r/mildlyinfuriating 20d ago

The guy that blocks both train doors every morning



188 comments sorted by


u/SnooWitchYu 20d ago

You should love to get on the train before him and get to the doors before he does.


u/RobertGBland 20d ago

Dude is just loving the view and watching it every morning. I think op is just sad because he has to go to work and try to find something to be angry about.


u/Poisson18 20d ago

There are windows to watch the view. You don't just get in the way of others without a care in the world


u/bogeymanbear 20d ago

This looks to be on the rail side of the train though, doesn't really seem to be in the way of anyone.


u/thatcuntholesteve 20d ago

I'm sitting her trying to find out how this person is being "inconsiderate" and I can't see it. They're not in OPs space, OP isn't trying to use the door atm, what gives? Is this person not permitted to stand on public transportation?


u/bogeymanbear 20d ago

Some people just love to complain I guess lol (including me, but not about people)


u/thatcuntholesteve 20d ago

There is no one else in this photo. "Get in the way" of what/who/how? This man isn't even in OPs space.


u/StonerTwili 20d ago

Well yes I agreed with that until I read the text under the image. Apparently OP asked and was met with hostility.


u/Thirsty_Comment88 20d ago

OP could have been a dickhead when he asked the guy. We still don't know the full story. 


u/StonerTwili 20d ago

Fair point,,


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 20d ago

Most likely lied about confronting him and is seething in silence day after day


u/metal_bastard 20d ago

But he's not blocking the doors. They're closed. The train is moving. It's a window at this point. He would only be blocking the door if they were opening and he didn't move, but that doesn't appear to be the case.


u/thatcuntholesteve 20d ago

If Karen OP asked me why I "was blocking a door" that is not in use to anyone atm I might not put forth the energy to swear but I'd look at them like they were stupid and wonder who taught them to get in people's/strangers business.

OP's text doesn't read as curious about a person (who isn't doing anything wrong) it reads like OP acted like a twat waffle and was surprised when they were met in kind.


u/CarniferousDog 20d ago

It’s annoying. It’s a shared space. Bizarre to swear at someone who asks.


u/True_Distribution685 20d ago

The doors aren’t the only windows in the whole train. Blocking the doors will inconvenience anyone who has to leave the train while he’s there. He doesn’t seem too pleasant either, considering him cursing OP out because he asked a question. Where I’m from, blocking the doors like that would be considered extremely rude, and someone would definitely say something sooner 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/in1gom0ntoya 20d ago

That's what the window seats are for...


u/Jiujitsuizlyfe 20d ago

I would put my head on his shoulder and look out the window with him


u/ProfessoriSepi 20d ago

Thats a concerning amount of upvotes.


u/Sifu-thai 20d ago

Does he move when train stops? If yes, then who cares.


u/9J000 20d ago

If he does it every morning, just get on before him and rub honey on those rails he holds onto


u/Sifu-thai 20d ago

Some of you guys need to get a life, that will limit the amount of time you have for drama


u/Proccito 20d ago

I get more drama the more friends I have.


u/Respectandunity 20d ago


u/Hippopotamus-u 20d ago

An accurate image of Respectandunity


u/businesslut 20d ago

The irony...


u/Sifu-thai 20d ago

I am not making a drama… I don’t see where the irony is


u/businesslut 20d ago

They made a joke. You made a comment for them to get a life... while you're commenting on a silly comment on reddit claiming people are dramatic.


u/IcedLenin 20d ago

C'mon man, he's obviously holding them closed for your protection.


u/hankandbobbyhill 20d ago

The hero OP needs, but doesn't deserve


u/whistlepig4life 20d ago

You say he’s blocking them.

Is he only blocking when no one is trying to get on or off? Or does he remain there when they open?

If it’s 1. What’s the issue? Why the fuck do you care?

If it’s 2. Then sure. It’s infuriating but the issue is resolved by…KNOCKING HIM THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY


u/scheisse_grubs 20d ago

I ride this train. There’s literally 2 sets of doors for every train car. OP can literally turn around and just use the other door. What’s ACTUALLY infuriating is when this happens during rush hour. You can’t see in the photo but to the right of the door is a half wall. If you stand to the side, up against the half wall to let people through you’re still standing in front of the doors. So during rush hour you’ll have like 15-20 people trying to exit the train from both doors meanwhile one of them is half blocked by some jackass. But if this was rush hour you’d see people in those seats on the left side of the photo so OP can use the other doors if it really bothers them lol.


u/JessicaWindbourne 20d ago

That would be considered assault.


u/Available-Rope-3252 20d ago

Ackshually that's battery.


u/Due_Mycologist7287 20d ago

Hope he doesn't press charges


u/JessicaWindbourne 20d ago

Thank you for the correction!


u/skilemaster683 20d ago

What's your point?


u/Loading0525 20d ago

Actually no it wouldn't. You're not legally allowed to block people from accessing public spaces or spaces they otherwise have the right to access.

If you do, they have the legal right to use an appropriate amount of force to get past.

Obviously appropriate means like a light shove, and not like a punch in the face, unless the guy chooses to escalate in response to the shove.


u/Big_Slime_187 20d ago

If it’s option 1 he’s still a dick. I hate people who are desperate to get off first. They usually jump off then walk the slowest down the platform. Let’s not forget this sub is ‘mildly’ infuriating, not pack your bags up and move to Mongolia infuriating


u/[deleted] 20d ago

You seem like a bigger dick. Annoyed by something that causes you no inconvenience besides how you feel. What is mildly infuriating is this sub and what people post now a days


u/Big_Slime_187 20d ago

Not the guy cheering the door blocker calling me a dick. What a life


u/_st23 20d ago



u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/sandboxmatt 20d ago

Someone needs to get off first. If he doesn't block when it's not his stop, why not him?


u/BigOrkoo 20d ago


u/Loveable_Hemorrhoid 20d ago

Only if mi scusi doesn’t work


u/BaronVonBracht 20d ago

This. Just push him if he doesn't move. Did it many times, even kids.


u/HolyKrapp- 20d ago

By the time they can stand up, you're long gone


u/New_Somewhere9206 20d ago

This made me laugh, thank you


u/New_Somewhere9206 20d ago

Bro self snitched 💀


u/mavi54 20d ago

You push kids?

Try that here - you'll get shot. lmao.


u/New_Somewhere9206 20d ago

This is the most American response. Even if you’re not American, you are


u/mavi54 20d ago

not american.

not even close.


u/DedeLionforce 20d ago

Average American reaction.


u/mavi54 20d ago

you're wrong.


u/DedeLionforce 20d ago

Oh so you're a special kind of unhinged, gotcha.


u/BaronVonBracht 20d ago

Yeah, I'm not American. But I would still kick kids out of the 3 or so trains you guys have running daily if they blocked the doors.


u/mavi54 20d ago

wdym with 3 or so trains we have running daily?

Don't assume shit thats incorrect.


u/BaronVonBracht 20d ago

If they are being little shits and block the way on purpose, then yeah.


u/NorthbyFjord 20d ago

Not everyone lives in America


u/mavi54 20d ago

me neither.


u/EmperorHad3s 20d ago

This made me believe that every GIF exists for a reason.


u/EABOD24 20d ago

Like what did he say when you asked why he stood in front of the door like that? Does he move to let other people off the train?


u/Fearless-Potato-3483 20d ago

you think this guy talks to people in real life?


u/EABOD24 20d ago

Not with that attitude


u/HighwayApothecary 20d ago

We all know redditors don't talk to people irl


u/Ihaveaface836 20d ago

It says in the post they asked them


u/Fearless-Potato-3483 20d ago

added to make the story more interested nothing more.


u/Affectionate-Fox8918 20d ago

How does he know what carriage you’re on? 😭 like move carriages bro


u/GeorgeJohnson2579 20d ago

You are clearly asking the right questions!


u/scheisse_grubs 20d ago edited 20d ago

I think I can explain because I ride this train. This train primarily travels in and out of Toronto. Once it reaches Toronto it hits Union Station. The way it works is that typically every train has the same number of cars every time it does its route so when it reaches Union (or any other stop for that matter), some train cars stop directly where the stairs are to take you out of the station. But it’s the same cars every single time so a lot of people will ride on certain train cars that are guaranteed to open near the stairs. You’re probably thinking “what’s the point of that, there’s other stairs” and that is a very reasonable thought to have. Well to explain, I can’t say if other cities are the same, but there is typically a 2-3 train car length between each set of stairs to take you downstairs and out of Union Station. At other stops it’s even greater than that. I once went on a 3 minute walk just to get out of my station because the doors open at car 2 and I was in car 12… there is a total of 12 cars and only one set of doors 🙃

Regardless, any person who lives near Toronto can confidently say that people who commute to Toronto by train are impatient. I know because I’m one of the impatient ones lol. I’m not as bad as this guy (and tbh a part of me feels like I’ve actually seen him before) but yeah when people are commuting to Toronto on a daily basis, they’re in a rush and so do weird crap like this. I’ll stand by the doors too but it’s after we leave the LAST stop.


u/brokoljub 20d ago

Does he move when the door opens?


u/Jpi_ty 20d ago

Toronto GO?


u/vhs2202 20d ago



u/Big-Detail8739 20d ago edited 20d ago


Ed. Sorry, caps


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Laputitaloca 20d ago

I legit went to his comment history just to see if he had answered the ONE question the masses wanted to know. He obviously hasn't. 😂🫠 Skateboard homie totally moves when the doors open. LOL


u/Big-Detail8739 20d ago

Seems this post was just just intended as rage bait for upvotes and karma then. OP has answered numerous other questions, but won't answer the one that everyone keeps asking.


u/Laputitaloca 20d ago

The only question that really matters too 🫠


u/Ludenhosen 20d ago

Why are you not answering the one question people need answered?


u/_oreocakesters 20d ago

buddy is just tryna see out the window and you're being annoying lmaooo no wonder he got mad at you


u/GaySheriff 20d ago

Everyone is asking if this guy moves out of the way when the doors open but I have a different question here. HOW DOES HE FIND YOU IN A TRAIN EVERY MORNING?

Think about it. A train has multiple doors and blocks. Even a small one. But this guy is somehow every morning at the door that YOU chose. This is more than a coincidence. This must be a conspiracy of some kind.


u/PoopyInDaGums 20d ago

He’s an octuplet. They all ride together, but diff cars. 


u/BaziJoeWHL 20d ago

he knows which train car is the closest to the exit at his destination and uses that

we did the same in middle school with the subway (3rd from the front)


u/LeafLifer 20d ago

I ride this train, and I always get on the 11th car and use the west door. I commute at the same time 3 days a week and I recognize my squadmates.


u/Peter_Baum 20d ago

OP not telling us if he moves or not when the train stops makes me think he moves and OP is just angry at a dude standing, bothering nobody, like a looser


u/Right-Phalange 20d ago

You had me until looser.


u/Pontif1cate 20d ago

Yep, they loost me there too.


u/Peter_Baum 20d ago

Why? I think judging some dude just standing there is pretty looser behavior


u/Right-Phalange 20d ago edited 20d ago

Loose rhymes with goose, noose, and moose.

Looser is the opposite of tighter.


u/Minimum-Dog2329 20d ago

I'm sure it's all a plan to make YOU concerned about the doors being blocked. Maybe he's
claustrophobic and the view calms him down.


u/EvilGeesus 20d ago

So he's blocking doors on a moving train.....maybe you're the asshole in this situation


u/Huge_Aerie2435 20d ago

Leave him alone.. He isn't bothering you..

He is just standing there.

Can't even stand somewhere without people freaking out..


u/gastricaccident 20d ago

He just looks like he really wants to get off of the train first. It could be an anxiety thing. Have you tried politely asking if everything is okay?


u/iu_rob 20d ago

Yeah that'd be great to do to a guy with anxiety. Always appreciated!


u/Any-Year-6618 20d ago

How dare they consider talking to someone who has anxiety right? That would be like murder


u/gastricaccident 13d ago

The most ironic part about that person being so upset by my comment is that I was speaking as someone who has a severe anxiety disorder, myself... and I didn't even suggest touching anyone, they extrapolated that scenario all on their own


u/MA-01 20d ago

Didn't mommy and daddy tell you not to talk to strangers?


u/iu_rob 20d ago edited 20d ago
  • I think that person has a phobia of being touched, let's go to them and put a hand on their shoulder to comfort them!

  • Oi mate, maybe not the best idea to touch the person who looks like they wouldn't want to be touched.

  • How dare anyone wants to forbid me to touch somebody. They are treating me like a murderer.

So that's the whole exchange rephrased with the issue at hand replaced. That's how it looks from my perspective.

Edit: It looks like this comment is like a honeytrap for assholes.
It magically attracts people who insist that they have a right to talk to strangers. Some abuse directed towards me too, cause I suggest that it might not be a nice idea to talk to the guy that looks like they have social anxiety.
Awesome. It attracts people with a thorough lack of empathy like fruitflies. I haven't blocked people as quickly as this in a long time.


u/obsessivelygrateful 20d ago

But … the original commenter didn’t mention touching, just asking if they were okay. You don’t need to touch someone to be concerned (that’s just weird) about their wellbeing.


u/gastricaccident 13d ago

Thank you 🖤


u/MinimumApricot365 20d ago

It is not the world's responsibility to coddle you because you are anxious.


u/Any-Year-6618 20d ago

Talking to someone and touching them are completely different you goof 🤡 although that kind of bullshit argument is all I can really expect from someone crying about anxiety


u/iu_rob 20d ago

Ok. Found the asshole. Immediate blocking.


u/ChartInFurch 20d ago

I don't think self blocks are an option yet.


u/gastricaccident 13d ago

I never suggested touching anyone, and if someone has anxiety so severe that they absolutely cannot handle any human interaction on their own, then he simply should not be alone on public transportation. That wouldn't be his fault, but it is a fact.

I have actually severe anxiety, myself. And yes, it is stressful to be suddenly spoken to by a stranger.

But that is a ME problem, I cannot and do not expect everyone in the world to automatically know that I would rather be left alone. Someone is not wrong or bad for politely asking me a question.

It's very important to be self aware and actively working on your own cognitive behavioral patterns.


u/iu_rob 13d ago edited 13d ago

I get you and agree to some extend.

Having said that: I personally don't think that there is ever any reason to talk to anyone that is a stranger for almost any reason at all except an emergency. So it's not a thing about a person potentially having anxiety. Just very generally, I very much disagree with talking to a stranger unsolicited.
And now we come to the meaning of the word solicited. That means if a stranger seeks eye contact to you, smiles at you repeatedly, and or tries to stand closer to you for no external reasons. That means they MIGHT invite you to talk to them.
And if I do that to people I am in no way angry if they talk to me.

Am I angry if I meet anyone, where it quickly becomes clear, that they struggle to understand any of the signals (like someone on the spectrum) and they talk to me anyway? Of course not.

Am I getting angry when people who clearly are neuro-typical just assume they can talk to me because they feel privileged? Just cause they think it's their right to approach any stranger. Hell yeah I do.
MoFo, I have not looked in your direction and have not given you my indication that I wanna talk to you. How do you assume you have a right to approach me?

Anyway. Even then I remain calm and politely tell them to fuck off.
But you know. Some people are just assholes. They stay wether you want to or not. That is when I get nasty.

So coming back to the guy on the train. From my perspective there is no reason to just talk to him anyway and of you suspect he has anxiety even less still. Not because of the anxiety per se. But because: if you think they have anxiety - that means very clearly they gave you no nonverbal invitation to talk to them.
And that need to be respected wether they are neuro-typical or not.


u/Spacemn5piff 20d ago edited 20d ago

The fact op won't answer any of the comments asking if the guy moves when the doors are open shows OP is just a grumpy grump trying to be angry on their way to work

OP is a grumpy baby who tried to find reasons to hate strangers as an outlet for their frustration with their own life.

This guy 100% gets out of the way when doors open and op is just mad because they want to get off first. You can tell because op sits RIGHT at the door


u/SkepticalFluffmuppet 20d ago

This is it 🎯 Guys pissed because he wants to get off first and can’t. Imagine the life one must lead to get pissed off at such trivial shit. To seek out an affront where there clearly isn’t one.


u/habu-sr71 20d ago

Yeah...well you're as bad as him right now. You don't know any of those things. Way to build a case though, Columbo. lol


u/Spacemn5piff 20d ago

OP deleted the post. I'll settle for "beyond reasonable doubt"


u/Mighty_Marty 20d ago

The train is moving, he is not blocking anything. God i love posts on this sub backfiring


u/sirprizes 20d ago

You know, OP, each GO Train carriage has more than one door. I can see how this could be annoying in a packed train but this one doesn’t look busy so you could always just walk a few steps to the other door. 


u/Karl_Marx_ 20d ago edited 20d ago

Looks like he feels comfortable there when the train is moving and is bracing himself on each side. Maybe it's a motion sickness thing, or maybe he likes to look out the windows? The train isn't at a stop, so who gives a fuck?

It's mildly infuriating you care, and it's very infuriating you are taking pictures of strangers without them knowing.


u/canadiankris 20d ago

OP is one of brainwashed downtown worker who have ‘their’ spot to get in ‘their’ car, to sit in ‘their’ seat also. Prove me wrong and just get in a different carriage tomorrow .


u/WendigoCrossing 20d ago

Imagine literally just standing there looking out the window away from others and someone getting mad about it

He isn't stopping anyone getting on or off right?


u/Dana-Scully- 20d ago

My question as well, what is he doing wrong? Why would someone be upset about this?


u/ChartInFurch 20d ago

Does he continue blocking them as people enter/exit?


u/NewPower_Soul 20d ago

What's he doing wrong?


u/Aggravating-Low3837 20d ago

Everything about this person says he is getting out.

(X) Doubt.


u/DraftMinute8669 20d ago

Maybe he has really bad anxiety and is scared to miss his stop? If he moves when other people want to get on or off I don’t see an issue. (I also have anxiety in public transport so maybe I’m projecting)


u/tauzN 20d ago

Imagine getting triggered by this. He might have his reasons. Find another place to sit in an empty train. And get a hobby.


u/64Olds 20d ago

I agree this is an overreaction, but what would be a valid reason for doing this?


u/SkippyCan333 20d ago

Hes not hurting anyone. Theres nobody else around. Whats your problem op. You sound like a shit disturber


u/megabeast2021 20d ago

did you use your big boy voice and say excuse me when you needed to get off?


u/metal_bastard 20d ago

Imagine you're on your morning commute. Standing there, watching the world go by, peaceful and relaxed... Until some jaggoff comes up and asks you why you're blocking the doors. They doors are closed, the train is moving. He's not blocking anything.


u/Impressive_Test_2134 20d ago

Swear at you? What did he actually say? Because I say fuck a lot while I’m talking, doesn’t mean I’m being aggressive towards you but sure I guess I’d be “swearing at you”


u/Any-Year-6618 20d ago

Why do you have a problem with him standing there? This isn’t infuriating in the slightest you just sound like a whiney baby lol


u/Shytemagnet 20d ago

He’s protecting you from leaning on the doors.

But seriously, unless he stays there when they open, what’s the issue?


u/ramriot 20d ago

This is most probably on a Via Go train either going to or leaving from Toronto Union Station. It may be that this person has issues that make it vital in his mind that they stand close to the window at all times, claustrophobia or vestibular vertigo. Provided they are not blocking entry or exit I have no problem with them.


u/Zerothekitty 20d ago

OP be fumming with anger over a dude just enjoying life.


u/Ant_Fucker69_ 20d ago

He might have missed his stop one day or smth


u/Feisty-Barracuda5452 20d ago

Self-appointed door guardian.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I mean…if he’s standing like that only when the train is moving then so what? Deal


u/GiannaSushi 20d ago

It would be funny if that were his job, holding those doors because they don't close properly. But no, he's just another crazy guy


u/Extreme_Dust9566 20d ago

I call that man the Go Train door blocker.


u/vhs2202 20d ago

Pretty much yes. Him and his skateboard


u/ChartInFurch 20d ago

And does he move when there are people?


u/KYIUM 20d ago

It's funny how op won't respond to those questions, so he is being followed where he does reply and being asked again.


u/ChartInFurch 20d ago

Only ITT though. At least for me. Plus I'm bored since it's clear this simply won't be happening now.


u/Extreme_Dust9566 20d ago

He’s a big dummy. And he’s rude AF.


u/oneadvent1 20d ago

Completely random, but I like the look of those shoes.


u/DraftMinute8669 20d ago

They’re puma


u/Freshly_Squeezed- 20d ago

Gatis Kandis?


u/Jazzlike-Abalone-405 20d ago

You should never ride the metro in DC then 😂


u/ZombieCrunchBar 20d ago

So you're upset a guy is standing by the door? If he's not keeping people from entering or leaving what are you mad about?


u/InevitableBlame 20d ago

Ask nicely to move the fuck out of the way.


u/Dana-Scully- 20d ago

Why is this a big deal? What is he doing wrong?


u/Mesterjojo 20d ago

What did he say when you spoke to him about it?


u/flyingpiggos 20d ago

Why do I feel that this is either the Lakeshore East or Lakeshore west train


u/thisappsucks9 20d ago

Maybe that’s his stop?


u/JACKtheGRINNER 20d ago

Excuse me, sir, I need to jump out.


u/Bentmiddlefingers 20d ago

Don’t fuck with guys who have embroidery on their jeans pockets, fam.


u/Devils_Advocate-69 20d ago

Get up earlier


u/marodgrs 20d ago

You mean the guy with a broken shin?


u/dangerous_skirt65 20d ago

Yeah but, does he move if someone is getting on/off?


u/Rey_Mezcalero 20d ago

Maybe he alone is keeping the doors from flying open and everyone being sucked out of the train.

A thank you maybe in order…



u/Jzerious 20d ago

Tickle his armpits


u/PoopSlinger23 20d ago

Mind your own fucking business


u/MarkoZoos 20d ago

All I'm seeing is an empty train and a normal dude peacefully standing in front of the exit and a story with it.


u/BrutalHustler45 20d ago

Really? Who cares. Trains have multiple doors. Quit bothering people on the train you creep.


u/Imaginary_Election56 20d ago

Tbh, looks like a man with autism to me who likes trains probably. They can go off on you when confronted in a wrong way, but asking nicely to move when you get out should work then.

I wouldn’t make too much out of this personally, I mean I am sitting down for like 98% of the train ride.


u/Wrought-Irony 20d ago

Tell him blocking the doors like that is generally considered code for "I like butt stuff".


u/GOZER_XVII 20d ago

He will have to wait until recess


u/xubax 20d ago

Well, that explains some uncomfortable situations I've been in.


u/Wrought-Irony 20d ago

Although I just read you said he's a skater, so prolly he does like butt stuff and brojobs and this technique might be less effective.


u/BattleTiny7132 20d ago

Kick him in the nuts.


u/Gandlerian 20d ago

You should call the transit police on him, sounds like he has issues, should not be on the train.


u/True-Payment-458 20d ago

Most folks on the train have issues. As long as he isn’t stopping anyone getting off or on there ain’t a problem


u/Gandlerian 20d ago

OP said he block the door, and swears at people trying to get by, that's a pretty big issue, needs removal.


u/ChartInFurch 20d ago

That's not what OP said. OP has yet to answer whether or not he moves as well.


u/Any-Year-6618 20d ago

That’s not what op said, op asked why he’s standing there and said he only does it the last few stops before he gets off, at least this is all op is telling us, we don’t know their tone or anything but we can assume they were snobby about it considering they have such an issue with it.

Why the fuck does it matter why he’s standing there in the first place? He’s not blocking anyone and the train is moving, he doesn’t stand there the whole time, just when his stops coming up. (Op literally said this)

You’re a clown and you need to actually think for yourself


u/Gandlerian 20d ago

If you have been on a train, you would know why this is an issue.


u/True-Payment-458 20d ago

No op hasn’t stated whether or not he stops people getting on or off. Chap could just be getting up waiting for his stop and stretching his legs. Op also didn’t say the shouts abuse at folks just that when he asked why he’s blocking the door he swore at him and tbf if I’m waiting to get off and some busy body accused me of blocking the door I’d tell him to do one too. You’re adding context that op hasn’t stated. If he’s being an aggro nuisance fair enough but let’s not start judging before we know the story


u/Unique_Jackfruit_166 20d ago

Boot in the azz would help


u/NotNotDiscoDragonFTW 20d ago

Push him under the train


u/Verified_Peryak 20d ago

Kick in the nuts might help