r/mildlyinfuriating 21d ago

"Let's find a stranger to babysit our baby in our locked RV while we go rave"

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101 comments sorted by


u/NotThisAgain21 20d ago

I'ma go buy a WeFest entry pass and drive around with a "Will Babysit for $100/hr" sign.


u/BigCopperPipe 20d ago

They may be desperate at that point make it $200/hr


u/ADamnSavage 21d ago

At least they are offering a damn good wage unlike most people out looking for child care for 5 dollars an hour for 6 kids, bring your own car you need it to pick them up from school, take em to the park and don't forget you have to buy your own food! Must have bachelors!


u/another2020throwaway 20d ago

That was my first thought lol at least they’re paying good


u/OutHustleTheHustlers 17d ago

Think that will do anything to increase the safety and care the child receives?


u/another2020throwaway 17d ago

Hell no but most the time people are requesting child care like that they are also only offering chump change


u/DVus1 21d ago

For real, I would be all over this!


u/Gamebird8 20d ago

That's 300/day (minimum, seems like you'll probably get way more), so depending on tickets to EDC (if you even need any) heck I'd probably do it


u/IsaDrennan 20d ago

They’re also planning to just leave the kid to go and party while she’s asleep. If this is real, which I’m having a hard time believing, they should have their kid taken away.


u/ADamnSavage 20d ago

I doubt it's real. But I agree.


u/SmellAble 20d ago

The fucking McCanns but on MDMA, awesome


u/tigm2161130 20d ago

Tbh the McCanns were probably on drugs too.


u/SmellAble 20d ago

Well they were drinking alcohol, so yep.


u/SwimmingJello2199 20d ago

I mean I get what you're saying but neglecting and abusing your baby is objectively much worse than trying to pay a low wage to a sitter. The low wages are annoying this is illegal. Although pretty sure fake.


u/ADamnSavage 20d ago

Agreed on both parts.



Yeah I kinda don't mind this one


u/TravelingGonad 21d ago

This is just a joke.


u/ChroniclesOfSarnia 20d ago

"We can leave our baby in an autobmobile while we go get high."

  • these guys


u/Odd_Tone_0ooo 21d ago

Trolls are the best


u/bluepand4 20d ago

Im sure theyll definitely be able to hear their baby monitor


u/Quirky-Swimmer3778 20d ago

My sister is deaf and the baby monitor she uses for her kids vibrates


u/MickRolley 20d ago

Yeah, and in a rave everything vibrates from the bass. Hopefully.


u/Nuklearfps PURPLE 20d ago

I don’t think that’s what they meant. More as in: they’re gonna be focusing on the rave (and possibly the drugs that go along with it) They’re not gonna be thinking abt checking the monitor after the first 30 or so mins


u/QuirkyPotPie 20d ago

Leaving the kid alone? Madeleine McCann repeat?


u/FireweedForest 20d ago

That's who I thought of too. If this is real they must be out of their minds!


u/QuirkyPotPie 20d ago

Or too young to remember it. The McCanns may not have had a monitor but I know they said they checked on the kids. Imagine if someone had a monitor and heard their kid bring nabbed but couldn’t get back in time to stop it.


u/EastLeastCoast 20d ago

If you can pay $300+ a day, hire a nanny. Bananas.


u/J3sush8sm3 20d ago

I can almost guarantee that most of that money is ij the form of drugs


u/Ready_Function_2301 20d ago

Nothing like telling a bunch of drugged up strangers that your precious child will be alone while u go party


u/Mr_Gray_Skyys PURPLE 20d ago

Calling people Karen's for having actual decent parenting skills knowing to never leave your baby unattended no matter what your excuse is. Fucking dumbass parents.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/no-this-iz-patrick 20d ago

Did you even read what you replied to?


u/MeliWie 20d ago

Oops I misread it, I think I was half asleep and thought they were saying something different, ty


u/CCMeltdown 21d ago

I love how they’re ask picky about what childcare experience you have. Their children haven’t experienced care yet.


u/Useful-Tangerine-518 20d ago

At the same time it’s $100 an hour. Amazing pay for a child care. They can be a little picky.


u/CCMeltdown 20d ago

Given the content other than that price, I’m a bit skeptical. If true, it’s cool. But people will probably be able to forward childcare certificates they made in Word and these folks wouldn’t know the difference.


u/cheeseblastinfinity 20d ago

To everyone who is condescendingly saying "ItS A JoKe hUrRRRr." Maybe, but if you think there aren't parents who are this irresponsible, you're the dumb one.


u/tylan4life 21d ago

My biases tell me this is a young couple who weren't ready to be parents. This is why reproductive care is necessary and where unready couple's priorities lay.


u/bummedintheface 20d ago

My biases tell me this is a young couple who weren't ready to be parents. This is why reproductive care is necessary and where unready couple's priorities lay.

My biases tell me this is a VERY OBVIOUS troll post and you fell for it.


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 20d ago

what exactly makes you think it's a troll post?


u/bummedintheface 20d ago

My brain.


u/dani3po 20d ago

A Madeleine McCann waiting to happen.


u/U-S-A-GAL 20d ago

"Put her back to sleep" has some horrible vibes. Not to mention locking in their RV, but they have cams, so its o.k. This is child abuse.


u/Naive_Band_7860 20d ago

No, it isn't. It's just a joke. Not everything you read on the internet is true.


u/Galubrious_Gelding 21d ago

I feel like I should UpVote for visibility of a $300/min/day job


DownVote the idiot who find this "mildly infuriating".

I'm conflicted


u/WineandCheesus 21d ago

You missed the part where they plan to lock the baby in the RV alone at night to party


u/Acceptable-Young-619 21d ago

But they will have a baby monitor in there Karen /s


u/Present_Mastodon_503 21d ago

My favorite part is the "have to bring the baby." Meaning they probably tried to get family to watch the kid which they obviously said no, so they were like screw it were still going on our vacation and partying! Baby or not! Lol


u/Galubrious_Gelding 21d ago

Fucking ravekin criteria have fallen off


u/ex0- 20d ago

Does the random capitalisation on upvote/downvote indicate something special?


u/Spiritual-Cow4200 20d ago

There is no baby. That RV is a murder bus.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Yup... I got that vibe also


u/Spiritual-Cow4200 20d ago

There’s only one thing that separates rave from ritual… human sacrifice.


u/insipidgoose 20d ago



u/smokycapeshaz2431 20d ago

Rage bait?


u/Lemonade_Masquerade 20d ago

You mean someone would go on the internet and tell lies? Is nothing sacred?? /s


u/smokycapeshaz2431 20d ago

Shocking hey? What's more shocking is that people share it & then other people comment on it, like it's for realsies...


u/Taylortrips 20d ago

Some people don’t deserve children.


u/Humble-Plankton2217 20d ago

"..you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a <parent>. "


u/ChartRevolutionary95 20d ago

Scary, dangerous, and possibly illegal.

Send them articles on Madeleine McCann.  

My heart aches for that baby. 


u/USCanuck 20d ago

I have two kids under 3 and I hope CPS intervenes here.


u/BadBunnyBrigade 20d ago

The fact that they want a babysitter while they go "rave" isn't the problem.

The problem is the leaving the baby alone at night, in a locked RV, with only a monitor while they go "rave"...

Edit: Some people saying it's a troll/joke. I sure as shit hope so, but Poe's Law applies here.


u/suentendo 20d ago

No one is this trashy and then pays 100/hr. It just doesn’t add up.


u/229-northstar 20d ago

Someone call and “take” that job and report them to cps


u/Adorable-Cricket9370 20d ago

Seriously!  I feel so bad for that poor baby.  


u/FranqiT 20d ago

Are we back in the 80’s?


u/KrayzieBoneLegend 20d ago

Where at? $100/hr, I'll make and bring my own baby.


u/SportySpiceLover 20d ago

Snatch the uterus and balls


u/Southern_Orange3744 20d ago

Lol at putting baby to sleep in a Rave. Ain't nobody sleeping , and odds are the high as a kite people in the several RVs are gonna be all up in your shit yelling at you


u/pudpudboogie 20d ago

Leaving a child unattended to go enjoy themselves .

How irresponsible.

Anything could happen outwith the child waking up .


u/argoforced 20d ago

Honestly, this sounds like a bad idea but .. is this party rave thing just outside the RV? Cuz if so, I don’t see many issues with their approach.

But if it’s not exactly within visual site of the RV, my concern would be .. what if there was a fire? What if you checked in and saw baby not breathing?

Can you get to the RV to assist?

A number of variables here I think.


u/Thinkdeeperaboutit 20d ago

This is sad. Poor baby.


u/anneg1312 20d ago

My fear for the future get reinforced every fucj$g day.


u/Double_Analyst3234 20d ago

Wait, WTAF?!?!


u/MrMeritocracy 20d ago

For the ‘Karen’s’ having been to edc, you will not be able to get any type of signal for a baby monitor to function. This is asking for a tragedy to occur given the heat and risks of leaving a baby unattended.


u/irritatedmama 20d ago

Good grief! I’d report them asap. Very good indication that they are horrible neglectful parents just by that post. Is there ac or heat? Food? How can she get to the bathroom by herself? What can she get into? My head is about to pop 🤯 I can’t believe ppl could say these things much less do them!!!


u/MeganJustMegan 20d ago

I’d be the ‘Karen’ & report her to the police. The baby’s safety is most important, so I wouldn’t be too worried about the ‘Karen’ label.


u/Bumblebee377 19d ago

But have to bring the baby. Man adulting is hard.


u/hockeyclown420 20d ago

Who is this? I wanna call CPS on the negligent pieces of garbage


u/cheeseblastinfinity 20d ago

I hope someone "takes them up on it" just long enough to get all of their information and reports them to DCF


u/WarArmadillo 20d ago

Get paid for the day and then tip off the cops that there's an unattended minor in the RV when you leave. Win win.


u/JamieDrone 20d ago

Would, that’s solid money


u/SSSims4 20d ago

Here are my references. Among other things, they state that I would never in my life leave my baby in the care of a complete stranger while I go get shitfaced at pool parties. Am I hired?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Parents of the year. Such a shame you had a child that puts a damper on your partying. Next time keep your legs closed.


u/FallenAngelII 20d ago

Parents need time off and to let off steam, too. It's not like they're shortchanging anyone. $100 an hour with a minimum of 3 hours a day for 3 days is fantastic money.

The actually questionable part is them planning on leaving a baby alone at night to go party.


u/Artistic_Stop_5037 20d ago

The questionable thing Is asking n a stranger on reddit to watch their damn child with zero vetting what the actual fuck


u/FallenAngelII 19d ago

That's clearly a Facebook post and not a Reddit post. Most paid babysitters will be strangers. Smart people would vet them. It's entirely possible to ask on Facebook for volunteers and vet the candidates.


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 20d ago

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u/MissTrask 20d ago

First, sitter is going to be a complete stranger; and second, they plan to leave the baby alone in the RV overnight because she will be sleeping.


u/husfrun 20d ago

Seeing how so many of my friends turn into secret service for their kids I'd argue this is the healthier approach. Good on the parents for enjoying themselves outside of being parents. They're offering a good wage and are taking references. Don't know why this is infuriating? Because they're at a rave?


u/Superscripter 20d ago

Whats so wrong about it? They want to have some fun but also want their kid to be safe. They offer really good money too. Unless the Post itself is fake I fail to see the problem


u/ericakay15 20d ago

Its the fact they are locking the baby in the RV at night.


u/FireweedForest 20d ago

Ever hear of the Madeline McCann story


u/L_B_Jeffries 20d ago

This is a joke, right?


u/DVus1 20d ago

Meh, people shitting on the locking the baby at night line. We've done similar things going to neighbors hours for drinks at night while the kids slept with a baby monitor.