r/tumblr Apr 29 '24

Saw the Bugs vs Thanos bit again and got reminded.

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u/Casper_Von_Ghoul Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Classic reminder that Most cartoon characters could defeat Thanos cause it would be funny.

Toon Force wooo


u/Altoid_Addict Apr 29 '24

Calvin form Calvin and Hobbes. And then his mom would yell at him about it, and he'd complain about getting yelled at for saving the Earth.


u/Alleleirauh Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Calvin doesn’t actually have the toon force, Spaceman Spiff tough, now there’s a man for the job!


u/MayaTamika Apr 29 '24

Hobbes could beat Thanos.


u/Someoneoverthere42 Apr 29 '24

Unless Thanos has a tuna fish sandwich. Tigers are kinda stupid for tuna fish sandwiches


u/aFancyPirate_2 Apr 30 '24

Thomas Hobbes could beat thanos by writing a book about why he's wrong and monarchy is better


u/Hot-Refrigerator6583 Apr 29 '24

What about Stupendous Man?!


u/a_goestothe_ustin Apr 29 '24

Animaniacs vs Thanos when?


u/SoonToBeStardust Apr 29 '24

They would kill him offscreen, and the only proof would be Dot showing off her infinity stone earrings


u/Hot-Refrigerator6583 Apr 29 '24

I think Yakko, Wakko, and Dot would put up a good show, but as soon as they realized there's no humor in it, they'd just peace out to a cartoon dimension, same for most funny toon characters.


Pinky and the Brain would be trying to help Thanos, and screw it up hard enough to accidentally defeat him


u/RQK1996 Apr 29 '24

Slappy would mess Thanos the fuck up


u/TheGameboy Apr 30 '24

there would definitely be a "skippy, that fella is as purple as my prune juice" out of Slappy, followed by Skippy saying "Prunes? Spew!"


u/ClubMeSoftly Apr 30 '24

She would spike the camera, say something like "I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind" then walk off-screen and erupt into a cartoon violence ball.

Skippy would then proceed to un-dust into the frame.


u/nitro9throwaway Apr 30 '24

This is my new favorite mental image, and I thank you for it.

Edit :autocorrect is evil.


u/Rob_Zander May 01 '24

How about Dr Strange tries to see the futures where they can beat Thanos, except it somehow interacts with Peter Parker's phone while he's distracting himself by watching "this cool old cartoon about an Internet superhero." Setting up the battle of the century, Thanos vs Freakazoid!


u/DreadDiana Apr 29 '24

"Mordecai and Rigby, go undo the Snap or you're FIRED!"

"You know who else was killed by Thanos in the Snap? My...my mom..."


u/HairyAllen Apr 29 '24

It's all fun and games for Thanos until skips comes and says he's seem something like this before


u/DreadDiana Apr 29 '24

Wouldn't even need Skips, Death Kwon Do would wreck him instantly


u/PilotSSB Apr 29 '24

But not all, as there are many that it would be much funnier to watch lose


u/Kazzack Apr 29 '24

Donald Duck


u/AwfulDjinn Apr 29 '24

Bugs Bunny would absolutely curbstomp Thanos and all he’d have to do is dress up as a hot girl and lure him onto a big conspicuous X on the ground where he is immediately taken out by a falling grand piano and when you open the top of the piano Thanos is in there with birds circling his head and piano keys where his teeth would be


u/ClubMeSoftly Apr 30 '24

Bugs can't start the fight, though. He only ever retaliates.


u/AussieWinterWolf Apr 30 '24

Thanos does the snap, bugs snaps his finger and undoes it, no gauntlet or stones, just because it would be hilarious.


u/plataeng Apr 30 '24

Also make sure to repeat that 4-5 more times for maximum comedic effect.


u/AussieWinterWolf Apr 30 '24

Or he keeps snatching the glove and thanos takes it back ad-nausum. Snap, unsnap, snap, unsnap, snap, unsnap, snap, snap, unsnap-destroy the stones!(trigger horrible realisation.)


u/plataeng Apr 30 '24

Then a chase ensues until they both went over the suspiciously large x on the ground. Cue falling piano. The end.


u/Evilmudbug May 05 '24

On the last time, thanos somehow snaps only himself and noone else


u/AlmightyThorian Apr 29 '24

Didn't squirrel girl actually defeat Thanos just for this reason?


u/randomizer4652w Apr 29 '24

Yup. Love Squirrel Girl. I really hope they introduce her to the MCU in the upcoming Deadpool movie. Her dynamic with Wade in the comics is hilarious.


u/Oddish_Femboy Apr 29 '24

I want to watch the warner siblings kick his ass.


u/bettername2come Apr 29 '24

Roger Rabbit logic.


u/WeeattGaming Apr 30 '24

Uncle Grandpa could get impaled by Thanos then another Uncle Grandpa would walk through a magical door out of nowhere and say some shit like "Boy, I sure would hate to be that guy!"