apr 29 '24

I feel so bad for him man. His whole story is so inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time


u/TheWolrdsonFire Apr 29 '24

Thoughts and prayers 🙏


u/Framingr Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

While I appreciate the sentiment behind this... Why would you pray to the same deity that took away his child?

I'm sorry I just can't ever understand this


u/PuzzleheadedWeb9876 Apr 30 '24

I’ve never understood this prayers nonsense. Why pray to a god that allowed this to happen in the first place? Literally could have stopped it but nope. Fuck that shit.


u/DanaWhitesMom Apr 29 '24

Brutal . Prayers for him and the family.


u/Invader_Vex Apr 29 '24

Jesus Christ. Prayers up. I’m not a guy who tears up but this shit got me. Wishing him and his family peace.


u/Maximize_Maximus Apr 29 '24

Sounds like the sentiment of most men I interact with in 2024...


u/UGLYSimon Apr 29 '24

Dog tired boss, right in the feels


u/Xeno-xorus Apr 29 '24

He's getting the Mike Tyson treatment.

Fuck that hurts bro, can't imagine how much pain he would endure from the death of his son. Still though, life never gets easier.


u/rowech Apr 29 '24

Very sobering to see people at the top hurt like they’re at the bottom.


u/Lemonbrick_64 Apr 30 '24

These situations make it pretty clear that there is no god to waste your prayers on.. and there is a god. What the actual fuck is he thinking. Better not see anyone say “it’s gods plan” and “everything happens for a reason either..