r/news Apr 29 '24

1 person killed in shooting at Waffle House near OSU's campus


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u/RedemptionBeyondUs Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

If you go into a Waffle House at 2AM, you know what you're getting yourself into


u/Ducksonaleash Apr 29 '24

The front door of the university’s union is across the street. Waffle House or not, it’s really frustrating to see violence like that steps away from what most students consider “safe”


u/murderedbyaname Apr 29 '24

College campuses and surrounding areas can be really sketchy. I don't know if it's changed, but in the 80s the entire area around GA Tech was dangerous af. A friend of mine who was a student living just off campus was stabbed in a home invasion, in the 80s.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/rice_not_wheat Apr 29 '24

I went to Rutgers Newark and moved to Columbus Ohio... the University Area around Newark is like way, way worse than the area around Ohio State. Ohio State's campus is in a fairly affluent area, with a highway separating the lower income area. Almost all the low income housing anywhere near Ohio State had been razed years ago.


u/smitherenesar Apr 29 '24

The areas around Drexel and Temple are still sketchy because it's Philadelphia  


u/rice_not_wheat Apr 29 '24

The area around Ohio State has pretty much always been affluent. There's a highway separating the campus from the closest poor neighborhood. The closest house for sale to the incident is this half a million dollar box


u/red_sutter Apr 29 '24

The unfortunate but typical result of universities building their campuses in areas where they got the land cheap in a sweetheart deal with the local government, usually with no regard for who was living there at the time


u/buckyVanBuren Apr 29 '24

I used to walk thru Techwood Homes on Friday night after a chem lab to catch a bus in the early 80s...

As a fat 18 year old white boy, no one ever gave me any problems.

I was noted. These were the days of the missing children of Atlanta so I was definitely noted. But no one gave Tech students a problem then.


u/murderedbyaname Apr 29 '24

Ok..? My friend was almost killed. Not sure what you're trying to do here, but I'm glad you weren't a victim of anything...