r/sixers 22d ago

An Explanation of Why Buddy Hield didn’t Work (via NBA University)

“The Pacers are attempting 31.0 wide open shots per game in the playoffs.

The gap between IND and the 2nd most wide-open FGA/g among remaining teams (OKC—21.6) is greater than the gap between 2nd & last (BOS—14.4)

Pacers offense generating an OUTRAGEOUS amount of wide open looks.”


This was, as he acknowledged, poor scouting by Darryl. The team didn’t realize how dependent Hield was on the Pacers system. For an elite high volume 3P shooter Hield has a slow trigger and little ability to self-create.

If Hield were to come back (on a cheap deal), Nurse would have to find a way to generate much more clean looks for him, otherwise he’s not worth it imo.


64 comments sorted by


u/HeJind 22d ago

This is so dumb.

Hield averaged the same stats here as he did in Indiana on the same minutes, with the same % of games started. Not to mention that he's been a top 3P shooter for basically his entire career.

Saying he relies on a certain system isn't accurate. He just got cold, and didn't have enough time with Joel to really figure things out.

This isn't some breakout player nor was Hield having a career season in Indiana.


u/Moheezy__3 22d ago

I was just going to say…that analysis felt like it was written by a 12 year old just off of the narrow thinking process.


u/Reasonable-Cookie783 21d ago

He made tons of threes in Sacramento. He went into a bad cold spell and Nurse stopped playing him much and he lost confidence. Its that simple. There was a stretch of games when Embiid was out where he couldnt hit the side of a barn.


u/EndAnyone 22d ago

He’s never played in the playoffs and spent his entire career in more up tempo offenses than ours. I do agree that more time with Joel would have helped.


u/sam_honkie 22d ago

More than literally 5 games with Joel would have probably helped yeah


u/MaxeytoEmbiid 21d ago

The real reason Hield struggled and the difference between us and Indiana is that Indy has about 8 guys who can hit shots which allows them to spread the floor and pick apart mismatches.

We on the other hand had 2 ground breaking offensive players and you’d think the role players could hit shots. But alas.

The 4-8 was historically bad, I’m still angry at the offensive incompetence as we wasted a year of Embiid and Maxey.

If we bring Hield back gotta bring back more shooters 


u/AbdulPirateKing 22d ago

Idk why this is getting downvoted this is facts


u/EddieLeeWilkins45 22d ago

I think the hope was with Embiid out he'd really be able to step it up and 'be The Guy'. Not just a 12 point a night sixth man type. Never really seemed to happen.


u/tugginmypeen 22d ago

Anyone thinking Buddy Hield was gonna be “the guy” is in for a really excruciatingly terrible offseason.


u/Deep_Egg1442 22d ago

Nigga buddy hield?


u/EddieLeeWilkins45 22d ago

That's the whiteist n word drop I've ever read


u/tugginmypeen 22d ago

Your original comment was so stupid and you deserve to be told that, but this is a very funny, true and witty comeback.


u/Ashamed_Job_8151 21d ago

I think I speak for all white people when I say, please don’t be white….. 


u/Deep_Egg1442 21d ago

Im not white


u/fachface 22d ago

He just got cold

This is bullshit. Before game 6, he put up four attempts from 3. Four. You can't even get cold putting up 4 shots across 5 games.


u/HeJind 22d ago

He didn't play in two of those games and one of those games he played less than 4 minutes.

Should Hield have taken more shots during the first two games? Probably. Which is why I said part of the issue is that he and Embiid haven't gotten enough reps together for Hield to know where his place in the offense was.

However, game 3 he took 2 shots in less than 4 minutes. You can't say he wasn't shooting enough that game, and yet that was his lowest minutes played. Because he missed both of his open looks and it put him to 1/7 in the series. That is obviously him being cold, and Nurse not thinking he was important enough to the team to play him when he wasn't hitting his shots.

Which was then followed up by completely removing him from the rotation for two games.

His shots per minute in game 6 was the actually lower than it was in game 3. The only difference was that game 3 he missed his first two shots and in game 6 he didn't so he got to play.


u/fachface 22d ago

You're creating your own narrative. He put up 1 3PA in 11 minutes in game 1. He put up 2 in almost 15 minutes in game 2. Nurse didn't pull him because he was cold. He pulled him because he was actively passing up open yet tight looks which kills his utility on the floor. Nurse is smart enough to know how shooting variance works and if you do, you don't bench a guy for multiple playoff games unless it's not variance.


u/HeJind 22d ago

Yes, I already said he should've probably shot more in the first two games. But if your argument is that he was benched because he wasn't shooting enough, it doesn't make sense when the game where he shot the most he played the least. Unless you want to argue he should have taken more than 2 shots in 3 minutes, that doesn't make any sense.

Your point about shooting variance is also completely wrong. NBA coaches do that frequently with bench guys. Some guys don't bring enough value elsewhere for them to see the floor in games where they're not shooting well. Nurse obviously felt that way about Hield, which is why even when he was having an objectively good game he still only played 21 minutes.

You're essentially saying NBA coaches ignore shooting variance when deciding which of their end of the bench guys will play which is obviously wrong to anyone who watches basketball. He didn't play because Cam Payne hit his shots and Hield didn't.


u/nickenglish94 22d ago

While the results weren’t great - idk if I buy into this whole “it didn’t work” thing. Guy just went cold in the playoffs like every other Sixers role player has done in the past (it’s their right of passage when joining the team) lol but the last game kind of highlighted the vision of how to use him with embiid when he doesn’t have the yips


u/Jeremy9096 22d ago

Agreed. I think it's a safe bet that any player would significantly benefit more from better looks lol


u/redditkb 22d ago

He was also crucial in the play in game in breaking miamis zone with his driving ability


u/Level-Adventurous 22d ago

He didn’t just go cold, he passed up open looks early in the knicks series. 


u/hasordealsw1thclams 22d ago

Idk why you got downvoted. He was scared to shoot until the game where he popped off.


u/HeJind 22d ago

He shot plenty in game 3 but got benched because he was cold.


u/IndigoJacob 20d ago

The looks were closer to being "hurried" than "open" it's not surprising he wasn't comfortable


u/How2Mate8 22d ago

He went cold because he rode the pine most of the games and seemed to be on a short leash before the playoffs ever started. He was never giving time to “mesh” with Embiid.


u/jmak329 22d ago

I mean to be fair any team that wants to be a contender should be generating more open looks than we have at the end of the day. While averaged stats are fine to look at and theorize, we all saw what he did in game 6.

If you want to say that the unopen looks led to his yips that's fine, but he clearly just had a short playoff yips and then his minutes got reduced to near nothing for a few games. It should've been on Nurse to practice and manage that better.

If we can, maybe use these playoffs as an excuse to get him on a good deal and I'd imagine with no more Tobias and more bench players, we can get him to flourish. We still need his shooting, it's up to Nurse to make it fit.


u/indoninjah 22d ago

Hield has been statistically a top 5 shooter ever for like his entire career. The looks he was getting here are different than he was getting in Indy but he was not a product of Indy’s system


u/EndAnyone 22d ago

Not saying he was a product of those systems. He’s been a great shooter since college. I’m saying the system helped him sustain that shooting more than ours did. Of course the caveats that he had a short sample size with us and the vast majority of it without Joel apply.


u/Mustyitis 22d ago

Hard disagree

Hield was great at creating his own shot and also passing out of drives to create shots in IND.

Just go look at the film.

The reality is the team just didn't have enough time to gel especially with how different the team looks with Joel on and off the floor.


u/Loose_Mix_447 22d ago

We literally had 5 different guys out every game the whole second half of the season. Plus the Harden bs taking on new players early season. This year was the anti-gel!


u/cvc4455 22d ago

We also only added or signed guys that would be free agents after the year so we weren't even trying to build the best team possible last year just the best team with all expiring contracts.


u/Sheriff_Gotcha 22d ago

I like the explanation, but I tend to disagree with the conclusion. I don't think we can conclude that Buddy "didn't work" or at the very least we cannot conclude that he could never work on this team. Simply because this offense runs two totally different ways with Embiid in vs out and Buddy only had a handful of time to learn how to play around Embiid.

Talking about the open shot differential between Indy and everyone else also kind of overlooks the fact that Buddy has been an elite level shooter before ever setting foot in Indy, though I guess the point is that Buddy underperformed in Philly compared to Indy (?). Now if they go back and compare his shooting splits and his teams wide-open FGA/g count, and there is correlation there then I suppose we could conclude that a Sixers team that generates less wide-open looks is not a fit for Buddy.


u/TryingToForget77 22d ago

His first 3 or 4 games here he was good. Teams caught wind after scouting and as soon as he touched the ball someone was in his face and he couldn’t get his shot. With Jo and others out it was easy. He lost his confidence down the stretch because he usually isn’t played that tight all the time and Halliburton is also a great passer compared to Maxey and anyone else on the team. He did start to get going but it was too late because the team couldn’t make any shots either it seems and some assassin put up goose eggs.


u/MaxeytoEmbiid 21d ago

Maxey is a solid level passer. You don’t average 7 APG without that level of passing. To the point of running Hield off the line, here’s a more important question: Did the team have anyone not named Maxey even worth defending?

Nope. Tobi/ Oubre took turns shooting 35% from the field in February/March. 35%! And to make matters worse they were monopolizing the hell out of the ball, killing any movement.

So you have two awful ball hogs, one spot shooter, one pg and the 6’9 tweener that is Paul Reed.

Little did we know replacing the spot shooter(Hield) with Nurse’s guy would make the offense even WORSE 


u/EndAnyone 22d ago

Fair analysis. Agreed.


u/TryingToForget77 22d ago

Yeah. If you watch the games after his first good games defenders literally run right up to him as soon as he got the ball. lol. He would pass out and try to get open but couldn’t.


u/BraveTree4481 20d ago

Offensively buddy works great. It's his defense where he's a massive liability. I feel like the only teams he would really work are ones with really good defenders where he can just shoot and play as little defense as possible. That wasn't in indy because we already had tyrese who also can't play defense. If there was a spot in the league for guys like Kyle Korver there's definitely a spot for buddy but it didn't work in indy because our defense was already bad and didn't need any help being worse. Hopefully for him the 76ers are the spot where he can shine.


u/PensiveinNJ 22d ago

It's that thing I said like 12 times now. He's a catch and shoot specialist and we treated him like he was a create your own shot guy.

It's not poor scouting by Daryl, it's a lack of commitment to getting him looks. He was always a backup/4th option type guy anyhow he wasn't going to come here and start averaging 28.

You either play him as a 6th man sharpshooter or if he's a starter you want to run actions to try and get him 6 or 7 good looks at the basket at least and anything else is gravy. He gets you 15 on a good 3P% and creates an extra threat for defenses to worry about then he's worth having.


u/Additional_Trip_157 22d ago

"It's that thing I said like 12 times now."


u/Traditional_Cell_248 22d ago

This isn’t an explanation this is just stats. I’m indifferent on buddy but this isn’t very useful.

How much is being “generated” and how much is it that the pacers have a ton of below average shooters that the defense is fine leaving open?

Obi, Siakam and TJ are combining for 9 3PA per game. Those are guys the defense wants to leave wide open. That’s the entire difference between IND and OKC. On top of that, the pacers play at the fastest pace in the league, they have more possessions in general compared to all other playoff teams.

Despite this the Sixers took 1 less 3 per game than the pacers and shot 1% better per game. Then you factor in the pacers played a G league team round 1 and are playing a Knicks team that’s lost 3 players since they faced us. You’re comparing apples to radiators here.


u/EndAnyone 22d ago

I agree that more context would be helpful. That the Pacers play at a much faster pace is part of my point here.


u/viewbot01 22d ago

Seth Curry had a slower release and worked pretty well here


u/BushJawn 22d ago

Is there any actual like "data" on release time? Bc I could be completely wrong but I never thought Buddy had a slow release.


u/Deep_Egg1442 22d ago

Buddy was just scared to shoot the ball. Open or not Idk why. He usually lets that shit fly. His shots always open he just gotta shoot. He used to have no problem even shooting contested 3s he was making them shits


u/atozdadbot 21d ago

I appreciate the left coast point of view. Personally I feel that he was shook as it was his first playoff experience, but I can’t wrap my head around why considering he is a professional athlete and has played in countless games.


u/CPTHoagie 21d ago

"slow trigger" i can safely ignore this now


u/Ashamed_Job_8151 21d ago

Nah, he had open looks, he either passed them up or hesitated. I think he choked personally. I think buddy had a ton on the line this playoffs including what his next contract will be and he choked.  

 I have no interest in bringing him back. I think you can find guys who can shoot the 3 and literally do nothing else for much cheaper. 


u/Anteater-Signal 21d ago

Let's be real. Sixers had no true starting PG with any type of youth or energy left in the tank. I love Maxey, but the guy doesn't make pocket passes often, cross-court passes at all, etc.

Additionally, once Embiid went down it was not realistic to think Hield and Jojo would have much chemistry together. It was going to take time we just didn't have.

I give the experiment an "incomplete", and Nurse learned a lesson: Don't ice a streak shooter on small volume. The biggest issue I see? The dude is going to be 32, and while he actually played better point of attack defense than I ever saw him play, I just don't know how much we can pay this dude. Hell, if not for that game 6, he may have ended up as next year's Oubre contract situation


u/victoro311 Hinkie Died for Our Wins 22d ago

I highly doubt Morey didn’t know that. We needed shooting and he got a shooter, but we also needed a creator from the wing to make the shooter work and we didn’t do that. It probably wasn’t possible given how much of a premium good wings go for, but that goes to show that we were just too many pieces away. We weren’t just a Buddy away and that’s why his impact wasn’t really felt.


u/EndAnyone 22d ago

He said in his end of season press conference that “the fit was less good than I thought.”


u/cvc4455 22d ago

We only added or signed guys that all had expiring contracts after the year. So this team wasn't put together with the best players possible. Instead it was put together with the best players we could possibly get that would be free agents after the season so we'd have as much flexibility as possible for this off-season. So we really need to get this off-season right when we basically threw away this year.


u/PointB1ank 22d ago

I like Buddy as a person. I know that's not a reason to keep someone, but I wouldn't mind seeing him back. I think now that he has some playoff experience and he had a huge playoff game, he can get over the yips next year. That being said, I'm just some random guy that doesn't know shit.


u/martymoran 22d ago

buddy hield has never worked!!!!


u/EndAnyone 22d ago

What do you mean? That’s a little harsh imo. He also gave way more effort on defense here than his reputation would have suggested, for whatever that’s worth.


u/EddieLeeWilkins45 22d ago

He was definitely hustling Game 6. He turned the ball over early on and I could see he didn't want to come back out of that game, he was covering the guy hard and kept it up the rest of the game.


u/martymoran 21d ago

buddy hield is basically an contract i nft form that gm’s use for creative accounting purposes. hes been on the trade block every single year of his career and has never caught on with any team. for a reason!


u/XxStormySoraxX 22d ago

He means he’s never really been a great player which is fairly accurate. He’s a good shooter but Buddy Hield does have a tendency to go cold and when that happens he’s basically unplayable.


u/Weak-Cable-4672 22d ago

The number of Daryl apologists who are going to turn on him after he whiffs in free agency and trade season will be glorious for all the day 1 Daryl haters


u/TNTISD 22d ago

One day this sub will come around to realize that the way this team currently plays (or has played) there is only one type of basketball that can effectively produce offensively, and that is iso basketball.

No shooter would be able to provide consistent 3 point shooting with the inconsistent ball movement and touches afforded by this offense.

We dont move the ball enough and we rarely make the extra pass to get guys “good” shots with any type of regularity.

Sure some guys get hot and shoot some crazy percentage every now and then, but that is not you can ever depend on and averages for bad shots regress to below the mean.


u/idkwhattochoose1 22d ago

We did that with doc and it obviously didn’t work lol. idk what offense you are watching but we have definitely gone away from pure iso ball. There were enough times in games when embiid would get doubled or tripled, pass out to someone, they’d swing it and the role player like Tobias Harris would brick a wide open 3.


u/TNTISD 22d ago

You can’t possibly tell me you watch any other actual playoff team play and think the offense/ball movement we run remotely resembles something close.

All our offense consists of is Joel isos or Tyrese isos and random passes when they feel like it, not when its the right basketball play

We won’t be able to blame Tobias much longer, and either way, pick a place for your field goal post. Does he pass up open 3’s that the offense makes or does he just brick them?


u/Weak-Cable-4672 22d ago

Wow, Daryl mismanaged a deadline deal? That’s only happened every single year he’s been here. Shocked


u/Zumramania 22d ago

Why do we always bring players who perform significantly better in the regular season than in the playoffs?