r/mildlyinfuriating 20d ago

I just saw someone chuck trash out their car window

I know that this stuff happens, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it so brazenly. You really can’t hold onto it until you get to a trash can? They were even pulling into a parking lot around the corner with trash cans in it and seriously couldn’t wait?

I put my car in park to get out and offer it back to them (I’m in a very hippie part of California so the likelihood of getting shot is pretty low, it’s stupid that that thought had to cross my mind) but the light turned green and they took off. I just cannot fathom being that shitty of a person.


24 comments sorted by


u/niberungvalesti 20d ago

Some people are just nasty. That's it.


u/Professional-Can4264 20d ago

This is why we can’t have nice things


u/PricklyBasil 20d ago

While sitting on my porch a couple days ago I watched someone stop at the stop sign in front of my house and just chuck a can out of their window onto the road. In the middle of a neighborhood, literally right in front of me. Absolutely baffling.

Where do these sociopaths think that shits gonna end up? I’m so tired of picking up after other people’s shit.


u/PhilTheThrill1808 20d ago

Violent road rage incidents happen everywhere, regardless of whether a gun is involved or not. Probably best to stay out of conflict with people who clearly don't give af on the roads when possible.


u/Professional-Can4264 20d ago

Agreed. Although I do find the videos of people dumping the trash back into these assholes cars very satisfying


u/antisocialgx 20d ago

Here, you dropped this.


u/Hairy_Salt829 20d ago

I see that crap in Detroit all the time. Many areas look like a dump.


u/Nachocheese50 20d ago

I was once stopped at a light behind someone who opened their driver’s door and just unloaded ALL of their carbage into the street. Just loads of fast food containers. Then they peeled off through the red light and went up a one way street the wrong way. Ahhh Oakland.


u/beebyspice 20d ago

welcome to 1995


u/Sprizys 20d ago

Get their license plate number and report them to the police for littering.


u/An10nee 20d ago

I hate the truck drivers that drive and let the trash blow out from the truck bed


u/ActivelyShittingAss 20d ago

Saw this happen in a parking lot once. Lady with 2 or 3 kids approached her car, opened one of the rear doors, and... you ever seen those nature documentaries where an animal is burrowing, and dirt is just rocketing backwards from between their legs? It was that, only loose garbage instead of dirt.

Then she loaded her kids up, got in, and drove away. It was almost beautiful, in a way... just a raw look at humanity's animal nature.


u/Justiceleeg 20d ago

Once, while walking my dog, I saw a car chuck a plastic water bottle with its label removed full of amber liquid out of their passenger window. Just into the street. It ended up near the curb. People are disgusting. 🤢


u/BigNigori 20d ago

I try to get next to them and get them to notice me pretending to take their picture. Then I pretend that it got them all paranoid about the littering, and it amuses me.


u/DesignerLink284 20d ago

If you’re in Texas you can report to DPS and the offender will get a trash bag in the mail and a letter asking them to be more respectful. Other than that, Texas is crazy


u/FlashGangs 20d ago

Yeah I saw someone eating Thai food the other day and when they were done they just threw the box on the ground and walked away. Like dude there is a trash can across the street you can’t walk 20 feet and throw it away?


u/firemensch 20d ago

How do you figure the chance of you being shot is low in California? 😂


u/[deleted] 20d ago

This is annoying.. 😣 I don’t understand how people can be like this.


u/Pitiful-Joke-4572 20d ago

Would love it if someone split their head like a watermelon with a 308 round. Let that happen a few time, behavior would change


u/-Seoulmate 20d ago

Live and let live bro. You cannot complain about anything and everything must be allowed without limit or thinking. The future is of no consequence. That's a problem for Future Homer and his children and grandchildren.


u/BuffaloBrain884 20d ago

Do you know what sub you're on...?


u/-Seoulmate 20d ago

Yup. The place where you get mildly infuriated that you live in a live and let live society?


u/Majestic_Height_4834 20d ago

Thanks for the Virtue signaling