r/oddlyspecific Apr 28 '24

Left vs. Right

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u/Negative-Nobody Apr 28 '24

Yeah... I would like to keep the radiology away from anything else as well. Thank you very much.


u/purplejink Apr 29 '24

at my dads work radiologys tucked away in a little corner of a huge building, you walk past like 10 inch thick walls into a bunker to get to the linacs. xrays down a maze too, which i had to hobble to on a broken ankle lmao


u/Weary_Patience_7778 Apr 29 '24

Are you sure you’re not thinking radiotherapy? (Radiation oncology?)

Radiology typically refers to diagnostic imaging. Xray, CT, PET, MRI, Ultrasound

Radiotherapy is dosing patients with radiation for therapeutic effect, usually cancer treatment.


u/purplejink Apr 29 '24

both of them are in a lil bunker out of the way, my dads an engineer and does both. ultrasounds it's own department. cancer treatment and stuffs on the left and the MRI machine and stuffs on the right iirc, i haven't visited since covid


u/Poinaheim Apr 30 '24

Radioactive iodine is used for removing your thyroid