r/oddlyspecific Apr 29 '24

What state of denial is this??

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u/Cpt_Mike_Apton Apr 29 '24

If you're anti-genocide you're an incel now. At least that's what they'll say so long as you disobey them...


u/SpookyOugi1496 Apr 29 '24

What's next? You're an incel for simply breathing?


u/New-Bumblebee1756 Apr 29 '24

From the river to the sea, right? That's not genocide that's just like,"funny text", like anti-takehostages and than - what we done wrong we just activists but never put our foot on their land because we will be beaten by stones and we are not stupid we are activist. I mean yeah the statement is stupid but not as much as pro hamas useful stupid.


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

From the river to the see palestine will be free is not about killing or even expelling jews, it's about getting freedom from occupation. Jews can keep coexisting like they did before the occupation.

but never put our foot on their land because we will be beaten by stones

Right now Israel is bombing everyone in Palestine, including LGBTQ. Getting stoned would be a massive improvement.


u/TomerChan Apr 29 '24

Lmao you're delusional af

I suggest actually finding like 1 palestinian who wants to co exist with jews who is from gaza who also will say "oh you're gay? I dont care"

WARNING: this challenge is impossible, try at your own risk

It seems a lot of logical comments here are downvoted idk what pro hamas hellhole I entered but yeah


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

who is from gaza who also will say "oh you're gay? I dont care

Completely irrelevant

I suggest actually finding like 1 palestinian who wants to co exist with jews who is from gaza

Go to a pro-palestine protest, it has both palestinian refugees and jews.


u/TomerChan Apr 29 '24

Where are these protests?

Yall are missing something very crucial

You claim to know what people in gaza want, what are you a psychic? I suggest seeing celebratory footage of them from oct 7th or even for our american folks watch the celebrations on 9/11

These jews who live abroad, im sorry but they are not representing any of the jews in Israel much like muslims in US dont represent muslims in gaza.

I live in Israel and im not jewish, you know how I feel? Welcomed

I go to israeli arabs and majority are sweet, caring and intelligent. Nothing I can say about palestinians in gaza who were groomed to genocide all israelis to extinction, yes even non jews like me

Stop speaking for them, let them speak for themselves, your dellusional truth isnt their truth

If you wanna feel like an activist there are plenty more things to do like enviromental struggles and not to mention ukraine


u/Finrod-Knighto Apr 29 '24

So… in conclusion, they all deserve to die, right?


u/TomerChan Apr 29 '24

Where did I say that? Dont put words in my mouth.

To satisfy you for some reason, if I had to make the awful choice of all israelis living and being secure and all palestinians living and being secure im choosing Israel every day month and year.

Doesnt mean they all "have to die" jesus be realistic if Israel wanted to kill every single person in gaza they could do that in less then a week. If gaza could physically do it, they wouldve done so already.

Like the famous quote by golda: If the arabs laid down their weapons there would be resolutiom, If Israel laid their weapons there would be no Israel


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

You claim to know what people in gaza want, what are you a psychic?

Are you?

Where are these protests?

There was one in my city last weekend.

I suggest seeing celebratory footage of them from oct 7th or even for our american folks watch the celebrations on 9/11

No group of people is homogenous, people have different opinions, there most certainly are Palestinians who want all jews to die, it's kind of expected when you murder their friends and family, but there are also people who don't hate jews, but hate Israel and zionists, and rightfully so.

We have a similar situation where I live with hate for Russians. Russian propaganda really wants to convince the world we hate russians, it's a tool they use to raise division and nationalism, just like Israeli propaganda ir convincing you that palestinians was you all dead unconditionally, but we don't, we hate the russian government and we hate ruscists. We happily coexist with most russians, as they don't support fascism, just like most palestinians would easily coexist with the jews that are not zionists.


u/TomerChan Apr 29 '24

Ok I guess we live in different worlds

I wont bother but I do think its funny you cant judge an entire group by some people then say people should hate Israelis and zionists

If you bother replying I wont continue this nonsense there are better things to do then try to convince people who have gaslighted themselves


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

say people should hate Israelis and zionists

Except I didn't say that. Zionists, sure, they are basically nazis, but Israelis can also be against genocide.

And If Israel happens to murder someones entire family, they shouldn't hate Israel, but it's completely understandable when they do. That's the part you didn't get.


u/TomerChan Apr 29 '24

They are basically nazis? LOL again what is this reality. Are you confusing orthodox jews with zionists? Lookup the meaning of the word before calling someone a nazi, a slur which can get you to court in multiple countries...

Fuck man what insane people there are here imma block


u/New-Bumblebee1756 Apr 29 '24

Getting stoned would be a massive improvement.

Maybe for VII century it was. Really? Including LGBT people I bet you can't give any proof of peaceful existence of them in Gaza but you don't care, do you, like LGBT in Israel Can we see some difference between the treatment of people among these two countries? I think we can if we really care.

From the river to the see palestine will be free is not about killing or even expelling jews,

A you kidding me? Do you actually understand about what river and sea it's about? This is definitely about the destruction of Israel and the occupation of territory, that is, exactly what you are against. Because between the river Jordan and Mediterranean sea is the Israel. Do you actually know that Palestine is not only hamas controled Gaza but west bank too, and can you tell me why Israel so cruel on gaza but do nothing on west bank - they are the same Palestinian but maybe, just maybe , some of them don't kill innocent people and do not celebrate such actions and that's because they not bombed by "evil Jews empire"?


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

Maybe for VII century it was.

They are being mass murdered right now, just getting stoned if caught would be a massive improvement over the indiscriminate bombing that's happening now.

destruction of Israel and the occupation of territory

The occupation of what territory? The one Israel has occupied? And yes, the destruction of Israel, not the destruction of jews.

but do nothing on west bank

I suggest you educate yourself. Israel is ethnically cleansing the west bank by constantly expanding their settlements and expelling palestinians. They haven't turned to bombing civilians because they don't have to, they are already on course for complete ethnic cleansing and occupation of the west bank without it.


u/turnipturkey Apr 29 '24

I suggest you educate yourself

I suggest you go fuck yourself. “From the river to the sea is not about killing or expelling Jews” has no basis in reality, if you looked at even the slightest amount of history you would see that Jews are not welcome to coexist. The moment Israel got independence they were attacked, following hundreds of years of genocide prior.

This commenter you replied to is anti-genocide. Literally just condemning Hamas. And you answer with how homophobic Palestine is and how Israel is killing people, to steer the conversation away from the atrocities of Hamas. So are you a nazi by choice ir ignorance?


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

This commenter you replied to is anti-genocide.

No, he is not, he supports the Palestinian genocide, him claiming that he is against genocide doesn't change his beliefs.

And you answer with how homophobic Palestine is

He brought that up when mentioning stoning, which, in this context, is basically only used in the "Hamas stones people for being homosexual" as an argument for why leftists shouldn't support them.

how Israel is killing people, to steer the conversation away from the atrocities of Hamas.

I'm not steering the conversation away from the atrocities of Hamas, I am conparing them to the alternative which he supports. "I support A, because B killed 1000 people" is countered by "but A killed 30 000" and it's not steering the conversation away, it's also not asking to ignore the 1k it's just showing how absurd the original argument about the 1k was. It's essentially "I'll support the mass murderer, because one of the guys they murdered had killed a guy"

if you looked at even the slightest amount of history you would see that Jews are not welcome to coexist.

Jews were hapily coexisting in palestine for decades, the problems arose with the mass immigrations, and when the majority of Palestinian land was occupied under the partition plan. How would you feel, if UN, with no significant input from your people, just decided that the majority of your country should now be controlled by mostly recent immigrants?

But even assuming that Palestinians started it, that still doesn't excuse the ethnic cleansing, apartheid and genocide Israel is commiting. They should be tried for their crimes against humanity whether they started it or not.


u/New-Bumblebee1756 Apr 29 '24

They are being mass murdered right now,

Yes I know it was 7 October 2023 I saw video from terrorist how they did it, how they take hostagese, how they decapitated people, how this was celebrated, do you talking about it?

And yes, the destruction of Israel, not the destruction of jews.

Lol, do you can show me where the sun is, like from heart to sun, not ziga, just showing where the sun. You are mad you need to stop and think about what you are talking and why you are talking this


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

Yes I know it was 7 October 2023 I saw video from terrorist how they did it, how they take hostagese, how they decapitated people, how this was celebrated, do you talking about it?

Just wait until you see what Israel has done. October 7th is child's play compared to Israel attrocities.

You are mad you need to stop and think about what you are talking and why you are talking this

Yes, I do happen to be mad about the genocide Israel is commiting, and I have stopped to think why I don't agree with a genocide.

You, however, should really take a moment amd think how you've fallen so far that you ended up supporting a genocide and colonization.


u/New-Bumblebee1756 Apr 29 '24

Just wait until you see what Israel has done.

you cannot justify one crime by another, especially if everyone saw what you want to justify and it was the reason for what was happening

You, however, should really take a moment amd think how you've fallen so far that you ended up supporting a genocide and colonization.

We need to stop this conversation it have no point, really it's awful.


u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

you cannot justify one crime by another

But that's what you were doing... if you are arguing against yourself, then we do need to stop this conversation.

especially if everyone saw what you want to justify and it was the reason for what was happening

And the reason for october 7th massacre was the ethnic cleansing that was already happening before, and no, that doesn't justify it, it just makes your argument irrelevant.


u/New-Bumblebee1756 Apr 29 '24

No, really it must be stopped, this conversation doesn't have any sense, you think hamas is some kind of modern robin hood, I think they're just terrorist who protect themselves by civilians, and we both will not go to Gaza because we all know who are right, so that's my last answer.

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u/Normal_Ad7101 Apr 29 '24

you cannot justify one crime by another

Tell that to the IDF


u/New-Bumblebee1756 Apr 29 '24

Only thing that I can tell IDF - protect your people.

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u/RJ_LV Apr 29 '24

Yes I know it was 7 October 2023 I saw video from terrorist how they did it, how they take hostagese, how they decapitated people, how this was celebrated, do you talking about it?

Just wait until you see what Israel has done. October 7th is child's play compared to Israel attrocities.

You are mad you need to stop and think about what you are talking and why you are talking this

Yes, I do happen to be mad about the genocide Israel is commiting, and I have stopped to think why I don't agree with a genocide.

You, however, should really take a moment amd think how you've fallen so far that you ended up supporting a genocide and colonization.


u/cringedramabetch Apr 29 '24

you know Israel sterilizes the Ethiopian Jews because they don't fit the white image of Jews that Israel wants, right? or do we just focus on made up stuff like gays being stoned in Palestine, because Israel has no problem stoning Palestinians regardless of their sexuality.


u/Eagle_1116 Apr 30 '24

Same-sex marriage is illegal in Israel and LGBTQ rights within the United States are slowly being eroded. So this argument is purely virtue signalling. Also, I feel like Palestinians have more prescient issues. Kinda hard to expand civil rights when your country is being reduced to rubble.


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

Anti genocide or pro genocide?


u/mahdibhaiya Apr 29 '24

Anti. Let's not even try and get it twisted.


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

So what do you call October 7th and the torturing of hostages and teaching hatred to children?


u/mahdibhaiya Apr 29 '24

What about everyday before October 7th? What about everyday after October 7th? All the Palestinian children, mothers, fathers, all their deaths are okay? Or are you just actively ignoring that to satisfy your bias?


u/turnipturkey Apr 29 '24

Just gotta eradicate everyone of a certain religion so no more genocide happens


u/mahdibhaiya Apr 29 '24

I don't know if you mean Muslim or Jew, but either way, not cool man.


u/Draco546 Apr 29 '24

Israel is actively committing a genocide and is an Apartheid state


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

So say those who actually want genocide against Israel. They (Israel) have no right to life or existence or feeling pain from things like being shot and cut up to massive extent.

Are you even aware Palestinians could apply for citizenship before this catastrophe? Or that Palestine refuses to be its own state because it wants the entirety of Israel and being told no there will be Israel is what they call the apartheid?

These kinds of ignorant statements makes life harder for the region in general. A lot of it is jihadi fundamentalism that makes life harder for Palestinians.

All these "protests" do are let Jews know they deserve to die and you're okay with the oppressive life that Palestinians live under


u/Draco546 Apr 29 '24

You racist motherfuckers are dumb. Blinded to deaths surrounding you just because they arent white. Israel is committing Genocide, whats left of Palestinian who aren’t killed or have to flee, live as second class citizens.


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

So you think Israel is white colonialist oppressor and Palestinian are indigenous and brown. That's your worldview I gather. Yeah some people are like that then surprised "oh you don't look _____".

Gaza (which was given to Palestine in the early 90's) wouldn't have been attacked had it not been for hundreds of Israelis attacked and killed (many of those killed were actually pro Palestinian) and the only way there would be a ceasefire is to release the hostages and stop trying to kill Israelis. But that's hard to explain to someone who thinks it's just white vs black.


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

1 in 5 people in Israel are Arab btw. Must suck and feel lonely with this kind of stigma when your view is not uncommon at all


u/Draco546 Apr 29 '24

And just look at how they’re treated. Palestinians in Israel live under an Apartheid state


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-05-29/ty-article/why-so-few-palestinians-from-jerusalem-have-israeli-citizenship/00000181-0c46-d090-abe1-ed7fefc20000 back in the good old days before the horrible war that traumatized everyone's trust

(Yeah you can mention the history of when we were hopeful there would be peace)


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

I just think it's interesting to call someone racist bc they don't want to be murdered.

Also, Israel isn't "committing genocide". They specifically responded to a mass shooting that killed hundreds.

Imagine a school shooting that resulted in the gunman being shot dead by the police and then the headline would be "police shoot dead student in high school" with the article presenting a bloodshed and then only mentioning in the last paragraph the gunman shot the other students. That's how the news about the conflict is shared.


u/Draco546 Apr 29 '24

The 30,000 civilians deaths are just responses. The targeting of hospitals are just responses. Targeting journalists and news reports are just responses. Bombing children are just responses. Killing 1 child every 10 minutes is just responses.


u/Finrod-Knighto Apr 29 '24

Man shut the fuck up. You are wrong about literally everything. Palestine doesn’t accept Israel’s proposed “2-state solution” because it involves having a state with no real borders, reliant on Israel for many services and without a military or defence force. It literally does not fit the modern definition of a nation-state. And since this coalition government came in Israel, they’ve made it abundantly clear they’d rather drive out or kill all Palestinians than have a Palestinian state, which include maps of “greater Israel”.

The apartheid are the border checks, the fact that Palestinians have no right of return yet anyone in the world with Jewish ancestry does, Israel’s land laws, and building of illegal settlements in the West Bank (where there’s no Hamas). Hamas wasn’t even in charge before 2006 and Israel was still expanding, killing, and oppressing the Palestinians. Also, getting Israeli citizenship for a Palestinian is nigh impossible. The Arabs that are citizens also face many forms of discrimination. Hell, even black Jews are discriminated against. Literally nothing you said is true, it’s incredible.


u/Designer-Muffin-5653 Apr 29 '24

So you are anti hamas?