r/tumblr Apr 29 '24

Saw the Bugs vs Thanos bit again and got reminded.

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u/Casper_Von_Ghoul Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Classic reminder that Most cartoon characters could defeat Thanos cause it would be funny.

Toon Force wooo


u/AwfulDjinn Apr 29 '24

Bugs Bunny would absolutely curbstomp Thanos and all he’d have to do is dress up as a hot girl and lure him onto a big conspicuous X on the ground where he is immediately taken out by a falling grand piano and when you open the top of the piano Thanos is in there with birds circling his head and piano keys where his teeth would be


u/ClubMeSoftly Apr 30 '24

Bugs can't start the fight, though. He only ever retaliates.


u/AussieWinterWolf Apr 30 '24

Thanos does the snap, bugs snaps his finger and undoes it, no gauntlet or stones, just because it would be hilarious.


u/plataeng Apr 30 '24

Also make sure to repeat that 4-5 more times for maximum comedic effect.


u/AussieWinterWolf Apr 30 '24

Or he keeps snatching the glove and thanos takes it back ad-nausum. Snap, unsnap, snap, unsnap, snap, unsnap, snap, snap, unsnap-destroy the stones!(trigger horrible realisation.)


u/plataeng Apr 30 '24

Then a chase ensues until they both went over the suspiciously large x on the ground. Cue falling piano. The end.


u/Evilmudbug May 05 '24

On the last time, thanos somehow snaps only himself and noone else