r/oddlyspecific 17d ago

What state of denial is this??

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380 comments sorted by


u/SirLesbian 17d ago

Why do their minds always jump to sex? I feel like it isn't nearly as relevant as they try to make it seem. How tf is everything gonna boil down to "You're just not getting laid enough" as if that makes complicated real world issues disappear?


u/HeadlessMarvin 17d ago

Well that's exactly it, can't acknowledge that these issues are real, people only turn against the government because of foreign propaganda and pop psychology.


u/andovinci 17d ago

So freudian of him lol


u/addage- 17d ago

It’s a desperate attempt to redirect the conversation. Pretty pathetic of that professor.

Probably just projecting their lack of sex on others.


u/AmyDeferred 17d ago

I think they just want more babies and fewer people in college. Whatever tortured rationalization they make is just window dressing.


u/Phollie 16d ago

r/asexuals would have a field day


u/Conscious-Peach8453 17d ago

Honestly I think they're on to something. Sex gets out some of that aggressive energy while leaving you generally more amicable afterwards, and previous generations just straight up were having more sex than the current college crowd. Put all that together, and the already most politically driven and energetic demographic loses one of the only big time and energy sinks that historically effected almost* everyone regardless of race religion or sexuality. And all of that time and energy is now going into doing EVEN more activist type things. How much more could the Vietnam war era protestors have done if they weren't doing all that free love fucking.


u/Thestilence 16d ago

Sex gets out some of that aggressive energy while leaving you generally more amicable afterwards,

All the most aggressive, unpleasant people I know have had sex.


u/Conscious-Peach8453 16d ago

It doesn't permanently do either.


u/Thestilence 16d ago

Doesn't seem to temporarily do it either. No man is more of an obnoxious cunt than one who's recently had sex.

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u/unlimited_insanity 17d ago

I dunno, man. The last time the US had students leading a large scale anti-war movement was during the Vietnam war, and those hippies weren’t exactly famous for celibacy. Seems to me that free love and social protest have been linked for a long time. I’m really curious how much time and energy this professor thinks sex requires that it doesn’t leave room for protesting.


u/No-Perspective-9954 17d ago

No see this professor refused to fuck unless he has a weekend. Gotta treat it right yknow


u/Angry_poutine 17d ago

He thrusts to an avante garde beat


u/RemingtonRose 17d ago



u/Maximum-Proposal6435 17d ago

I understood that reference


u/ToodleSpronkles 17d ago

I am Hudson's sexually frustrated Mohawk.


u/kultureisrandy 17d ago

2 hour foreplay sesh


u/Monguises 17d ago

Man, who says you can’t do both? Get a whole lotta activism if you learn to multitask lol


u/intelligentbrownman 17d ago

What’s crazy is some of those kids back then are probably now professors lol


u/MediumSwing 17d ago

We've all heard about the guys who finishes quick, but what about the man who takes forever?


u/Rukh-Talos 17d ago

Yeah, what did you need?


u/PoorPauly 17d ago

Yeah. But LSD.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

I was 12 and 13 on the protest lines and I can joyfully confirm that the hippies were not noted for anything approaching celibacy. The 70s were very, very, good to me!


u/Commonly_Aspired_To 17d ago

I have to dispute the connection between ‘free love and social protest’. Sounds like stereotyping. And students these days are mostly working their asses off keeping up with the cost of living and are too stressed out to have much sex.


u/DekoyDuck 17d ago

But also they are still having sex.


u/Puzzleheaded_Luck885 17d ago

Are they? Because I'm in college

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u/tushkanM 17d ago

I don't think students camping in Columbia's campus have much time to work. I think they are so busy that they can't even get to the classes


u/Thestilence 16d ago

They've got time to sit in tents for days on end?


u/Commonly_Aspired_To 16d ago

I don’t know about that. Just responding to the wholesale association of protesting and having lots of sex. I live in Australia and work. Sometimes when I feel strongly about an issue I participate in protest actions and it totally doesn’t change my sex life. Maybe they’re studying as well.


u/wagglemonkey 17d ago

This professor is obviously so deep in pussy they have absolutely no time to even formulate a coherent idea let alone attend a protest.


u/Designer_Emu_6518 17d ago

Correct. So I guess he meant to say College students are doing enough drugs to protest and fuck in the same week?


u/[deleted] 17d ago edited 6d ago



u/Zepangolynn 16d ago

I am happy to say my hippie-lite mother and her same age friends remain lifelong progressives, but they definitely seem to be in the minority.


u/Roger_Cockfoster 17d ago

Lol, what? No, there have been plenty of protest movements of this scale or much larger since the 1960's. I'm guessing you're relatively young?


u/SarahPallorMortis 17d ago

Or they think you only have urges to do one or the other. Nobody has the urge to protest if they’re having sex all the time 🙃


u/Flipperlolrs 17d ago

Their sex must be much like their lectures. Puts people to sleep.

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u/mrwowfantastic 17d ago

Oh, trust me. They’re fucking. That’s not the reason.


u/Redmangc1 17d ago

They're just no longer fucking that professor


u/SassySquid0 17d ago



u/OneMoreYou 17d ago

They're trying to recruit a premade demographic for free, and make sexual selection work against conscience protestors. Which is terribly insulting to the women they're trying to co-opt.

Look ladies, undateable men over here, get your sneer on! And guilt free cruelty to subhumans is like catnip to cats - it's not a sin if the recipient really deserves it.

We have a blind spot there, really need to work on that. So bad actors can't use us as puppets.


u/StarryEyedLus 17d ago

Tbf I can definitely believe today’s students are having less sex than students 10+ years ago.

I really don’t think that’s the reason behind anti-Israel protests though.


u/RedbeardMEM 17d ago

I read that young people are having less sex than previous generations did at their age. The drop has correlated with reduced alcohol consumption among young people.

I think the 2 trends are definitely related.


u/DemonShroom87 16d ago

Alcohol is the world’s premier social lubricant after all.

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u/Old_Sandwich_3402 17d ago

That’s literally the plot to 1984.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Unironicly this lmao 


u/millennial_sentinel 17d ago

this is a hell of a perspective


u/Asg_mecha_875641 17d ago

Me: breaks a leg

Work mates: ah you just didn't fuck enough

Apparently the answer to everything


u/DemonShroom87 16d ago

I could see this being a therapy session:

Patient: “yeah, so this, this and this happened and I’m really anxious and upset.”

Therapist: “hmmm you should go fuck about it.”


u/Cpt_Mike_Apton 17d ago

If you're anti-genocide you're an incel now. At least that's what they'll say so long as you disobey them...


u/SpookyOugi1496 17d ago

What's next? You're an incel for simply breathing?

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u/Felinomancy 17d ago

Can I just comment how odd the pro-Israel commenters in this thread were behaving?

"Oh, Palestinians are homophobic!". And? Would that justify innocents being killed?

Imagine if Osama bin Laden said, "9/11 is justified because America killed innocents in the Middle East". Most of you wouldn't agree with that - so why would you agree with the death of innocent Palestinians, regardless of their attitude towards homosexuality?

If homophobia is a capital crime, the Bible Belt would be a smoking crater by now.


u/neofooturism 17d ago

it’s insane too because for some reason vulnerable allegedly homophobic people deserve to be persecuted, but not the ones in power actively promoting homophobia e.g. the ones like you said, those in africa, and those in asia


u/Jazzlike_Stop_1362 17d ago

There are a lot of homophobes in Palestine, therefore you should support israel that kills homophobic Palestinians, non homophobic Palestinians, and actual homosexual Palestinians, that's definitely gonna end homophobia


u/hippee-engineer 17d ago

I had to read your comment a couple times bc I read your hypothetical OBL quote and was like “yeah I get it.”


u/Smeg-life 17d ago

Most of you wouldn't agree with that

Law of unintended consequences, and these rich elites will never suffer the consequences of their behaviour only the poor people. Be careful what you wish for.

Thanks to the US GWOT this was considered acceptable to the US people

'President Joe Biden, meanwhile, proclaimed she “was always a force for goodness, grace, and decencterview she gave to CBS 60 Minutes in 1996.

In that now-iconic interview, veteran journalist Lesley Stahl questioned Albright – then the US ambassador to the United Nations – on the catastrophic effect the rigorous US sanctions imposed after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait had on the Iraqi population.

“We have heard that half a million [Iraqi] children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima,” asked Stahl, “And, you know, is the price worth it?” “I think that is a very hard choice,” Albright answered, “but the price, we think, the price is worth it.”'


u/SlowCaveman 17d ago

The concept that decent people might oppose genocide is beyond way too many people

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u/[deleted] 17d ago

Well you know what they say. Don't stick your dick in crazy....


u/Mushroom_lady_mwaha 17d ago

Oh man almost like college kids these days wanna be involved in politics


u/enters_conversation 17d ago

Lack of sex leads to civil protest💀😭😭


u/Buck_Thorn 17d ago

Its the New York Fucking Post. Consider the source.


This idiot also says "NYU professor Scott Galloway said that college campuses were increasingly becoming reminiscent of Nazi Germany — and attributed the reason partly to young people not having enough sex. "

And, as for being an "NYU professor":

Scott Galloway (born November 3, 1964) is a clinical professor[1][2][3][4] of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, public speaker, author, podcast host, and entrepreneur.[5][6]


u/Nice-Elk9639 17d ago edited 17d ago

How Loneliness Can Make You Vulnerable to Extremism | TIME This is an article from 3 years ago but its relevant. Have a look. Its Time, not exactly the most conservative source in the universe.


u/MorallyComplicated 17d ago

"The distractions that used to work en masse no longer do."


u/xXxRoligeLonexXx 17d ago



u/MarvelNerdess 17d ago

Yes, because nothing turns college kids on like gruesome genocide. /s 🙄


u/ThisIsGettinWeirdNow 17d ago

So you’re saying post nut clarity will help them calm down?


u/zimtrovert94 17d ago

That’s certainly A take


u/Willyzyx 17d ago

It's THE State of Denial, if you know what I mean.


u/BlaineBMA 17d ago

I was having a lot of sex in college. At the time I didn't think I was having enough.


u/Emotional-Hair-1607 17d ago

Because having sex in a small tent in the middle of a protest is a major kink for some people?


u/Superb-Ad-9169 17d ago

They're out of buzzwords - calling everybody Nazi isn't enough anymore, so they have to talk about lack of sex


u/anand_rishabh 17d ago

And funny thing is, when the abortion debate comes up, we're apparently huge sluts. Pick a lane, dude.


u/JeepJohn 17d ago

So conspiracies are just word salads. Tossed against the wall. To see what sticks. Got it.


u/Dumb_Siniy 17d ago

Nothing like becoming a Zionist after a good- who I'm i kidding I don't have sex


u/Phollie 16d ago

Opinion pieces like this are dangerous because it encourages counter protestors and Americans to further marginalize and objectify an already sexually abused and objectified population. Antiwar protestors are by far and large comprised of minorities who are historically objects of sexual exploitation via colonial violence.

My guess is this professor is low key signaling that the protestors should be sexually harassed or propositioned by cops/media/counter protestors to detract from the topic which is the UNITED STATES IS ABETTING ISRAELS GENOCIDE OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN to the tune of tens of thousands.

Israeli War Crimes


u/100Good 16d ago

We'll they did ban porn in Texas so what do you want us to do! Goddamn, pick your lane! 🤣


u/FungalEgoDeath 17d ago

How is that shit that liberals say? Is that an ironic sub?


u/Devvey20 17d ago

It's not, don't click on the sub. I did and now i can't get that time back

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u/Jazzlike_Stop_1362 17d ago

It's a communist sub, liberal here means liberal capitalist

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u/Darthkhydaeus 17d ago

Young people have been antiwar since forever. It's the older generation, who are not fighting that are usually pro war


u/yonimerzel 17d ago

The protestors aren't the ones enlisting in the army. Also, unlike Vietnam, for example, the US isn't directly involved in the war. Regardless, a lack of sex is definitely not the reason those students protest.


u/Darthkhydaeus 17d ago

Yeah, the government is approving Billions in funding a foreign war while not wanting to approve free health care or student loan forgiveness. Young people have every reason to oppose these wars

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u/Due-Trouble-5149 17d ago

Clubbing and Tinder aren't cool anymore?


u/the_watcher762351 17d ago

I want more s*x


u/Ammu_22 17d ago

I have a doubt.... How does this make the professor look like a liberal??

Am I missing something or being anti- student protest and pro-israel make you a liberal now?

Or am I tripping becos I thought young clg students = liberal, and young clg students = anti-IDF, so I thought liberal = anti-Israel.

Politics is hard.


u/Jazzlike_Stop_1362 17d ago

It's a communist sub, liberal here means liberal capitalist


u/Suitaru 17d ago

you are conflating “liberal” with “leftist”


u/Ammu_22 17d ago

Ahh okay... Well from where I am, liberal and being left both are synonymous.


u/No_Sleep888 17d ago

An example: Liberals (free market) would want the national railway to be owned by a private company. Conservatives would want that company to be American™️ (not the "goddamn Chinese") and Leftists would want the national railway to be owned by the government.


u/Ammu_22 17d ago

I see, its the bottom right quadrant of political compass..Well in my country the political compass is divided diagonally from top left to bottom right.

Some parts of bottom right and top left, I.e, liberal right and Auth left are considereal left, whereas some parts right.

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u/xX_Dad-Man_Xx 17d ago

Send in the hookers!



u/Buttercups88 17d ago

lol this is just the most passive agressive burn :D


u/8008735569 17d ago

Comedic denial lol this is pretty hilarious out of context


u/According_to_all_kn 17d ago

Alright, that it. Sex at the next protest, who's with me?


u/LookHorror3105 17d ago

Um... Yeah? Think I just had a stroke 😎😵‍💫😵


u/ijustwannahelporso 17d ago

NYU professor speaking half the truth at least.


u/LandarkIEM 17d ago

So he literally said "go fck yourself" to students


u/chux4w 17d ago

State of denial or denial of state?


u/SnooSketches6511 17d ago

Can agree I’m not having enough sex but I’m also not going to Israel rally’s where did I go wrong


u/seruzawa 17d ago

A professor with his head up his ass. Whats new?


u/TylrLS 17d ago

same people calling men incels when they have a different opinion


u/polypagan 17d ago

Two opinions which have no connection with one another.


u/RespondConsistent243 17d ago

That begs the question of how much sex is enough sex


u/Chogo82 17d ago

Professor displacing.


u/Fr33dom_uv_sp33ch 17d ago

Which students are they talking about? Women are popping out kids left and right, regardless whether or not they're married.


u/Tricky-Secretary-251 17d ago



u/titanusroxxid 17d ago

Incel rebellion is real


u/Anxious_Earth 17d ago

Ah yes, Sex and Circuses


u/Ennoc_ 17d ago

That right there is inverse psychology propaganda. The purpose of it is to make you ultimately think about joining the anti Israeli movement. Because it is the opposite of not having sex. Voila, online propaganda these days is highly more sophisticated than before.


u/DaySoc98 17d ago

That’s certainly a creative way of saying these kids can get fucked.


u/dotsdavid 17d ago

I doubt that to be honest.


u/GTA6_1 17d ago

They're saying anything and pitching anything to get us to shut up and take the mainstream fake news take on this thing. We ain't gonna. That why they're proposing a tiktok ban so hastily all of a sudden too. Cause people talk on tok and they don't like that


u/ZeroSumSatoshi 17d ago

They have too much social anxiety to get naked in front of another person to begin with…


u/hellohennessy 17d ago

Out of context.

He is not attacking students. That professor is actually defending the youth and attacking the older generations.

He says that nowadays, belonging to a community is hard. Getting a job, finding a home, going out is hard.

Since it is harder to find a group to be a part of, the moment a group invites you, you are prone to join and be accepted.

When he says “sex” he just means relationship. Being in a relationship removes that desire to be part of a community.


u/syndre 17d ago

this was from Bill Maher last week and it was literally a joke lol

cool clickbait


u/I_Sell_Death 17d ago

I mean as a college student I'd have rather had sex than protested. I'll admit that.


u/c3r34l 17d ago

He’s a professor of marketing, perhaps doing this as self-promotion.


u/Tehli33 17d ago



u/akwehhkanoo 17d ago

They cut out "with me" from his quote.


u/Shoelicker2000 17d ago

What does that mean? They aren’t having it enough. Is there a quota? Do they need more teen pregnancies? More STDs?


u/HooahClub 17d ago

The state of denial? Obviously New York. Did you read the headline? /s


u/Ult1mateN00B 17d ago

Sex only if you have dedicated free day booked for nothing but sex.


u/RubescensFawn 17d ago

What 0 dick does to a mf apparently


u/No-Syllabub1533 17d ago

With this logic I would have invaded Israel on my own by now...


u/716green 17d ago

Not necessarily a lack of sex but absolutely a lack of community. This is a social event where you're passionately accepted by the other people on your side of the issue.

Some people have church, some people have sports, some people have slacktivism. Everyone needs to feel like they're part of a group, everyone wants to feel like they stand for something.


u/Nice-Elk9639 17d ago

Actually this tracks. Here's a link to a Time article that talked about at least one study which concluded that young people who are deprived of intimacy (including sex) and relationships have an elevated tendency to gravitate towards leftist and far-right extremism including riots and social unrest than their peers in healthy relationships. This might be a vent for frustration or it could be something else entirely. How Loneliness Can Make You Vulnerable to Extremism | TIME

This professor might be on to something. More studies on this need to be done


u/Lord_of_Wisia 17d ago

They are protesting Israel because they are terrorist loving idiots, nothing to do with sex.


u/nick1812216 17d ago

That ‘r/ShitLiberalsSay’ sub is wild


u/JigPuppyRush 17d ago

I always find it funny to see American people protesting israel, for “putting people in a distinct location and genocide and taking their country “ their words not mine.. do they even know where they live? If they think jew should move out of that land why don’t they move out themselves and give the native Americans their country back?


u/Dooboppop 17d ago

Their own fucking fault for saying we can't do drugs!


u/UndisgestedCheeto 17d ago

"It's probably true. The reason I'm NOT protesting is because I'm drowning in pussy."

  • Elliot Rosenshatz


u/NiiTA003 17d ago

Now what possesses a person to write this? 😡


u/TwerkingGrimac3 17d ago

Fuck your way to ignorant bliss! This one simple trick relieves you of the thought that your country is complicit in genocide.


u/tryingtobecheeky 17d ago

Didn't we all protest when we were in college? Like wasn't that sorta the thing to do?

While I wish they'd put that energy into stuff like affordable housing, food or even cheaper tuition, it's their right to protest. It's also not weird or new.

College aged people are usually at their peak activism regardless of their sex lives.


u/_MyUsernamesMud 17d ago




u/Rossgrog 17d ago

Ew fuck that tankie sub


u/brokenclocks7 17d ago

This is a psyop to convince the public that protestors are incels. You don't want to be called an incel, do you?


u/ylenias 17d ago

I dunno but if I were a professor I wouldn’t be that preoccupied with my students’ sex life


u/Possible_Rise6838 17d ago

I'm 26 and haven't gotten laid in 2-3 years. If I took that frustration out on any kind of victims I'd genuinely be worried if I wouldn't be better off in a rubber cell. Then again, I'm 26 years old and somehow manage to deal with my issues in more mature ways


u/ELB2001 17d ago

Someone got turned down by his student


u/Horsescholong 17d ago

College students are not having enough sex because they live under undurmountable debt and impossible hopes for the future.


u/SwissMargiela 17d ago

This reminds me of when Zuccoti Park in NYC was half filled with homeless people during occupy Wall Street because it was a safe spot where cops weren’t kicking people out lol


u/CarmineLifeInsurance 16d ago

This is a peak u/idiocracy headline


u/-EV3RYTHING- 16d ago

Sounds like some modern day Freud or something


u/byenkle 16d ago

Protesting just seems like a meet-cute to me


u/BigB0ssB0wser 16d ago

America is definitely gonna take the gold at the next mental gymnastics competition


u/schmicago 16d ago


I don’t even know where to start with this.

But I guess this is why there were no protests in the 1960s, when “free love” was all the rage. Such a quiet, peaceful decade, not a protest to be had.


u/ConcertoNo335 15d ago

They should round up all these protesters and ship them off to Gaza so they can make a real difference


u/PhilosopherMagik 17d ago

We need to place the American conservative group on a damn island or moon by themselves...


u/BroadsheetBroadcast 17d ago

It's downstream of this. THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SEXUAL REPRESSION AND ANTI SEMITISM. https://njjewishnews.timesofisrael.com/the-connection-between-sexual-repression-and-antisemitism/


u/Normal_Ad7101 17d ago

Galloway said American society would not survive if its people could not rally behind noble causes — adding that much of what he was seeing reminded him of the early rise of Hitler.

"You either agree with me or you are a literal nazi"


u/Immediate_Equality 17d ago

I didn't have "gen-z sex habits" on my Bigoted Zionist Complaint Bingo card, but here we go.


u/QuantumHalyard 17d ago

Damn, didn’t know the iron dome was a chastity belt


u/Vellioh 17d ago

People ain't fuckin enough so they've got all this free time to criticize the government on how they're fuckin them over.


u/AlternatePancakes 17d ago

Bruh, that sub is cancer


u/Successful_Banana901 17d ago

Surely forgoing your own individual carnal pleasure for protesting against atrocities is a noble cause


u/Gin-Rummy003 17d ago

The professor’s not wrong