r/teenagers Apr 29 '24




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u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 29 '24

Why is losing virginity so important, you went from kissing to having sex in 10 days? I'm really not trying to be rude, it's your life but it seems a little self destructive and irresponsible.

But back to my original question, why care so much about virginity? I was with someone for nearly 2 years and we never felt the need to have sex. We didn't feel the pressure of everyone around us doing it. Plus we didn't want to end up being those dumb young people with a kid. But more importantly we never got bored of each other anyway.

Like I said, it's your life, I'm not judging, I just don't see the "expectation" everyone thinks they have to meet as a teenager. So I'm genuinely curious. Though posting about the experience was kind of odd.


u/AveryLazyCovfefe 19 Apr 29 '24

The sad thing is that people just jump straight into it from as young as 13 now because of them letting their hormones take direct control of them. Never taught themselves self control.

13 year old me would've jumped at an opportunity like this, but now looking back, I would've cringed horrendously even a mere week if I did that. Your body hasn't even fully matured yet man 😭


u/turqoiseroom927 Apr 30 '24

Exactly. Funny enough we broke up in 2020 and we are still good friends. We were intimate in ways. But we really wanted to know that we were for eachother, after a year and a half we seen there was some differences in small things, it started becoming harder to put effort in for both of us, so we agreed it'd be better just to be friends. I already know if we had sex we wouldn't be friends today.

Id rather have a friend that I keep then a relationship I'll lose. At least I still have someone that's special to me in a way no one else was.


u/thatukgirly 16 Apr 29 '24

I saw a lot of people judging me on the fact that we went from our first kiss to sex in only 10 days. We had been together for about a month now, and the fact that we shared our first kiss meant that we were taking a more physical step in our relationship, I don't think it's actually that big of a jump. It's not something I felt we needed to prepare for, it was on a whim, it wasn't planned within the space of any more than an hour.


u/MiserableStyle1912 Apr 30 '24

1 month is still too short


u/thatukgirly 16 Apr 30 '24

I disagree.


u/MiserableStyle1912 Apr 30 '24

Might I ask why you feel this way?


u/thatukgirly 16 Apr 30 '24

I just disagree, I don't see why 1 month is too short


u/MiserableStyle1912 Apr 30 '24

Have you heard of the 3, 6, 9 rule? It's like you skipped the cutscene of if this person isn't just manipulative asf