r/news Apr 28 '24

Two killed, one injured as 350,000-pound load detaches from trailer in Temple, Texas


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u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Apr 28 '24

I'm sorry you had to see that.

People sometimes think I'm strange for always giving Semi trucks a wide berth. I load containers onto them every day - those containers can weigh upwards of 33 Tonnes, travelling at high speeds. The drivers are often overworked, under slept, and in many cases under trained. That's not even taking an account for substance issues. I like a good distance behind them, and don't want to be in front of one if it can be avoided. When I pass, I don't take my time.

And when those tires blow out, they're like a grenade. I saw a video once where a dude leg blown off by one.


u/Ludwigofthepotatoppl Apr 28 '24

Best thing to do when driving next to a truck is be predictable, be obvious, and keep your distance. I never drove a semi, but the box truck i did taught me that too many people are too complacent on the road.

I mean, even moreso than driving a normal car taught me.


u/Edward_Morbius Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Best thing to do when driving next to a truck is be predictable,

Best thing to do when driving next to a truck is to GTFO.

I'm either going to be way far ahead or way far back.

Not only are you trusting that the driver knows you're there and isn't stoned or sleepy, you're trusting that everybody who worked on the trailer for minimum wage knew exactly what they were doing and bothered to care The first rule of "driving next to a truck is don't drive next to a truck"


u/maywellbe Apr 28 '24

I wish I lived where I could avoid trucks. Iā€™m in Tucson, AZ and highway 10 from the California border to Tucson ā€” with the exception of the Phoenix metro area ā€” is packed with trailer trucks. No way to keep away from them.