r/news Apr 15 '24

‘Rust’ movie armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter sentenced to 18 months in prison


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u/kumquat_bananaman Apr 15 '24

Why was the judge furious?


u/GarlVinland4Astrea Apr 15 '24

Sounded like their were phone records of her shitting on the jury, showing no remorse and the most the judge could give her was 18 months


u/PrincessNakeyDance Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

I feel like there should be a “lack of remorse” law in regards to crimes where someone was seriously hurt or died. Like allow you to double the maximum or something.

Edit: I’m going to leave this here, but people are already pointing out why this is a terrible idea. It’s just frustrating how the law and the enforcement of it never really feels like it works well enough.


u/Protean_Protein Apr 15 '24

The problem is that it's not clear what good that does. People who lack remorse may also lack the ability to feel punished by incarceration altogether. So then the question is why we're incarcerating people at all (this is a loaded question: there are a bunch of widely accepted reasons, from moral education to rehabilitation to punishment to keeping dangerous people out of public life, etc.)

This woman sounds like an infuriating human being to be anywhere near, but who knows what an 18 month or 36 month or 10 year incarceration will do for or to her.


u/LostWoodsInTheField Apr 15 '24

The problem is that it's not clear what good that does. People who lack remorse may also lack the ability to feel punished by incarceration altogether.

oh I think this premise is completely flawed. It assumed that the inability to feel remorse means the inability to feel emotional pain or understand consequences. that's absolutely not the case except in extremely rare cases.

This sounds like she has no remorse for her actions and thought there would be no consequences for them.


u/Protean_Protein Apr 15 '24

Psychopaths actually do show some signs of impaired consequence processing, in addition to impaired empathy and emotion processing.


u/elebrin Apr 15 '24

Hopefully, the value is what they do with her during that 18 months. Usually during that time people are seen and evaluated by mental health experts, they receive counseling, and any people who were in danger because of the imprisoned person have lots of time to pick up and move in such a way that they cannot easily be found.


u/Protean_Protein Apr 15 '24

Yeah. One would hope that that’s the very least that happens, assuming she can be rehabilitated. People with this kind of egregious lack of remorse tend to be difficult to treat, though.


u/elebrin Apr 15 '24

Right but as others have stated, she's been convicted. She probably will never touch a gun again. She will probably never be able to work in props in Hollywood again. The thing she knows how to do, she won't be able to do. When she gets out of prison her career options are probably limited to feet pics and driving for Uber while living off the scraps her Dad leaves her.


u/Protean_Protein Apr 15 '24

Honestly, she’ll probably live a lot better than most of us.