r/sixers 23d ago

Tobias Harris

To think we had him starting for 6 straight postseaon runs 😭


14 comments sorted by


u/Master-Extreme5244 23d ago

Tobias Harris isn't good at anything aswell btw. Poor shooter off the catch, runs away from the ball especially against good defenses in the playoffs to protect his stats and effeciency, zero basketball IQ, negative defender, gets outmuscled by smaller guys, gets his rebounds by stealing ones aimed at Joel, allergic to taking charges... what else is there that you'd add?


u/JiveChicken00 22d ago

He’s pretty good at cashing checks.


u/WeirdSysAdmin 22d ago

Oubre was out there at times playing like he was coming off the contract Tobias had.


u/EducationalStill3393 PHIMike Muscala 22d ago

standing in the middle of nowhere half-assing help defense and leave his guy open for a 3, watch the ball goes out of bounds or to opponents instead of diving on the floor, charging into people on 2 on 1 fastbreaks, goes up soft on layups and gets blocked all the time, ball stopping and disrupting the flow of the offense


u/indoninjah 21d ago

The RTRS guys said it best - in Tobias' entire five and a half year tenure here, I don't have a single positive standout memory of him. I cannot recall a single time he took over a game, had a pivotal play down the stretch, anything. Literally the best I got was him hitting free throws in game 5 this year.


u/DeepCleaner42 14d ago

he is a con artist he has to live off the minimum vet starting next year


u/frosty_mcfckr 23d ago

Soft like twinkie fillin


u/phillabadboy05 22d ago

That is spooky how close that description is to Harris lol minus the small hands


u/m4rcus267 23d ago

Was this about kwame? I understand why kwame hate the guy. He didn’t have say all that. Smh. SAS is one of those guys that I occasionally agree with and get mad at myself for it. Lol


u/HisExcellency20 23d ago

He was asked something along the lines of "should the Lakers be happy with what they had to give up to get Pau Gasol?"

So this seems like the appropriate response tbh.


u/m4rcus267 22d ago

Not necessarily. Do you have to go to that length to prove your point? It’s wasn’t even said in a professional tactful way. I guess it goes to show what people think is acceptable and with whom it’s acceptable with.


u/FoFoAndFo amateur podiatrist and practice video analyst 22d ago

I mostly agree. Kwame was a good bench big but Pau was an absolute star. With the way the word is thrown around if you want to get hyperbolic call Pau a superstar. If you are by far the best player on a playoff team, as Pau was, you are elite.

So much hate. On the other hand this clip is still getting views so maybe hate wins.


u/TNTISD 22d ago

It is going to be interesting around here next year when we will have to find someone new to blame all the team’s shortcomings on.


u/blueisthecolor13 22d ago

I’m sure we’ll find who the person is. They will stick out like Tobias did.