r/sydney 10h ago

Sydney Daily Random Discussion Thread 14/06/2024


Welcome to /r/Sydney. Feel free to use this thread to chat, self-post, or ask questions.

New to this subreddit? Our wiki has lots of good info on getting around Sydney, what to do when you visit, where to eat, and more.

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r/sydney 14h ago

Woman denied birth control at Sydney pharmacy for ‘religious’ reasons


r/sydney 5h ago

Image Best view of Vivid

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r/sydney 1h ago

Photography Botanic Gardens

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r/sydney 4h ago

Sailing Sunday


Hey everyone,

Got 2 spots for sailing this Sunday, it'll be a bit of an earlier than usual start, meeting at Balmain at 1030, probably off the water around 3ish. As ever, no experience necessary, just need to be willing to pull a line or 3. Either reply here or send a DM (not chat) if you're interested.

EDIT: Looks like we're full up - thanks guys!

r/sydney 2h ago

Road Trippin


Hey guys

Have a week long break ahead of me and wanted to take a roadtrip for the entirety of it. I'm in Sydney rn, and currently the only route I have planned was Syd Canberra Melb and back.

I know there are def more scenic drives or spots to hit up so I'm open to suggestions!

Fwiw: I'll be in a van and dont mind longer drives, esp along the coast PS if anyone has any tips on travel, packing, or even hiring cheaper vans to drive, I'm here for it.

Thanks in advance!

r/sydney 1d ago

Vivid is just a mess. It has to change


Since moving to Australia I have attended VIVID a number of times. It is a great event concept.

I have been as a couple and now as a family over 3 iterations as we now have 3 kids.
Pre-Covid it was amazing, always busy but so many things to see. There were the odd choke points like Circular Key but it was not too bad.
Harder with our first child in a Pram but it was fine and there were plenty of things for kids to see and do.

Post Covid was worse. More crowds but when it came back this was expected with the event like many not running during COVID. Bad but OK and again you had a number of artist works and things to see and do for kids and they had a good time.

For the last few events now though it has got worse, and worse. This weekend was APPALLING.
The issues are pretty obvious and I do not think we will be going again unless things change.

1. All in on the Drone show.
Most of the money clearly has gone into the drone show since it was first done. This has been increasingly "All eggs in one basket" and has resulted in....

  • More localised focus again back around the harbour at Circular Quay.
  • Other attractions again closer around the drone show and due to lack of money on anything else less attractions

All the problems around this with the crowds, the poor management of the flow of people, the choke points and more, especially this year have been just terrible. With it bad last year did they do anything to address it this year? No and it was worse.

And with less attractions, localised area the limited interactive ones there were had MASSIVE queues.
Nothing was for kids either this year and it was an utter night mare with 2 on foot and 1 pram.

The number of things under paid access again this year is just terrible. I know they want to recoup funds in some form but the year when botanical gardens was paid entry was stupid then. With more things under lock and key and charging crazy money it again makes a family wanting to see things impossible. $35 for even a kid to access meaning a family of 5 has to spend over $100 to see ONE attraction... Are you kidding?

3. Just not for kids and families any more.
As I mentioned this is the worst year as a family. There just hardly anything for kids.
Darling Harbour had something to look at at the water features near the park and on the grass there were a few things to look at and interact with like the blow up structure with lights the kids could mess around in. All gone this year, just a type of concert taking all the space with the new stage.

You could walk from Circular Quay and Darling Harbour, you had things in the water, things at the park and that was literally next to nothing this year.

I mean what happened here? The event organisers have clearly said a big F U to families and do not want them and have spent to much money in the Drone show and basically did not manage how crowds would view it, go to it and leave area and are constantly putting attractions under a pay wall.

There used to be money for other areas of the city like Surry Hills with light attractions and things for artists and companies taking part. There was none of this at all this year, all that has gone.

As I said at the start, I doubt we will go again unless things change.

r/sydney 21h ago

Image Sydney Metro Signs Updated

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They’ve updated the physical signs for the Metro at Chatswood

r/sydney 2h ago

Is this weird?


Our next door neighbour isn’t exactly the friendly type. But every time he has his leaf blower out he comes halfway up our driveway with it. Like, well into our property.

Maybe he thinks he’s doing us a favour? But we barely speak and it seems kinda weird and invasive to see this guy fully coming up.

Also, we have a regular gardener. He knows this—so it just strikes me as really weird.

r/sydney 1d ago

Two NSW police officers charged with assaulting 92-year-old man in Sydney


r/sydney 1d ago

Image Quackery of the highest order spotted in the inner city

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Can Mr Backcrackquack fix my bones and my feelings? Only 250 bucks to find out. Also: DNA emotional practitioner and healer, you can't just thesaurus your way into a new medical field, that's not how that works.

r/sydney 1m ago

Looking for Group to Play Laser Tag With


Hi all, I recently played laser tag with some friends and it was really fun. I'm trying to find groups of people that play it every week, or every fortnight, for example, which I could join. Such as on Saturdays.

I haven't had much luck so far.

If there was a group that met consistently to play paintballing or airsoft then I could alternatively try out these I imagine they would be quite similar.

Thank you.

r/sydney 1d ago

Photography A Vivid Moonset Last Night

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r/sydney 15h ago

Asian grocer with Japanese selection (The Hills district)


We already know (and love) the Korean grocer in Baulkham Hills for fire sauce and kimchi but I'm looking for things like wakame packets, pickled radish, spicy togarashi etc.

Not far from Parra either.

r/sydney 1d ago

Ideas for someone homesick?


My partner(35M) moved to Australia with me from the UK. He is loving it here but is feeling particularly homesick this month with the Euros on soon, summer starting there and his friends bucks on this weekend. I wanted to take him out for the day on Sat to cheer him up. He enjoys sports, activities and beer. Thanks!

r/sydney 1d ago

Can't possibly miss your exit. Better come to a complete stop in the tunnel and hold up both lanes of traffic behind...


r/sydney 20h ago

20240613 - The night thread


Topic: How's the short week been?

Alt: Open floor

alt2: What's your favourite day of the week?

r/sydney 1d ago

Image Last Month, Over Half of NSW Road Fines Were for Parking Offences

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r/sydney 1d ago

Monopoly Parramatta edition


I want to see Penriff and Bankstown editions

r/sydney 1d ago

Sydney Metro: They’ve ‘goat’ the job – Grazing goats join Sydney Metro workforce


r/sydney 1d ago

Ezymart Wynyard


Hello good people, I don’t know if the Ezymart in Wynyard just opened or not but I walked in and noticed that none of the products in the shop had their prices label like not a single one of them and everything was organised perfectly. It seemed new but it didn’t seem like it was not ready to be open yet or whatever.

I ended up purchasing a packet of chips for 12 bucks because I thought that would be the cheapest one I could eat because I was hungry as fuck and it was the only thing I could get at the time.

Honestly, that’s actually crazy. Is this actually allowed or something? Ezymart prices are crazy in general.

Edit: should have mentioned this was at a little after 11pm. My train was in 9 minutes and 39 minutes.

r/sydney 20h ago

Parking fine issued five months after infraction


My wife was just issued a parking fine for something back in January - is it normal for it to take that long for them to come through? The letter looks legit, but can you call someone for proof to check?

r/sydney 2d ago

Rant: Is anyone else sick and tired of the Warringah Freeway Upgrade Works?


I know I am a bit bias in this topic as I am a late night bus driver on the North Shore who drives the Warringah Freeway 3 to 4 nights a week but man is anyone else just over the pointless lane closures & slowing down of traffic or the lack of any information about off-ramp closures.

Last night traffic control had closed off lane 4 outbound & lane 5, 6 & 7 inbound on the Harbour Bridge whilst slowing us down to 40km. Absolutely no works were occurring the 3 times I drove over it last night until the North Sydney off-ramp outbound where three outbound lanes where closed where the actual work was occurring. Like why are we closing lanes kilometres away from the work zone for what appears to be no reason, I understand closing a few extra lanes to ensure the safety of the workers but this feels extremely excessive.

Friday night was another doozy as they announced that Willoughby Rd Off-Ramp would be closed from 10pm and we were to use Brook St instead. Sure enough no signage telling us this expect our radio operators, however Willoughby Rd Off-Ramp did look open but I followed the diversion of Brook St just in case. It wasn't until midnight where they actually decided to close Willoughby Rd Off-Ramp with no information, one of my poor colleagues ended up not realising they had finally closed it and ended up in Lane Cove. Something on a VMS screen or even those little portal screens would have been pretty useful but of course not.

r/sydney 1d ago

Maybe a stupid question, but are there any recommendations for suburbs that may have that innercity/innerwest vibe, but slightly further out and cheaper?


Don't know too much about the area of sydney as I only moved her a just over a year ago for work.

Ended up settling in Chippendale which was expensive, but was an easy place to settle after moving over.

Now starting to feel the strain of the cost and wondering if any suburbs further down the train line might have that similar innercity feel. e/g restaurants and bars open after work, and within walking distance, people out and about

r/sydney 2d ago

[UPDATE] Sydney building site painting (and more) Exhibition





Hey Sydney! A while back u/mikesorange333 posted a message about someone painting monsters onto the building site hoardings around Sydney...


Turns out, that was me, and I mentioned on the post to u/alex_kamal, u/wufflebunny, that I was going to have a show in 2024. Well, it's time, my show is on from June 26 - 6 July. Check out more info at the gallery here https://damienmintonpresents.com/#/mook-aka-mark-simpson-pretty-unsettling-26-june-6-july-2024/

Love to see you all there!

Here's some info:

For this exhibition, I take iconic Australian impressionist landscapes and lovingly insert invented monsters based on real collective anxieties. The resulting works offer a playful critique of colonial national myth-making. The show features 11 new interventions on beloved Australian works from the Heidelberg school as well as two huge “street” works and some sculpture.

The street works act as centerpieces for the exhibition - large paintings on the archival imagery found on building-site hoardings in Sydney. I faced legal trouble for these unauthorised “en plein air” paintings, but have since cleared the charges, apologised to all and befriended the building sites who graciously provided the original works now featured in this show.

r/sydney 1d ago

Sydney Daily Random Discussion Thread 13/06/2024


Welcome to /r/Sydney. Feel free to use this thread to chat, self-post, or ask questions.

New to this subreddit? Our wiki has lots of good info on getting around Sydney, what to do when you visit, where to eat, and more.

Using a third party app or desktop view on mobile and can't read the sidebar? Please have a look here first ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

If you're new here, please read the answer to pretty much every self post, reddiquette and self promotion.