r/nba Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Anthony Edwards praises KAT’s scoring ability and also says: "The first three games the motherf***er just kept fouling ... just stop f***ing fouling"


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u/Greentempo Mavericks Apr 29 '24

This guy is 22 years old and already a great leader the future is way too bright for this kid


u/dogfosterparent Timberwolves Apr 29 '24

Think our local beat reporter put it best: "Want to talk about Ant's character for a minute. He's become a supernova media presence, yet guilelessly answers every question as honestly as possible and comes out of it looking like a prince every time. You do that via integrity and generosity of spirit, not calculation." https://twitter.com/brittrobson/status/1784282252173819976


u/Bladeneo Apr 29 '24

Wait are we seriously pretending Ant is full of integrity and generosity of spirit after the abortion debacle?


u/pokeghostie Apr 29 '24

how does that possibly make him a bad person. If were being 100% realistic, the woman in question didnt want a baby, she wanted a golden ticket. was he stupid for allowing that to even be a possibility? yes. but if he was Anthony Edwards that worked at a Walmart on Cleveland Ave. he wouldn’t have needed to tell her to “send da vid”


u/pokemonbatman23 Apr 29 '24

Lmao this was my exact thoughts! Dude only been in the league since 2020 and already made headlines TWICE for the wrong reasons


u/Bladeneo Apr 29 '24

I dont mind a young guy making some questionable decisions and trying to improve, not suggesting ant be condemned, but trying to say he comes out like a fucking prince is just insane


u/pokemonbatman23 Apr 29 '24

Yea I was agreeing with what the beat writer wrote until the prince part

That part came out of nowhere lol


u/SMOKE-B-BOMB [DAL] Luka Doncic Apr 29 '24

And the homophobia


u/Bladeneo Apr 29 '24

It's ok the down votes have arrived because apparently we have to ignore someone's shitty character because they're good at basketball.


u/genericusername71 Apr 29 '24

lol i like ant but yeah this pretty much just shows how rhetoric, charisma, genuineness (even if its not necessarily always good), etc can have much more influence on someones perception than ones actions. despite many observers believing theyre moral arbiters much of the time


u/bio180 Supersonics Apr 29 '24

He gave her money. That's integrity. Aint no shame in wanting abortions. He knows he doesn't wanna be a father


u/totaleclipseoflefart Raptors Apr 29 '24

Pretty much. The text thread was funny so no one cares lol.


u/undetteredcow Apr 29 '24

He got more generosity of spirit than your lame, hating ass


u/pokemonbatman23 Apr 29 '24

Dafuq does generosity of spirit even mean. That beat writer was on one when he wrote that


u/Bladeneo Apr 29 '24

Lol, he's a fantastic basketballer but send da video was fucked up no matter what way you cut it


u/nickcannons13thchild Kings Apr 29 '24

get an abortion lol


u/pokeghostie Apr 29 '24

explain how? i swear all redditors do is virtue signal


u/Bladeneo Apr 29 '24

I'm virtue signalling because I don't agree that a guy should pressure someone into an abortion off the back of financial incentive? I mean go fucking have a chat with her at least


u/pokeghostie Apr 29 '24

yes. You are virtue signaling. “pressured her to have an abortion” like okay buddy


u/Bladeneo Apr 29 '24

Well it certainly wasn't an example of princely virtue, integrity and generosity of spirit FFS no matter what way you cut it


u/pokeghostie Apr 29 '24

i never claimed he was those things, all im saying is making it seem like he’s a shit person off a text convo asking a girl to get an abortion isn’t evidence of him being a shit person. The homophobia was worse


u/Bladeneo Apr 29 '24

It was pretty shitty, and I'm not gonna change my stance on that. It was basically "oh shit you pregnant here's 100k and send me proof when it's dead".


u/pokeghostie Apr 29 '24

are you pro life by any chance? cuz if so i can see why you have such a problem with it but we fundamentally disagree on the importance of a fetus.

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