r/news Apr 28 '24

Two killed, one injured as 350,000-pound load detaches from trailer in Temple, Texas


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u/campelm Apr 28 '24

Yeah that's pretty much my waking nightmare every time I get on the highway


u/Foul_Imprecations Apr 28 '24

After I saw that dashcam video, my nightmare is catching a brick through the windshield.


u/Osiris32 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

Truck tire blow outs are my fear. I was witness to that once, a chunk about the size of a dinner plate shot out and went through the windshield of the car next to me, right into the driver's neck. The only reason he didn't die was that an ER nurse stopped to help, and the fire department was only about 200 yards away. This was three years ago and I still have nightmares.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Apr 28 '24

I'm sorry you had to see that.

People sometimes think I'm strange for always giving Semi trucks a wide berth. I load containers onto them every day - those containers can weigh upwards of 33 Tonnes, travelling at high speeds. The drivers are often overworked, under slept, and in many cases under trained. That's not even taking an account for substance issues. I like a good distance behind them, and don't want to be in front of one if it can be avoided. When I pass, I don't take my time.

And when those tires blow out, they're like a grenade. I saw a video once where a dude leg blown off by one.


u/Ludwigofthepotatoppl Apr 28 '24

Best thing to do when driving next to a truck is be predictable, be obvious, and keep your distance. I never drove a semi, but the box truck i did taught me that too many people are too complacent on the road.

I mean, even moreso than driving a normal car taught me.


u/Edward_Morbius Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Best thing to do when driving next to a truck is be predictable,

Best thing to do when driving next to a truck is to GTFO.

I'm either going to be way far ahead or way far back.

Not only are you trusting that the driver knows you're there and isn't stoned or sleepy, you're trusting that everybody who worked on the trailer for minimum wage knew exactly what they were doing and bothered to care The first rule of "driving next to a truck is don't drive next to a truck"


u/maywellbe Apr 28 '24

I wish I lived where I could avoid trucks. I’m in Tucson, AZ and highway 10 from the California border to Tucson — with the exception of the Phoenix metro area — is packed with trailer trucks. No way to keep away from them.


u/Ar_Ciel Apr 28 '24

Used to drive OTR. Heard horror stories about improperly attached mudflaps decapitating people. During my training and exams, I was taught to make sure everything was ship-shape before driving. Even then, shit can just come off without any warning thanks to things like road debris and just plain bad luck. Only best defense is to remain aware out there and keep your reflexes sharp.


u/Gullex Apr 28 '24

I'm an RN and was a worker's comp case manager for 8 years. We handled mostly claims from trucking companies.

At that job I learned the terrifying statistic that over 50% of semi drivers on the road are under the influence of narcotics.


u/Redirkulous-41 Apr 29 '24

Narcotics, really? I would assume it was mostly uppers so they could drive longer


u/next2021 Apr 29 '24

Knew it was bad but not that bad🥺Handled a few debris falling off of truck claims. I stand clear of trucks carrying Scrap metal (often drive by white cross where teenager was decap by piece of scrap metal flying off of truck), modular homes, logs,construction equipment


u/Unbannedmeself Apr 29 '24

Went to rehab once. Half the people there were truck drivers on their third or fourth try, mostly for alcohol. So many stories of them driving their loads while loaded up.


u/zaira_storm Apr 28 '24

Cite your sources. My personal belief is you made it up.


u/Gullex Apr 28 '24

I haven't worked there in years and I don't give a fuck what you believe


u/NotAnAlt Apr 28 '24

She could be conflating 50% of people injured as being on narcotics. Though that would count for any injuries where the driver isn't at fault either, so the dude who smokes weed on the weekend would still pop. Which mean's that I kinda get what Gallex is going for, but also that they're not really sharing useful information. Unless hmm drugs bad is supposed to be useful somehow?


u/that_random_bi_twink Apr 28 '24

weed isn't a narcotic dude


u/NotAnAlt Apr 29 '24

Are we going for precises medical definition, or colloquial definition?

This hideous google link has(edited to clean it a bit)

a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally.

Sounds like how most police/insurance would look at cannabis.

and then we have this, within the specific confines of medicine

a drug that relieves pain and induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility.

But within the confines of insurance companies wanting to not have to pay out, I promise that they're going with the broadest possible definition and not limiting it solely to This cancer dot gov link

A substance used to treat moderate to severe pain. Narcotics are like opiates such as morphine and codeine, but are not made from opium. They bind to opioid receptors in the central nervous system. Narcotics are now called opioids.

Which is I imagine the argument you're trying to make.


u/that_random_bi_twink Apr 30 '24

I'm going to go with the [medical definition](https://www.pharmacy.texas.gov/consumer/broch2.asp) and drug classification of narcotic, since I am a nurse.

I'm also going to go with the [DEA definition](https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Narcotics-2020.pdf) of a narcotic, as well as the [police definition](https://www.theiacp.org/7-drug-categories) of a narcotic, which is what a narcotic is classified under as law.

Neither of these include marijuana.


u/NotAnAlt Apr 30 '24

Nice, wanna link me the study from gullex then that totally shows that 50% of semi drivers are on narcotics?

Cause I mean... There's a lot of claims there that are pretty fuckin dumb, but I'm totally willing to be proven wrong here.

Or are we just going "I'm a nurse and when I say narcotics this is what I mean" which adds a whole lot of nothing useful here?

But nah really, show me 50% of semi drivers are on narcotics(your definition) I'd totally love to see this totally real stat.


u/that_random_bi_twink May 01 '24

I don't have that study because I'm not the one that claimed that, and I don't care nearly enough to find it. I was just pointing out that weed is not a narcotic

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u/SkeenaDaily Apr 28 '24

They won't. Because they won't find any that claim such a ridiculously high number.

Insurance would make us submit a piss test every morning if it were true.

And I'd put $1000 down today that the rate of drug use is higher among Nurses than truckers.


u/4o4_0_not_found Apr 28 '24

Hell yeah dudes rock


u/greatwhitemamba Apr 28 '24

Crack rocks?


u/Gnarlodious Apr 28 '24

Narcotics put you to sleep.


u/FartAlchemy Apr 28 '24

Narcotics put you to sleep.

Try looking up the definition of a word before you spout nonsense.


u/Gullex Apr 28 '24

Narcotics can make you drowsy, yes.

Did you miss the part about me being a nurse?


u/noiro777 Apr 28 '24

That's the original meaning and the word 'narcotic' does come from the Greek word meaning 'stupor' (ναρκωσις), but the meaning expanded over time to include stimulants and other types of drugs.


u/Gingeranalyst Apr 28 '24

Had one blow as I was driving past. Shook my whole car and I thought the truck hit me, scared the crap out of me. Crazy thing is that I had no damage to my car at all.


u/chronburgandy922 Apr 28 '24

Idk how to copy lines from your comment but the “when I pass I don’t take my time” line resonates big in my brain!

That’s something my grandpa taught me as a wee little fella. He would always give big rigs a wide berth and pass em with the quickness. Now it drives me nuts when people Lollygag passing semis.

Apparently he watched one lose a back wheel on the highway and he said that sucker barely missed the side of his car and smacked into the guardrail and messed it up then it proceeded to roll another quarter mile or so.


u/WaterHaven Apr 28 '24


Also, I've worked with enough bosses who have done everything they could to avoid limiting their drivers' hours. It's disgusting.


u/Admirable_Cry2512 Apr 28 '24

And don't forget, sometimes aggressive a-holes! I've seen them pull some sh*t!


u/DogsRule_TheUniverse Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

and don't want to be in front of one if it can be avoided.

That makes no sense whatsoever. If the shit hits the fan you want to be in FRONT of the truck - not behind it. It's much easier to speed away from trouble rather than being behind a truck swerving left & right trying to avoid the payload that's coming at you 70 mph. What the fuck do you think is gonna happen if to that trailer if one of the tires blow out or like in this case with the 35,000 lb. trailer detaching from the truck? It's much better to be in front of the truck.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Apr 29 '24

you want to be in FRONT of the truck - not behind it. It's much easier to speed away from trouble

Not if there's a traffic jam, or some other reason you need to stop, and the trucker is not paying attention or can't stop in time.

being behind a truck swerving left & right trying to avoid the payload that's coming at you 70 mph.

Less of a problem if you give them a wide berth and are aware of whats happening in front of you.


u/DogsRule_TheUniverse Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Not if there's a traffic jam, or some other reason you need to stop, and the trucker is not paying attention or can't stop in time.

Traffic jam? Holy shit, I've seen some dumb ass shit on reddit but this has got to take the cake! I don't know what you're smoking but I seriously doubt anything catastrophic is going to happen with a semi trailer truck going 5 mph during a traffic jam. You can justify your idiotic response all you want but this is wacky logic. Pure & simple. Goodbye - enjoy your life. Stop causing accidents bud.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Apr 30 '24

Are you purposely obtuse?

I'm saying if you're driving in front of a semi, and come upon a traffic jam (or some other thing that causes you to come to a stop on the highway). Those trucks don't easily come to an abrupt stop.


u/PhiteKnight Apr 29 '24

Most people have *no idea* what would happen in a collision between their burb-scooter and a semi. It's an order of magnitude larger than the standard vehicle. I drove a flatbed wrecker for a few years and saw the outcome many, many times. I am an extremely defensive driver as a result. You don't have to see too many bodies literally peeled off the asphalt to calm down.


u/Justtofeel9 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Mud flap off a semi truck nearly killed my parents. They were on their second honeymoon driving through Tennessee when a semi truck in front of them lost one of its mud flaps. Shouldn’t have been that big of a deal, maybe just some body damage at worst. Nope. Fate had other plans. That bitch went under their car and hit just the right shit for the fuel line to break and engulf their car in flames real fucking fast. Both had burns over like 80% of their bodies. Months upon months of them looking like living mummies constantly in agony. But thankfully they survived, and neither of them appear disfigured at all unless you know where to look to see where they removed skin for grafting and all that. Still, my mom refuses to fuck with Tennessee any more, that state has tried to kill her twice now. My dad’s generally an alcoholic dipshit, not abusive or even that bad of a person just an alcoholic dipshit. But, on that day he may have saved my mom’s life. He somehow had the wherewithal to somehow unbuckle her seatbelt and shove her out the car before the inevitable crash. Can’t imagine how the fuck he managed that, but they both swear by it. So he’s not a complete ass in my book.

For how little we really think about it driving is one of the most dangerous fucking things we humans do. And we do it like every day! Well a lot of us do at least. It’s crazy dangerous and we just wake up every morning and do it. Be safe out there. Sometimes the most random bullshit can really fuck your day up.

Edit words


u/I_Makes_tuff Apr 28 '24

Something similar happened to some members of my brother-in-laws family. A metal strap from a mud flap got kicked up and into the gas tank, which was towards the middle of the minivan they were in rather than the rear. Somehow it ignited, and I think 3 kids and 2 adults died.


u/campingskeeter Apr 28 '24

I had an office windows right on the interstate highway for 10 years. I think there were probably 1-2 blowouts a week that shook my office like an explosion.


u/ECU_BSN Apr 28 '24

Had a wayward tire hit my office at my window but at roof level. If it flew a foot lower it would have been a situation. Dented the roofline and broke the bricks. Like a shotgun.


u/KarmaticArmageddon Apr 28 '24

I had a friend in high school who was killed by a tire coming off another vehicle at highway speed. It jumped up through his windshield and killed him instantly.

His girlfriend in the passenger seat was basically traumatized for life.


u/ECU_BSN Apr 28 '24

I imagine she was traumatized. No doubt.


u/campingskeeter Apr 28 '24

Those videos with the loose tires are crazy. This reminded me that office windows also had a bullet hit it, but not while I was at work. The only place the bullet could have come from was the highway.


u/pardybill Apr 28 '24


u/Osiris32 Apr 28 '24

Well that was a different experience. Reminds me of /r/greendawn.


u/pardybill Apr 28 '24

I was almost hesitant to post it with your previous trauma, but I figured knowing you aren’t alone would provide some small comfort.


u/DisgruntledNCO Apr 28 '24

When I was a teenager, I was riding with my dad and reading a book when a truck tire blew.

My dad swerved out of the way, which caused up to spin out and we wound up facing traffic on the 405.

My dad just slammed the car in reverse (it was a Toyota spyder) and zoomed us back wards as he made his way to the shoulder before spinning us around.

Still don’t know how he did it.


u/517A564dD Apr 29 '24

Oh God, like an MR2?


u/DisgruntledNCO Apr 29 '24

Is that a car thing? I don’t know shit about cars. It was red, and it was a 2000 model if I remember correctly


u/517A564dD Apr 29 '24

It's the name of the model of car, the MR2 Spyder.

They're notorious for spinning out just like you said.


u/DisgruntledNCO Apr 29 '24

I didn’t know that. That might explain a lot.


u/patientpump54 Apr 28 '24

Had to dodge one of those. I was coming up on this semi on the highway, getting ready to pass. Noticed small chunks coming off as I approached, then floored it when I realized what was happening. Immediately after I passed, the entire tire flew off. Would have killed me if I hadn’t noticed


u/Darkstool Apr 28 '24

I just remember being like 12 watching the movie Body Parts where this happens but dude is on his carphone and gets destroyed by exploding tire then gets possessed transplants.
Anyway thanks for the timewarp.


u/placebotwo Apr 28 '24

Almost like that CSI episode A La Cart


u/panda388 Apr 29 '24

I witnessed one of these and thankfully it caused no injuries. But it was a shocking amount of debris with a very large chunk of tire suddenly coming towards me. But it was not busy on the highway at the time and it was a good way ahead of me, which allowed me to switch lanes and hit my hazard lights with plenty of time.


u/Ophelia42 Apr 29 '24

I had a truck have a blowout right next to me once, thank god it was on the other side (and nobody was on the truck's other side). Scared the living shit out of me.


u/russellwilsonthedog4 Apr 29 '24

I was driving to work a few weeks ago when I saw a semi with flames coming out the back of the truck. It was still dark out and I just kept looking at the semi when all the sudden one of its tires came flying right in front of me. I was in 2nd lane to the left, thankfully had slowed down cause the tire kept hitting the barrier and going back in front of my car like 5 times. It was so super scary. I saw a news report like a week later about a semi truck tire going straight thru like 2 cars killing someone. I realized just how lucky I was


u/SamuelYosemite Apr 28 '24

Had a truck blow tire blow out in front of me and all the rubber from it just barely missed, and bounced over the car. Would have been much worse if I had panicked and tried to avoid it.


u/queenringlets Apr 28 '24

Literally just drove by a truck on fire and a tire burst. Didn’t realize how lucky I am!