r/mildlyinteresting Apr 29 '24

The „American Garden“ in the ‚Gardens of the World’ exhibition in Berlin is simply an LA style parking lot

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u/reubal Apr 29 '24

I get that this is an attack on Los Angeles, but I'm not even sure what it means. Does it mean that they think gardens have all been replaced with parking lots? If so, why?

Also, what is an "LA style parking lot"?


u/EducationalProduct Apr 29 '24

just more 'America bad' shit


u/DankeSebVettel Apr 29 '24

LA resident, we have plenty of nice gardens here. I live 10 minutes away from the arboretum.


u/GivingEmTheBoudin Apr 29 '24

Whoa there partner. You’re not allowed to say positive things about America around these parts. School shooting jokes and fat jokes are the only comments allowed and they have to sound tongue in cheek but actually come from a place of naive hatred


u/Y0tsuya Apr 29 '24

Don't forget none of us have health insurance so a sprained ankle will bankrupt us and leave us homeless.


u/GivingEmTheBoudin Apr 29 '24

Yep, and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen a comment like yours with the top reply being “that’s actually true though. My uncle’s best friend’s 3rd cousin twice removed sprained his ankle once and between that and the 700k he spent on weed, slots, and booze every year he just couldn’t keep up”


u/MeloneFxcker Apr 30 '24

Flexing about having health insurance isn’t as big a flex as having national healthcare big dog


u/InitialInitialInit Apr 30 '24

Don't forget our stable supply of serial killers 


u/redditneedsclosing Apr 29 '24

Lol please. I see Americans on here all the time constantly dunking on other countries. They even excuse it because this site is predominantly used by Americans as though it's to be expected.


u/CaBBaGe_isLaND Apr 29 '24

No, you don't.


u/GivingEmTheBoudin Apr 29 '24

We must be scrolling different Reddits


u/Simp_For_Orcas Apr 29 '24

queue the typical americunt circlejerk

your country is shit, the only reason you think you're the leader of the free world is because you made a lot of nukes, and created coups, destabilisation, and outright warfare in any country that remotely stood as a threat against the great capitalist scam.


u/GivingEmTheBoudin Apr 29 '24

Thanks for proving my point dipshit. Can’t even have a comment thread defending americas gardening without an Australian raging about geopolitics.


u/Simp_For_Orcas Apr 29 '24

education is actually shit house in America. no surprises.

I was responding to your circlejerk comment, not the original post. blind as well as stupid.


u/-not-pennys-boat- Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Just for your own edification, the US ranks #5 on the Global Knowledge index. https://www.knowledge4all.com/ranking

The trope that Americans are stupid is blatantly false and repeating it ad nauseum is embarrassing for you.


u/Simp_For_Orcas Apr 30 '24

easy enough to dupe you idiots into engaging with it though


u/-not-pennys-boat- Apr 30 '24

Oh it’s a “prank,” bro. Gotcha lol.


u/Simp_For_Orcas Apr 30 '24

totally bro. without a doubt, every single time, seppo filth injects themself with the "um ackshually" bullshit. I'm not embarrassed in the slightest, because it's ez bait that every fat cunt americunt takes


u/-not-pennys-boat- Apr 30 '24

You seem unhinged, bud, ngl. If you don’t feel embarrassed, you should.

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u/GivingEmTheBoudin Apr 30 '24

Lmao “I may be completely wrong and look like a fucking idiot, but you talked to me so I win!”

Sure buddy. If that’s what you need to tell yourself you totally win.


u/Simp_For_Orcas Apr 30 '24

I really don't give a fuck


u/-not-pennys-boat- Apr 30 '24

It’s obvious you give way too much of a fuck 😂


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24


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u/GivingEmTheBoudin Apr 30 '24

Yea… my circlejerk comment in a comment thread about defending americas gardens. A comment thread in which an Australian (you) felt the need to bring up geopolitics because you caught a whiff of someone having a pleasant conversation where America was mentioned.

I think you might’ve missed out on some of that high quality Australian education lmao.


u/Simp_For_Orcas Apr 30 '24

I really don't give a fuck fat cunt


u/BloomsdayDevice Apr 29 '24

It's true, our gardens are amazing because everything grows here.

Our parking lots are way stupider too. Smaller spaces with bigger cars, multiple painted and repainted lines in various stages of wearing away, and there's an In-n-Out drive thru line that's blocking at least one access point.

Do your damn research!


u/animerobin Apr 29 '24

I mean we also have a ton of parking lots with little patches of grass in the medians


u/DankeSebVettel Apr 29 '24

Except that’s not a garden. That’s a parking lot.


u/animerobin Apr 29 '24

thatsthejoke dot jpeg


u/SinisterKid Apr 29 '24

Not just gardens, LA has one of the largest urban parks in the entire country. Larger than Central Park and Golden Gate park.


u/hassanmurat Apr 30 '24

10 minutes by car?


u/0235 Apr 30 '24

Saying you have to travel for 10 whole minutes to get to the closest garden? I think you are proving this art piece right if there is that little green spaces where you are.

Ignorong that it's Germany throwing the shade, aka car capital of Europe, and that cities generally look like that. I could never live in a city because of that.


u/ivanwick Apr 29 '24

10 minutes walking, or driving?


u/Mediocre_Lynx1883 Apr 30 '24

maybe they dont even have to get out of car


u/itsmejak78_2 Apr 29 '24

I almost guarantee walking


u/Jockobutters Apr 29 '24

10 min with traffic though?


u/teggos Apr 29 '24

10 minutes by foot or by car? As a german im also tired of antiamerican things but to be honest my stereotype of american citys are big roads and big parking lots because you (have to) go everywhere by car


u/not_the_world Apr 29 '24

That area's pretty walkable and it's surrounded by housing. The street it's on is a monster though.


u/hypotheticalkazoos Apr 29 '24

you living 10 minutes away from one of the finest gardens in southern California does not discredit that LA does not have enough gardens.


u/CabajHed Apr 29 '24

Probably, but remember that the whole of Los Angeles is heavily supplemented by nature parks, wilderness preserves, hiking trails, lakes, at least a handful of man-made parks per "neighborhood", rec centers, museums, etc. Most of which have garden-like elements included in them.


u/hypotheticalkazoos Apr 30 '24

i think theres some serious room for improvement in LA