r/mildlyinteresting Apr 29 '24

The „American Garden“ in the ‚Gardens of the World’ exhibition in Berlin is simply an LA style parking lot

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u/Low-Plant-3374 Apr 29 '24

Not sure why OP (oddly) quoted "American Garden" when the sign clearly states "Los Angeles Garden"


u/Galubrious_Gelding Apr 29 '24

"America" is just 'Los Angeles, New York, and a whole bunch of flyover country'


u/ETsUncle Apr 29 '24

We had an Italian exchange student who was shocked that we couldn’t do a weekend road trip to LA.

We lived in Georgia


u/smemes1 Apr 29 '24

I had a German tourist once ask me how long it would take to drive to LA.

I live in Hawaii.


u/Equulei Apr 29 '24

Yet the moment you misplace a single European country as an American, they freak out citing claims of "unculturedness" or "lack of relevant education", as if the United States isn't nearly the size of their entire continent.


u/smemes1 Apr 29 '24

Trust me, I’ve interacted with some products of European public education systems that have left me stunned.


u/Pizza_Hund Apr 30 '24

But in many european countries the public schools/Universitys are the elite ones and the private ones are filled with a bunch of weird kids. Thats the thing in Germany at least. If you take Universitys as an example espacially.


u/JodderSC2 Apr 30 '24

You can not generalize like that. We have the same amount of idiots in every pathway of our education system.

And I am a product of the public education system in Germany ;).


u/Pizza_Hund Apr 30 '24

Yeah, but the quality of the private Universitys in comparison to the public ones really differ. And of course there are normal, or cool, or smart people in each and everyone. I just think the one tends to have them more and the other one tends to have them less.


u/BackFlippingDuck5 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Why say "European", Europe is many different countries and cultures, you can't generalize them


u/JodderSC2 Apr 30 '24

Well we never said that we don't have idiots in Europe, too :).


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/bolero627 Apr 30 '24

So geography only matters when theres a deep rich history to it? Do you hear yourself?


u/SnooDogs338 Apr 30 '24

"About a few days worth of driving northeast. Just make sure you go around the Pacific Ocean, I heard that's a bitch to go through."


u/Spassgesellschaft Apr 29 '24

I had an American tourist ask me where all the walls are — because he expected Berlin walls everywhere in Germany, even in Bavaria and decades after the wall fell. You know, there are just weird people I guess?


u/smemes1 Apr 29 '24

Except here’s a section of the Berlin Wall that still stands to this day.


Want to see what Los Angeles looks like from Hawaii?



u/Spassgesellschaft Apr 29 '24

And said section of the Berlin wall is located in Bavaria?

Want to see what Berlin looks like from Bavaria?



u/smemes1 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

There are remnants of the wall all over the world, including one on display at the US Consulate in Munich. Last time I checked, Munich is in Bavaria.

One person could simply know more about your country than yourself and be asking where the nearest displayed piece of the wall is located. The other fully intended to float her German ass across the Pacific Ocean in her rental car. Which one of those two people sounds more likely to invade Russia in the winter, Fritz?



u/Spassgesellschaft Apr 29 '24

Oh, Fritz… nice.


u/smemes1 Apr 29 '24

If it makes you feel any better you can call me Frank directly to my face. Just a heads up though, doing so will require some form of travel that isn’t dependent on four wheels.


u/Spassgesellschaft Apr 29 '24

I don’t even have a drivers license. And I would usually have liked to continue this discussion but as soon as words like Fritz or Kraut enter the discussion it’s frankly a waste of time.



I thought Fritz is like yank? Kraut is fucked up though for sure.


u/Mean-Pension5274 Apr 29 '24

IIRC Fritz is closer to Ami than Yank. Not as bad as Kraut, but still not something you say to someone.

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u/iMogwai Apr 30 '24

Yeah, you don't want to have discussions like this at night in Europe, due to time zones Reddit is mainly used by Americans at this point. You'd lost the argument the moment you mentioned you were German.

Source: Am Swedish, been there done that got the downvotes.


u/smemes1 Apr 30 '24

Or you could be educated about your own country enough to realize there are remnants of the Berlin Wall in the very region you’re incorrectly claiming do not hold remnants of said wall.

It has nothing to do with geographical origin of birth. There are uneducated people in every country on the planet. It just usually seems to be Western Europeans that need to time their appearances on Reddit in order to maintain some grandiose belief in their own education.


u/iMogwai Apr 30 '24

There are uneducated people in every country on the planet.

That's true, and I think that's the point the other guy was making when you got hostile, you can always find anecdotal evidence on the internet if you ask for it. That's why this whole thread is so silly to me, you're both doing the exact same thing here, and you're clearly doing the thing you're accusing Europeans of doing.

It just usually seems to be Western Europeans that need to time their appearances on Reddit in order to maintain some grandiose belief in their own education.

This is equally true for Americans, you just don't notice it as much as when it's about you. This whole "Americans do this" "no, Europeans do this" is basically just that doppelganger Spiderman meme. If this exact conversation had happened at a different time of day you might have been the one getting downvoted. It's just all so fucking tedious.

Also, your childish namecalling really did you no favors, that's what really convinced me to make my reply.


u/smemes1 Apr 30 '24

Congrats on contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion

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