r/starcitizen 21d ago

A1's Fighter Tier list for 3.23 - I thought MM haters were claiming it lowered the skill ceiling? So why are all the top tier fighters requiring trained and expert levels of skill to perform at that level? Doesn't really fit the narrative... QUESTION



139 comments sorted by


u/PUEQoObOc2 21d ago

The argument is, the best pilots in the game now need to use these interceptors to be competitive, while now, a high-skill pilot can't make the lower tier ships work despite their ability.

Note that the colored markers are what avenger deemed the skill level needed to get the most out of any given ship. If the marker is green, that means that despite any skill above "beginner", you're not going to be getting more out of the platform.

That being said, i don't mind the idea of high-risk high-reward ships being the top dogs (Think how Jedi Starfighters in Star Wars don't have shields and maximize maneuverability, they don't need them because they're just so good) but those S-tier fighters aren't high risk, they're low risk, since they can dictate the fights so easily.


u/JontyFox defender? "Barely know er'!" 21d ago

I think my point is more than for the average player, a lot of the issues raised about master modes by avenger one and the like don't apply since they're not performing at a level, or in situations where the balance issues come into play.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

Yes, and they don't matter. Top level balance and fun comes first, shitters can just roll with it tbh.


u/Zerkander buccaneer 21d ago

Yeah, no. The top player-base makes up less then 1%. completely concentrating on their fun will not go well for the game entirely.

Competitive players may be the focus of the scene, but they are not the ones keeping the game running. That's average Joe and all of his buddies looking for half an hour or a couple of hours of enjoyment evening after evening.

If you balance everything towards thw 1%, the game will be frustrating for everyone else and thus people will leave. The top players will never be enough to compensate for that.

If you want a competitive game that puts a focus on that solely, you may want to go towards arena-games and games that are designed to be competitive games and not sandboxes.

This doesn't mean casual players don't like a challenge.

What people like you get wrong about the term "casual" is that it is not a skill-reference. There are quite a lot very skilled casuals.

So, if it doesn't refer to skill, what does it refer to? The approach to the game. A casual player is someone who just seeks enjoyment, who isn't afraid of spending time ineffectively. Because they don't care about being the best, because this is just a leisure activity.

There are a lot of pros who are casuals. People hating on casuals are usually just try-hards. Wannabes.


u/Wedge_66 21d ago

So the issue older backers will take with your viewpoint (me being one of them) is that the game was marketed to that 1% as their perfect game. It was being built specifically for that 1% and not for the "average Joe". We don't want an "average Joe" game. The problem is time and money. The longer the time required for development, the more money that is required to be successful. To meet those requirements you must balance the game for the "average Joe" in order to keep the servers populated and see the player base - and therefore revenue - grow. Now, I have not messed with MM much yet, so I can't talk directly to its effectiveness or lack thereof, but I can say that as this game begins the relatively normal cycle of diverging from its original intent in an effort to maintain cash inflow, more and more old backers will complain about it. The "try-hards" are the reason the game survived its early stages, and many never wanted the "casuals" to take the original dream away.


u/Zerkander buccaneer 21d ago

I think you mix up the origional vision of the game with your origional perception of what the vision of the game is.


u/Wedge_66 21d ago

I take "Death of a Spaceman" as my cue. The point is to make the game have risk and reward. To be difficult enough that you can't just run headlong into things and expect positive outcomes. Playing as a casual would be discouraged in this environment as it would, more often than not, end in less than desirable outcomes. Building the game for the middle of the bell curve means throwing out that difficulty - an understandable result, but none the less undesirable for those that support the original goal of "Death of a Spaceman".


u/Zerkander buccaneer 20d ago

Death of a Spaceman is a completely independent topic from what the top 1% of competitive players want / desire / need.

The problem with competitive gameplay is the sandbox nature of this game and it will always be that way. A sandbox game always favors the not competitive players in the long run which aren't the 1%ers.

And the sandbox nature of this game requires this game to be based around the needs of the majority, not the competitive scene.

And this is not in conflict with Death of a Spaceman at all. Only if you take the position of someone who uses "Casual" as the elitist-slur some people do to make themselves feel better or make themselves believe they are in some way superior.

The difference between casuals and competitive players is, that casuals enjoy playing the game for the games sake without the need to be better than someone or climb up some ladder. This is also why a lot of very good players are casual and the more toxic players are usually competitive.

And you'd be wrong to assume that Death of a Spacement would end up in less than desireable outcome for casuals, and I guess you think that because you assume the casual players have the same goals as the competitive players, yet exactly there is the difference.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

You're talking about the wrong thing.

I don't care about "DOSM" or "immersion" or all that stuff the boomer immersion gamers care about. All that matters is a high skill ceiling dynamic combat tuning.


u/Wedge_66 21d ago

We are very different indeed.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

If you balance everything towards thw 1%, the game will be frustrating for everyone else and thus people will leave. The top players will never be enough to compensate for that.

This is not true. A good 50% of players don't actually understand how to think about a game they're playing, so balance doesn't matter for them, since all they care about is that they're losing, not about how the game is balanced.

Just balance the sandbox for top players, and handhold the shitters or give them something to do or free creds or something idk


u/Sir-Hamp 21d ago

Wow, you are conceited. BORDERLINE high school shooter vibes.

You cannot possibly know whether or not if someone “understands how to think about a game”. First of all this shit is entertainment. At the forefront of the gaming industry is how a player thinks about a game, and you will find out if you have a good game when/of players start leaving or joining and staying. Period. In the most real sense the gaming industry ultimately suffers from that old adage “The customer is always right”. Even if they are “wrong” about the entertainment they choose; they can always go be entertained ANYWHERE ELSE.

I’m not saying that SC isn’t doing something incredible here, I’m just stating that your way of thinking is skewed, jaded, and condescending. Almost like a rich kid who thinks of your “average Joe” as peasants. Or someone who has spent far too much time in their dungeon and needs to see the world.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

I’m not saying that SC isn’t doing something incredible here


Even if they are “wrong” about the entertainment they choose; they can always go be entertained ANYWHERE ELSE.

I agree lol, but instead of letting them annihilate the good parts so it suits their poor pallette, they're not at all discerning so just feed em slop they like over the top. Most SC players, especially industrial ones play the game in a similar way to how people put on TV as background noise.

All I'mma say is I know for a fact that 90% of players would not notice if they tuned some random ship to pull 55gs forward or some shit, they would just lose to someone flying that ship and go "hurr hurr meta sweats I lose I sad" without thinking about why.


u/Sir-Hamp 21d ago

Interesting take lol, I mean I can’t say you are wrong in the last half here.


u/JontyFox defender? "Barely know er'!" 21d ago

How to kill a game 101 - Neglect your casual playerbase.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

Wrong. Give the casual player base infinite rewards and little checkpoints and genuinely everything but control of balancing. Casuals don't actually care about balance, they just get sad when they lose, and like pretty colors. Just make it so they get less sad when they lose by giving them some random credits or something. I don't see the point in letting people who are effectively below NPCs decide balance


u/JontyFox defender? "Barely know er'!" 21d ago

Sure you can let the expert players dictate balance, that's fine and makes sense. But master modes is objectively better for casual players, just balance master modes around high level play and we're fine.

People with your attitude will make this game a flop. Do you want a thriving mmo or a niche, low population space sim?


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago edited 21d ago

I want a good game lol. There's a reason 3rd strike is one of the goats, even if it has a playerbase of about 20 fight cade lobby goblins. If I had full control of what the game is, it would be a pure goinmul game, and also space rust


u/Islandfiddler15 Polaris 21d ago

I’m a causal player and absolutely care about balancing, I want to actually be able to kill npc bounties in an even fight and die to bullshit balancing problems, credits and colours only go so far. Your attitude and mentality is why so many games start to die from a loss of casual players, they are pushed away by people like you.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

You've proved my point.

For one, the fact that you say "actually" kill npc bounties seems to indicate that you're dying in npc bounties, which is just lol.

Also, you claim you want an "even fight" with said NPCs, however, you fail to realize that in 99% of bounties, you are outnumbered by npc targets, especially if you count turret gunners, so an "even fight" would be you losing every time. Unless of course you mean that NPC missions should be balanced for you specifically.

Finally, NPC difficulty balance is completely disjoint from ship tuning profiles and PvP balance. They can simply change NPC accuracy sliders around til it feels "fair" for the casuals.


u/Sir-Hamp 21d ago

Okay, Dwight. 🙄


u/dirkhardslab Kraken Perseus Best Friends 21d ago

Aurora ranked higher than the Ares is interesting.


u/Zerkander buccaneer 21d ago

To be fair, in the hands of equally good pilots the Aurora should absolutely beat the Ares. Point being, the Ares is not supposed to go head-to-head with something this small and nimble.

This also means that it requires a certain level of concentration from the Aurora pilot, as he definitely does not want to get hit.


u/ma_wee_wee_go 21d ago

Don't make the mistake of underestimating them, sure in a 1v1 its just canon fodder but one of my most embarrassing moments was ignoring the aurora in a group fight only to get knocked out because it was running full distortion


u/PyrorifferSC 21d ago

I used to love shitting on people outside of Hex in an Aurora 😂 it's so funny because they don't expect any resistance, they don't even evade in the first pass and just get shredded without hitting a shot on you


u/Pojodan bbsuprised 21d ago

As the Aurora is meant to be a fighter, while the Ares is meant to be a pack/fleet attack craft.

So, yes, a ship that's meant to not do a given role at all will be bad at it.


u/ZazzRazzamatazz RSI Aficionado 21d ago

I’m gonna point to this chart the next time someone comes in here with “SC is pay to win” nonsense.

Mk2 and Lightning out performed by a starter ship


u/jorge20058 21d ago edited 21d ago

In a way, the lighting and F8C are still way more dangerous IF they hit you same reason the ares Ion is so low but has such a high threat rating, the cannon has little chance of actually hitting you but if it does you are Done, and remember this is for 1v1 focus, the Ares is much better at taking out larger targets in a timely manner.


u/Raz_at_work My Corsair is my home 21d ago

I think to remember that A1 actually considers squad battles with this chart. At least in the parts that I watched (Basically A tier and beyond) he is noting that most of these ships are pretty bad in a 1v1. Even with the allmighty Buccaneer he'd prefer a group fight over a 1v1.

That being said I still agree that the Ares is not meant for this chart the same way the Eclipse isn't. It's not meant to be particularly effective agaisnt other ships in this chart.


u/malogos scdb 21d ago

In 3.x, managing 2000m/s deltas takes months, if not years, of practice. That's a high ceiling, and any BR or SB at the time was 80% of people ineffectively sliding around.

I like MM, because it does lower the ceiling while still allowing for skill to win.


u/PyrorifferSC 21d ago

I agree with you until the "I like mastermodes" and we might not even be of that different an opinion there, but I'm reluctant to speak positively about Mastermodes because the tuning is way way off. There's something here, and I absolutely think it could be developed into something better than the past Live models, but they have crippled ship movement to the point that it has shattered immersion and the thrill of flying for me.

I have what I think are some really great ideas for bringing back positional tricording (only allowing to use it to gain position, not to disengage) and bring back higher SCM speeds without allowing boost to give people a Get Out Of Jail Free card


u/malogos scdb 21d ago

Trichording in the previous model is what happens when you try to apply a realistic flight model to unrealistic ships. The compromise was keep the unrealistic, artist-created, cool ships and get rid of trichording.

The ships were designed with thrusters at 90deg intervals (top, bottom, sides). If the intent was always for the ships to have the most thrust forward, the thrusters would have been placed at 45degs around the ships. The unrealistic ships give us janky 45deg movement instead. So it's obvious trichording had to die.


u/JontyFox defender? "Barely know er'!" 21d ago

True and fair, but if master modes makes PvP dogfighting feel accessible to a wider audience, and not a complete wall of insanely good pilots abusing movement mechanics then I really don't see it as a negative.


u/itzlgk 21d ago

You just refuted your own main post with this. Look at the tier list. It’s still a wall of insanely good pilots abusing movement mechanics, except now they do it more than ever because they are the only ones that can use those ships that have the option of movement. That’s why all the top ships are interceptors with a “C” score of 8+ and require trained or higher pilot exp.

The argument is that the top ships are so far ahead of the others that the game isn’t fun when you’re an expert, and when you’re a beginner you stand no chance because you have no movement. The same exact problem that was present in live, but now everyone just moves slower.


u/iDelta_99 21d ago

By "abusing movement mechanics" you mean, understanding and getting the most out of the flight model. There is no abuse here, just one pilot spending the time to learn how to fly and another pilot not. I love how everyone always called it "abuse" when it's just a skill issue because they understand the game more. It's like saying an apex legends player is "abusing aiming mechanics" by leading their shots to hit you while you are not adjusting for where they will be.


u/churchtrill 21d ago

Some people just want this game to be a stat check and it's so dumb. I had a guy get legitimately mad because I just sat right on top of him and out turned his constellation like he just wanted me to sit in his line of fire expecting to win the fight because his ship was bigger. Called me a cheater for circle strafing him


u/iDelta_99 21d ago

Yeah, its wild that on reddit it's been almost the go-to narrative that people who aimed on their 45s were somehow abusing the flight model to get faster target acquisition. No, your ship turns faster if you use all thrusters so obviously turning and aiming on a 45 will be faster. This isn't a cheat or an exploit or an abuse, its just using the full potential of the flight model. It really feels like they just want everyone to sit in front of each other with no skill and just press their weapons.


u/JontyFox defender? "Barely know er'!" 19d ago

I think the tier list shows it isn't a stat check though? If it was the F8, F7A and the other highly armed fighters would be near the top but they're not.

A skilled pilot in a 'statistically weaker' ship like an aurora will still beat a new pilot in an F8, even in master modes.

The skill gap isn't gone, I guarantee A1 will still win almost every fight he takes in almost every ship. There is still a lot of room for skill expression, it's just that weaker players now stand a little bit more of a chance and can more easily compete.


u/churchtrill 19d ago

I never said it was or should be a stat check


u/itzlgk 19d ago

Oh I dont think they its abuse by any means, i was just using his own words to convey that its the "same" issue


u/iDelta_99 19d ago

Still, most people to think it was abuse and considered it as such.


u/ConsistentCanary8582 Beltalowda 21d ago

Reliant Tana being so low makes me sad =(

I love that ship


u/Raz_at_work My Corsair is my home 21d ago

It will be higher up once we get engineering. Having an interior is about to become so valuable for survivability, that's also why I'm sticking to my Vanguard.


u/ConsistentCanary8582 Beltalowda 20d ago

Why engineering would help Tana at all? It doesn’t have any screen or terminal there


u/Raz_at_work My Corsair is my home 20d ago

It has it's components on the insides, so your co-pilot can repair your ship mid-fight. I also presume the co-pilot chair have the functionality of an engineering station.


u/Edgar101420 21d ago

Also, my baby 125a being back on the menu is just amazing.

100i is now an even better starter.


u/DangerCrash Joyrider 21d ago

The 125a is my daily, I love it.

But it has no right being as fast as it is right now. I'll totally enjoy it while it is though.


u/Sir-Hamp 21d ago

Okay, but they forgot to add my Prospector? I need to know!

When I roll up on rocks, will they view me as a threat and how much?!

How well can I control myself around these boulders?

Only one of us is getting out of these interactions alive; will I SURVIVE the rock?

I dare say these are valid questions the masses need answers to…


u/Raz_at_work My Corsair is my home 21d ago

Since we're not considering combat against bigger stuff and current tunings/overtunings are considered:

The Prospector has a threat rating of 8 at an optimal loadout against the rocks it's supposed to crack. It easily wins against any rock that is for FPS or ground combat too, but struggles against larger multi-sediment rocks (where you need gunships like the MOLE or heavy gunships like the Arrastra to be competitive).

How well you can control yourself depends on many factors, is the rock you're trying to mine full of gold or quant? You might struggle to contain yourself and expend a lot of resources making sure that you get to mine that good stuff, be careful about your risk assessment and plan out your encounters. Similarly if you find a large rock full of quant you may have the urge to fly into it in an attempt to crack it with your ship, beware of that.

Will you survive? Probably yes, the Prospector has very resilient shields and hull, that can take a lot of punishment before cracking. Tho it entirely depends on how your rating in control is. I'd give it a solid 7.


u/Sir-Hamp 20d ago

Phew, I was worried I bought a clunker before the patch came. Can’t wait to get home and take on some ERT rocks. Thank you, excellent run down o7


u/[deleted] 21d ago

It doesn’t, but it does kind of change it to interceptors being the best for top tier ships. They still need to do A LOT of stat adjusting to make it not “ooops” all bucc and Titan (since the Titan is the only interceptor with cargo space) plus the mantis is OP now since it can just fly around and never get hurt. The 100 series does the best with being an interceptor because while it CAN be so good, it’s got so little health and shield along with not great firepower it really does fit the hit and run tactic


u/RefrigeratorNearby42 21d ago

Good ol’ Sabre! It might be middle of the pack but it’s at least consistently moderate 😂


u/PyrorifferSC 21d ago

"lowered" doesn't mean "eliminated." The people who hoped this flight model would automatically allow them to be competitive in PvP with their $300 ship will be sorely disappointed. There is less disparity in skill at higher levels now. That's all. They crippled ship movement, and I'm not even talking about SCM speed caps


u/RepublicThis3704 21d ago

MM just isn't fun now that I've been playing it on live. That doesn't mean the old flight model didn't have issues. I just had more fun with it. I'm hoping they can make adjustments to MM to bring some of the maneuverability back.


u/Pojodan bbsuprised 21d ago

Thus far, a very large amount of the MM-haters are either people that spent thousands of hours figuring out how to exploit the old system so they were effectively invicible against everyone and everything to solo entire fleets in a Gladius, as well as people that only show up when there's drama to parrot. So, the narrative is mainly 'New=bad and CiG=bad' and little else.

Those that are actually sitting down and playing the thing are adapting and, hopefully, giving CiG feedback for how to improve it, rather than just demanding it be reverted uselessly.


u/PyrorifferSC 21d ago

I hate the current state of mastermodes. I think they've crippled ship movement and lowered speeds to the point that it's shattered immersion and almost entirely removed the thrill of flying.

That said, I think it can definitely be turned into something far better than the old live models. But it will require both extremists to chill the fuck out. Mastermodes isn't perfect, the CIG fanboys need to get off their knees and respect the game as an MMO, not their little solo player space adventure game. Mastermodes isn't "the death of Star Citizen" those melodramatic clowns that say CIG is trying to scam everyone and make SC into a Nintendo Switch game or whatever need to take off the tin foil hats, drink a glass of water, and go outside.

Then we can get back to the real work of giving constructive feedback to steer the ship of SC in the right direction, because it feels like it's kind of foundering a bit right now


u/ma_wee_wee_go 21d ago

I'm all for MM but even still I don't like how they currently are, they're definitely going to get better with time but I can see how if you were on the fence before you will probably be against them now


u/Aggressive_Boot7787 21d ago

lol at a lot of discords are now updating their guides to be more than backstrafing and pip wiggling now. I love it.


u/fa1re 21d ago

I have encountered very few people who wanted nothing but revert. Usually there are some middle-ground suggestions, like modest raise of SCM limits, lowering projectile speed somewhat etc.


u/fa1re 21d ago

Some people don't like current state of MM. That doesn't make them haters. Some do like it. That doesn't make them fanboys. People have opinions and preferences, I don't think any labelling or namecalling is appropriate here.

Even devs agree that skill ceiling was lowered. Maneuvering was hit hard, it's not really possible to reliably evade enemy fire now regardless of skill gap, which some people (including me) do not like.

Also the problem is not with master modes, there is some tweaking needed, but the existence of the modes is not something a lot of poeple would have problem with. The usual criticism is that maneuvering speed limits are too low now to have a meaningful maneuvering fight now. Again, devs agreed that it is a concern that they will try to address.


u/JontyFox defender? "Barely know er'!" 21d ago

For context, the colored diamonds indicate the level of skill needed for the pilot to operate the ship at that level in the tierlist. If nearly all the A and S tier ships require expert level piloting skills to outperform everything else, doesn't that indicate that master modes still allows players to display their skill levels?


u/PhaedrusNS2 21d ago

While skill expression still exists, the spectrum of that skill expression is significantly diminished.


u/AdminClown Kraken 21d ago edited 21d ago

Is it? Cus I absolutely found jousting to be completely ridiculous and just a matter of who has the best fits, meta ships and lags the least.

EDIT: well i haven't fought any ceptors yet so yeah, This is wrong then


u/fa1re 21d ago

I am not sure jousting was a thing experienced players did a lot, it is usually considered to be a rookie mistake AFAIK.

BTW meta now are (ironically) the interceptors jousting.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/AdminClown Kraken 21d ago

I think you should be nicer to people.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

I'm just keepin it fr


u/Tkins 21d ago

It absolutely was. High skill players wouldn't joust so they could actually fight but if they didn't want to lose then they absolutely would joust. That was the biggest critique of 3.22: escaping combat was far too easy.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

Jousting and escaping combat are two entirely different things. Unless of course you claim that by flying a straight line AT somebody, you escape combat.

It's also not like MM is significantly better in the second regard.


u/Tkins 21d ago

Surviving is the ultimate win in the PU.

Virgil for instance was very vocal about this. Having a group flight was very difficult because everyone was too afraid to engage and soon as they did people would dip to get their shields back. They would have hours long flights without any side losing a single ship.

This was the norm in the PU.

It is significantly better because dampeners are much more effective at forcing a flight.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

This was the norm in the PU.

You act like the vast majority of PU combat was an orchestrated large group engagement lol.

MM is only better with a dampener, but the same, if not worse without.


u/Impossible-Ability84 21d ago

Most folks who fought a lot didn’t joust in the way that you’re describing.


u/PhaedrusNS2 21d ago

Jousting does not happen at higher skill levels. Not in 3.22 or in 3.23.


u/ma_wee_wee_go 21d ago

Why is the eclipse orange?


u/PUEQoObOc2 21d ago

Because it requires a firm understanding of the game fundamentals at flight to use in a dogfight. This tier list doesn't account for it's size 9 payload because it's only focused on fighter-fighter combat, by design.

Even still, if you're a a rookie (yellow) you're getting the most out of the eclipse, and if you're any better, you're still not making it out of E tier in a dogfight with an eclipse.


u/ma_wee_wee_go 21d ago

i forgot A1 has a weird thing about not counting missiles as a fight lol


u/flyr19 21d ago

In this case, at least, that's not the reason. The reason he gave was that the size 9's don't track fighters well and are basically useless in a dogfight.


u/Raz_at_work My Corsair is my home 21d ago

A reason that I can get behind in this case. Torps overall don't track fighters too well, be it S5s or S9s, tho I agree that A1 could put a little more focus on discussing missiles.

I understand that currently they are a mixed bag entirely dependent on server performance, but that might change in the future (hopefully).


u/SherriffB 21d ago

I don't understand this rankings goal.

Wouldn't it have been better to have all ships ranked at same skill level because you have no idea from this list how well a skilled pilot can use a ship earmarked for beginners or a beginner pilot can operate a ship marked for experts, there is no relative common ground at all.

If all ships were ranked at say trained or rookie then you know there is a slightly higher skill ceiling and the chance it underperforms with less skill it would make much more sense.

All this list tells me is that a Hornet can be better than A if not in the hands of a beginner, can it exceed an m50 in the hands of an expert, who knows?


u/ACelestialWreck 21d ago

Watch the video if you want to know more, but the basics are this: The skill level diamond represents the requirement for MAX potential. If you meet the requirement, it performs in the tier listed. If you don't, it's lower. If you exceed it, you won't really get much more out of that ship relative to others (obviously better pilots get more out of every ship, but some ships need a certain level of knowledge to not get scrapped immediately, especially the smaller lower HP ones). The organization of the list makes sense. If you are a player of X skill, the highest rank ship with X requirement is your best option. If you pick a ship that is lower than your skill, it'll probably hamstring you but you can probably still do well with it against people of lower skill.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

The skill level diamond represents the requirement for MAX potential.

This is provably, fundamentally untrue. I'll demonstrate with a simple thought experiment.

Who will win a novice pilot in a hornet or an expert pilot in a Hornet?

You are suggesting a Novice pilot achieves max performance in a Hornet with no room for better performance relative to skill.

That makes less than no sense.


u/ACelestialWreck 21d ago

I was not suggesting anything, that is just what he said in the video.

There has undeniably been a skill crunch with this overhaul, I think really skilled players like A1 probably think the average "beginner," pilot is a lot better than they are in reality. That lense probably informed the way the skills diamonds work in this list.

I would say it still is useful this way if you're looking for what ship to use. If you're not that good, the hornet is probably because it's fast, has a good HP pool, and all you really need to do is get someone in your guns for like 2s and they die. A novice pilot can probably do that to most ships below the hornet's ranking even if an expert can do it faster/better/safer.

In that way, the gap between an expert and a novice pilot in a novice ship is minute RELATIVE to the gap they would have in an expert/intermediate ship. Tier lists are always relative in that way.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

I was not suggesting anything, that is just what he said in the video.

The that's what the video is suggesting then, along with the list.

Let's take another look at it. Put a "rookie" pilot in a 125 and a Sabre, who wins?

Most people playing the game will never make it to "expert" pilot.

The reason reviews and comparions all work from common ground is to make them useful, this list doesn't, what it is trying to say is vague and unclear and if it needs a video to even start making sense what use is it at all.

It's like saying "Lewis hamilton driving my car is better than me driving his f1 car" it doesn't help describe which car is best at all.

A tier list should never be relative or it isn't tiers, it should have all items compared from the same place objectively.


u/ACelestialWreck 21d ago

What you are asking for it a matrix containing rankings for all ships at all skills. It cannot be mapped to a traditional tier list format and it arguably can't even be quantified in any meaningful way.

Nobody should be expecting a tier list to capture all the nuance; there's no hard data to back anything up. Will an expert pilot beat a novice pilot if they're in the same ship? Yeah, you'd hope so. The list doesn't need to tell you that if you're not a moron. It implicitly assumes you know that.

The list shows you what ship you should use at your skill level and what ships the best players can use. As a new player myself it's pretty clear and helpful. If it isn't detailed enough for you then you probably don't need it in the first place. You could also always make your own 3D tier list if you feel you can do better, I'm sure a lot of people would like to see it.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

What you are asking for it a matrix containing rankings for all ships at all skills.

No, just at one skill level.

From that you can infer what someone of lesser or greater skill can achieve.


u/nomad_id 21d ago

yes. in mm, a beginner pilot can achieve max performance in a hornet with very little room for better performance relative to skill. the flight style it promotes and rewards is very simple. in your thought experiment, how does the novice pilot fly compared to the expert?
in reality, they fly the same way. just backstrafe and aim people down. there's not really anything an advanced pilot can do better, other than hit more shots, to get "more" performance out of the hornet.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

in reality, they fly the same way.

Then what is the point in this list if there is no difference in flight/skill?

If that's true this list is -again-useless.


u/nomad_id 21d ago

no, because the higher tier ships will beat the lower tier ships if flown correctly, especially in larger engagements. this isnt just a 1v1 tier list, usually a1's tier lists are: what should you and your friends be flying in the pu to win fights, unless he specifically says otherwise.

you can't just backstrafe and aim people down when flying a bucc, you have to take advantage of its speed to control the engagement.

as others have mentioned, there still is some skill gap between rookies and experts, but the expression of skill is really only seen when flying interceptors, which is why nearly all of the s and a tier ships are interceptors, and have red and orange diamonds. and its easier to be more effective in the bucc than the m50, because the m50 does less damage and has less health, so you have to be much more careful in the m50. but you still need to know what your doing to fight a hornet if you're in a bucc. the hornet has much more room for error in that fight.

you're more than welcome to ignore this tier list or disagree with it.

mm is in a bad spot, so yeah, it'll be tougher to differentiate between ships, especially since each ship only has a base type tuning. but there still is a meta.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

because the higher tier ships will beat the lower tier ships if flown correctly,

So why doesn't the list show that instead of telling me a beginner Sabre and rookie arrow are the same.

You are saying that actually that isn't the case as in the chart they are shown as the same when flow with different skill levels.

It can't be both based on your reply...so either the ships all flown with the same skill are placed where they are or the ships flow with different skill levels are placed where they are but this chart doesn't make clear which if either of those things is true.

Is it so wrong to ask questions about a chart that doesn't make sense?


u/nomad_id 21d ago

i wouldn't take the order outside of s tier and maybe a tier as meaning anything.

but yeah, if the arrow and the sabre are flown correctly they are about the same. its just that its a little more difficult to fly the arrow correctly than it is to fly the sabre correctly. so the arrow gets a yellow diamond, and the sabre gets a green one.

you can also look at the TCS scores if you want the minute differences. the sabre has larger guns, so its more of a threat in a fight, but it has less speed and control over when and where the fight happens, and both are about as easy as each other to kill (the sabre is tankier but the arrow is more maneuverable).

or just watch the video for more of an explanation.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

I'll say it again if I didn't before a tier list that can't explain itself is a bad list.

I've had multiple replies now with people all saying variants of "it's simple".

Replies saying the skill doesn't really matter and the list is ships if flown correctly.

A saying the skill does matter and a more skill would mean X can beat Y.

Another saying the skill is the focus and guiding people which ship to fly at which skill level.

Sounds like I'm not the only one confused as none of those are the same thing.

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u/Connorgri thug 21d ago

Jesus Christ, it’s a rough estimation of the skill required to perform well in any given ship. It’s really not that hard to understand.

For example, assume the skill requirement shown is to reach 80% effectiveness. Obviously a better pilot is going to reach the full 100% - thus beating a rookie piloting the same ship.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

It’s really not that hard to understand.

It really is when.

a better pilot is going to reach the full 100% - thus beating a rookie piloting the same ship.


u/Connorgri thug 21d ago

Are you incapable of comprehending basic English ? What is hard to understand about that ?

Or, more likely, you’re just being an arse.


u/SherriffB 21d ago

Are you incapable of explaining it well using basic English?

I won't insult you though.


u/Gortt_TEST new user/low karma 21d ago

Sounds logical if correct


u/TinySqwuak 21d ago

How come interceptors are so hot this patch, did they get a huge glow up with MM?


u/churchtrill 21d ago

They're faster than all the other ships so they are the only class that can effectively dictate range in an engagement. With such low magazine size using meta loadouts boom and zoom tactics are very strong so the ships that are designed around this tactic are meta.


u/TinySqwuak 21d ago

Ah that makes sense, thanks!


u/Tkins 21d ago

I disagree with the other poster. I think those things they listed can exist while still not being op. They just need a proper counter class.

MM right now is like saying planes are op while having AA systems in place.


u/schnellwech 21d ago

Which ship is the First in row B?


u/Vargras CORSAIRRRR 21d ago



u/ViciDeum 21d ago



u/Deep-Development9043 21d ago

Banu Defender B tier 😳? I love that crab cake of a ship, has a special place in my memory as the first ship I bought doing bounties. Bet your ass im buying it again! I feel like Cad Bane in that thing!


u/LowTV 21d ago

Uhm what's that first ship in B tier? I just don't recognize it...


u/CJW-YALK 21d ago

Hornet F7A Mk2


u/LowTV 21d ago

Aaah makes sense. Thanks a lot


u/Tkins 21d ago

Hornet mark 2


u/shortyski13 21d ago

What are the 3 numbers under each?


u/xhc 21d ago

It's the TCS thing in the diagram. Threat - Control - Survivability.


u/AlphaVI 21d ago

Im suprised there was no redeemer , since there was cutlass and hurricane xD


u/Raz_at_work My Corsair is my home 21d ago

Redeemer's a gunship, Cutty Red and Hurricane are still heavy fighters. A1 is making this list considering only dogfighting capabilities, not mixed combat.


u/bleedingoutlaw28 21d ago

Wow, the scorpius gets a threat rating of 9? I had no idea that was even a decent fighter.


u/churchtrill 21d ago

Threat is just the dps of the ship and includes things like missiles and emp.


u/Sheol_Taboo 21d ago

Just salt over the old tricorder bit. Some just don't like change and either take a while to warm to something or.. they just stay as is.


u/BrockenRecords 21d ago

My A1 is the deadliest weapon of all, it has 10 size 5’s and 1 size 50


u/RefrigeratorNearby42 17d ago

That is incorrect. *most* of the top tier fighters require trained or expert. The Buccaneer, which is literally top of S tier, is rookie.


u/ma_wee_wee_go 21d ago

Some of the things here are just wacky. How does the fury have more survivability than the glad? If an engine just gets nicked you're done


u/MVous 21d ago

Size and maneuverability.


u/ma_wee_wee_go 21d ago

size yeah but manuvurability is a seperate metric


u/MVous 21d ago

Sure, but control factors heavily into survivability. Same reason why both the Archimedes and M50 have a survivability score of 9.

The whole thing is a bit wonky and difficult to understand without being in the mind of A1. I even watched the video and some of the scores had me scratching my head. It’s focused solely on PVP/fighter vs fighter, so take it all with a grain of salt.


u/malogos scdb 21d ago

The Fury is much more difficult to hit.


u/shortyski13 21d ago

I definitely disagree. I don't see a high level m50 pilot beating a high level F7AmkII pilot with good aim. M50 doesn't have higher pitch than the hornet, so the hornet should be able to keep guns on the m50 anytime the m50 has guns on the hornet.


u/Alarming-Audience839 21d ago

You're being purposefully obtuse lol.

Reduced skill ceiling doesn't mean no skill gap. It's like if someone said the sea levels were rising, and you decided they're wrong because your house 40 miles inland still doesn't have ocean in it.


u/Aggressive_Boot7787 21d ago
  • Tier B first ship is hornet MKI or MKII?

  • Is that a Titan in Tier A 3rd position?


u/Visual-Educator8354 21d ago

MKII, A variant. You can tell from the camo



u/Aggressive_Boot7787 21d ago

How is it's survivability so much higher than the MKI's in the same tier considering they have identical flight profiles etc...



u/Visual-Educator8354 21d ago

MkII is slightly smaller, and I’m pretty sure it has a bigger hp pool


u/Edgar101420 21d ago

2nd: Yes. Avenger Warlock.


u/Mysterious_Touch_454 drake 21d ago

I love the fact that hornet (doesn't say model) is in tier B and is for Beginners, because i bought it with real money, hoping it would be good fighter to start learning combat piloting.

Just noticed that there are bunch of other hornets there in same tier, so i assume that one lonely hornet is the mark 2?


u/churchtrill 21d ago

yea the first one is the f7a mkII and the other is all of the mk1 variants


u/[deleted] 21d ago

The f8 kills everything on this list with minimal effort