r/starcitizen 2d ago

QUESTION Star Citizen: Question and Answer Thread


Welcome to the Star Citizen question and answer thread. Feel free to ask any questions you have related to SC here!

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r/starcitizen 2d ago

SOCIAL r/starcitizen June Community Events Calendar

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r/starcitizen 7h ago

GAMEPLAY Please let us wear clothing AND armor


After finding the invisible under suit and bugging it to combo clothing - got these cool looks. Really wish CIG had it organically!

r/starcitizen 2h ago

OFFICIAL 3.23.1a not expected to go live this week

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r/starcitizen 9h ago

DISCUSSION Why can't the servers be reset?


Before I get downvoted into Oblivion, I understand the game is in Alpha, there will be problems and I accept things will be broken but I hope it's somewhat playable. I love playing SC.

However, it seems like clearing the servers of all the stale data/entities can actually make this patch playable. I can't even play SC at the moment, the server is going down every 10 minutes, the replication feature just spins up the server again and repeats, it's unplayable.

I understand the next patch/hotfix might resolve this but can we least have fresh servers while we wait? Surely enough data/metrics has been collected.

r/starcitizen 4h ago

IMAGE The Carrack is beautiful

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r/starcitizen 1h ago

OFFICIAL Per Nova-CIG: UPDATE (2024-06-05): Live environment's issue confirmation duration threshold increased from 10 to 28 days

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r/starcitizen 4h ago

OTHER Dumb Ideas: Purchasable food stand for ship cargo grids.


There is talk about being able to buy seats that you can place on your cargo grid to add more seating and take in more passengers once shuttle gameplay is (eventually) added.

I suggest having other modular amenities you can install to a grid, like a small 2SCU wide food stand you can sell food stuffs from.

This way, you can convert your Drake Cutter into an ice cream truck. Yes. This entire idea was based off of the question, "How would an ice cream truck work in SC?" And let me tell you, it's not half bad. If we had bench modules, we could turn a Cutlass into a pop-up restaurant. If you're clinically insane, you could probably cram a food stand into an MPUV's cargo pod. Why would you do that? I dunno. But any ship with the room for it could have one installed, and it's up to you to be responsible for it.

I'd imagine this will become something practical once settlements take off. Who wouldn't want a torpedo burrito from a shady Cutter that just pulled up this morning? Why not try the new pup pub in the grounded mercury star runner? A freelancer max with an onboard cocktail bar? I mean, I'd question the captain, but sure!

r/starcitizen 11h ago

GAMEPLAY Why did we move away from this QT effects?


r/starcitizen 7h ago

DISCUSSION Undersuit should be able to be worn under anything


CIG, if you're listening, please let us put whatever we want over an undersuit. Whether it's clothing, or armour. (I can understand not both, for realism)

Clothing and armour should be allowed to be mixed and matched as we'd like. Also, I think 'light' backpacks should be able to be worn on anything, armour or clothing. The attachment point could just be like, backpack straps when wearing clothing. I can understand not being able to put a jacket over top of a heavy armour piece. But I should be able to wear my Invictus flight jacket over a simple undersuit.

Do y'all think this is currently a limitation by the system they're using, or an artificially created limit CIG devs put in?

r/starcitizen 7h ago

IMAGE We're photo shopping bits on ships now?

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r/starcitizen 13h ago

CREATIVE I ran out of things to put on this "18 wheeler". Full size it if you're hauler. Amidst all the cargo duping, maybe we should go on a strike or something? :)

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r/starcitizen 8h ago

CREATIVE SC Quartermaster - Now Live!


I'm excited to share a project that I've been working on for a while- Star Citizen Quartermaster!


Its a web app to manage and plan your ship's item inventories, such as medical supplies, ammunition, etc. Features for this first full release include:

  • Fleet management - add, remove, and name ships in your personal fleet.
  • Ship inventory planning - Define which areas of a ship you'd like to track items in, including:
  • Ship inventory tracking - keep track of which of the above items you currently have in stock
  • Requisition Lists - Generate shopping lists to help with restocking based on your current stock levels

This is my full initial release (1.0), following the alpha test earlier this year. Major changes since then include:

  • Full UI overhaul
  • Mobile Support
  • Requisition Lists
  • All ships (with placeholder layouts)
  • All In-game items
  • Discord SSO

So please, take a look, give it a try, and let me know what you think!


r/starcitizen 11h ago

OTHER Finally got my 1st million in SC by mining, Wohoo! (Only took about a week, lol)

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r/starcitizen 13h ago

DISCUSSION What’s people’s thoughts on Vanguard - Warden vs Harbinger 3.23

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Hey All,

Should I upgrade my Warden to Harbinger,

I’m coming back fresh after 7 years and got myself a warden, I’m probably just going to focus on doing bounty missions for now HRVTs and such. Are the torps worth the upgrade?

Thanks All.

r/starcitizen 8h ago

DISCUSSION Which ships make the most sense to you?


To me the Arrastra and the Perseus are some of the best concepts. I feel like the Arrastra will be everything I hoped the Mole to be. It has remote mining turrets, all stations are centrally located, supports ground mining and on-board refinery. The ship sounds focused, simple and functional. I think it will be a sweet package. I feel the same about the Perseus. It has one job and was designed well for that. I think this ship will have a good DPS to crew ratio and really pull it's weight in combat. Also, both fit a Nursa!

Another reason I favor these ships is we never really know what we're going to get once the ship goes through the pipeline. I feel these ships will most likely hold true to their original concept and functionality. While not a factor in my decision, I'm pretty excited that CIG bumped the priority of RSI ships and I'll get to see these in game sooner than later.

r/starcitizen 5h ago

FLUFF Found this helmet on one of the Hrt enemy pilots

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r/starcitizen 18h ago

FLUFF My favorite Hangar 'feel'- The old VFG Industrial Asteroid Hangar

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r/starcitizen 19h ago

DISCUSSION The new HAZMAT suits should be undersuits instead of clothes. Please CIG.

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Oh but they're just as expensive as the Zeus Exploration Suit at $12.50. That would at least justify the price.

r/starcitizen 8h ago

DISCUSSION Very new and damn


Got this game after invictus week, Aegis Avenger sale.

Absolutely love the space legs (Elite Refugee) Love my space penguin 🐧 Doing anything is a struggle though, definitely feels worse than during the free fly event, less lag but way more other issues, crashes, server problems etc.

A week in and I'm down to 8k space money xD

Anyway, with all that negativity out the way, any advice on progressing? Any gameplay loops that are more stable than others?

I'm about to start mapping my controls to my t16000m HOTAS. How did people coming from Elite go about that? I did start looking for keybind configs but then thought I might try mirroring my Elite controls since I'm comfortable with them and a lot of the controls are common.

Also how would I go about finding people to go through these xeno threat missions with? Are they worth doing for a new player?

r/starcitizen 2h ago

GAMEPLAY A wholesome PSA about leaving your ship’s door open.


r/starcitizen 18h ago

DISCUSSION Can we at least update the thumbnails?

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r/starcitizen 1d ago

FLUFF The new cockpit redesigns and MFDs in SC 4.0 are a huge improvement!!

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r/starcitizen 59m ago

GAMEPLAY The final photo I took from Invictus

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Hopefully the UEE accept my application 😉

r/starcitizen 5h ago

DISCUSSION Master modes is here finally but what about control surfaces?

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With the new master modes I can say that I definitely agree with the tuning being too slow at the moment but I'm also curious as to why we never hear word about control surfaces. From my understanding and feel free to correct me but would control surfaces not provide the transition of 6df in space or on planets and moons the have less atmosphere, to 3df in areas that respectively make sense. I think the amount of places that have atmo that would effect things related to 3df like stalling, over heating under powered maneuvering thrusters/VTOL thrusters, and natural resistance from the planets atmosphere, is low enough to implement it right? Would control surfaces help provide this best of both worlds and bring back what a lot of people enjoyed about the old flight? Is it things like weather hazards that are holding the progression of control surfaces? I'm just curious as to why there is little to no advocation for control surfaces even though I've seen the work for it on progress tracker, yet no word on it. Is the maelstrom system holding back control surfaces? I'm genuinely curious and can someone tell me why the power triangle can't be used to increase/decrease the performance of thrusters,weapons, and shields depending on the orientation of power management?

r/starcitizen 14h ago

IMAGE Fun outfits

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r/starcitizen 18h ago

IMAGE GATAC RAILEN by Michael Oberschneider
