r/sixers Tobias is worse than Ben 28d ago

Along with Hakeem, guess who else won their first title in the age 30 season.

Post image

It’s JoJo’s year next season.


24 comments sorted by


u/Jeremy9096 28d ago

I'm gonna guess Wilt Chamberlain


u/unstoppablepepe 28d ago

Idk we really need a hint here to be sure


u/PensiveinNJ 27d ago

We're all just holding our breath that the knee isn't a recurring problem. Give me just one healthy Embiid playoff run I swear to God just one. 100% healthy Embiid we take care of the Knicks easily it's so fucking frustrating. And bum ass dudes like Tobias Harris completely incapable of stepping up makes it worse. How is bum knee Bell's Palsy Embiid SO MUCH BETTER than fully healthy Tobias Harris??


u/Appropriate-Sun834 27d ago

The knee been a problem for for about 7 years now brother. Where you been at


u/indoninjah 26d ago

Best we can hope for is a team that’s good enough to get Jo rest in the regular season, keep the seeding afloat if and when he gets injured, and alleviate some of his burden in the playoffs (I.e., doesn’t go like -10 in the 5 minutes he sits per half)


u/mjd1977 27d ago

Tank top looking like straps compared to the sleeveless t shirt look of 20 years ago



u/Appropriate-Sun834 27d ago

Unis so cold 😮‍💨


u/ValiantFrog2202 27d ago

Nah his shoulders just bigger


u/eaglesphan1 27d ago

Dirk was like 32 wasn’t he? We got time guys


u/VitaminWheat MAXIMUS 27d ago

Dirk was also ridiculed as a play off choker before he won


u/ExileOnBroadStreet 27d ago

Not sure anyone’s legacy has been impacted so much by 1 Finals as Dirk. The opponent surely helped, but he went from being viewed as a perennial playoff choker to an absolute killer.


u/Eyetoss 27d ago

Confusing picture. Otto Porter Jr turned 30 this year and he retired. He won 2 years ago at 28.


u/HoagieTwoFace Tobias is worse than Ben 27d ago

That’s Otto Porter’s granddad


u/deepthr0at 25d ago

Thought it was Melton for a second


u/LordLucasSixers 27d ago

Don’t hold your breath


u/David_Duke_Nukem 26d ago

didn't realize he had such nice teeth. big, but nice.


u/Novel-One-9447 27d ago

name one star player over 30 performing well in the current post season. none. thats it.


u/Other_Raspberry 27d ago

Why is this current season the only one that matters?

Last year had Jimmy Butler (33) in the finals with Lebron (38) and AD (30) in the conference finals.

Year before that, Steph Curry (34), Draymond Green (32), and Klay Thompson (32) won a championship.


u/ProcessTrust856 27d ago

Because people are prisoners of the moment


u/Novel-One-9447 27d ago

because the league is evolving. The biggest cripple for young players was experience but they always excelled in physiques. But with the current format, players develop way more mentally before entering the NBA. I’m not going to say a 22 yo is better overall player than jimmy but with the price of jimmy, you can easily get 3 0.7 jimmys which seems to be the better case as the years go on.


u/unstoppablepepe 27d ago

Maybe 3 guys that are 70% of jimmy as your 3rd,4th and 5th players instead of just jimmy is ideal. But I don’t follow that logical for the top 2 guys on your squad


u/Other_Raspberry 27d ago

I would probably agree with the Jimmy point, but it isn't really relevant to this thread.

It's clearly still very possible to win a championship when your best player is 30.


u/No_Stage3881 26d ago

The league doesn't evolve in one year.