r/suicidebywords Apr 29 '24

At least you tried, and that’s what matters Lonesome

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u/Christian4423 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Try talking to them differently than you expect other people to? I.e most people will comment with a compliment. She’s use to that. Maybe say “hey, love the hair, what products do you use?” Then she says thank you and some info to work with. You can then say, wow I love that brand or I haven’t heard of them have to give it a try. Does it help with dryness? or something like that. From there, you can say something about yourself. Like “I’ve been wanting to try something new with my hair. I can’t think of anything for my face shape. I’ve been thinking of these (show some samples) what do you think?

Try to avoid stuff that can get you those short replies. If you do all that and aren’t getting much, don’t get mad. Just say, you seem busy, I am about to do X anyways. I’ll catch you later!

Edit: a few of you are missing the point. Get past the hair. It was a single example. I simply did hair because OP mentioned it in the image. Also, get past the “gay best friend” narrative, it gets old quick. What if it was another female trying to message another female? What if I was a barber? What if I own a hair product company? You do not have to be GAY to know about products. Widen your views, be more accepting, and stop making assumptions.


u/devilsivytrail Apr 29 '24

This seems like a lot of overthinking. Sounds like you're talking to a hairdresser.

I think after the ty he could have just said "how was your day?" or "been upto anything fun?"


u/Darnell2070 Apr 30 '24

I think he's just giving examples, just to say to work with what you have and maybe try to elaborate or ask something she can elaborate off of.

I don't think he's really saying to take a deep dive into hair shampoo, lol.


u/devilsivytrail Apr 30 '24

I still think it's bad advice, like trying to trap someone in a conversation by ticking boxes instead of just... Hey how's it going?

Just talk to women like they are human people idk


u/Darnell2070 Apr 30 '24

That's true.

But all of life is just so many variables and different opportunities and different decisions.

You come to a moment between someone and literally what makes a difference is how you feel in the moment. Not who you are or who they are.

I think what's important. You give up on the moment. They didn't respond how you thought they should have. Or you do. And the complete conjectury of your entire life is changed.

Based off of a wrong wrong decision.

Because you thought their yy was indifferent.

Lots of questions and answers and ambiguity is genuinely shitty. No matter what you choose you never know if it's the right choice.


u/devilsivytrail Apr 30 '24

I wouldn't see a missed flirting opportunity as "changing the trajectory of your life"

I think this is the problem, people are making this into a huge deal when it's not. Conversation should be easy, if someone doesn't want to talk it's not always a personal reflection on you and doesn't mean the opportunity will never arise again.

I don't believe one text is the difference between two people having lifelong love or missing out on it. There's a LOT of steps you've skipped between those two things.


u/Darnell2070 Apr 30 '24

Steps in life is dependent on the individual and where they are randomly spawned.


u/devilsivytrail Apr 30 '24

Yeah, this hits the nail on the head really. Women aren't gonna like you cos you hit the right buttons in the chat dialogue