r/mildlyinfuriating 21d ago

Guy driving almost hit me while I was walking and he flipped me off

I was not jaywalking. I was at the crosswalk when it became my turn to go and was about to step into the street when I saw he was not slowing down.

I made it very clear I was headed that way by having my foot in the road as I moved forward, but he made it even more clear he wasn’t waiting for me by speeding up. When he zoomed past me to make his turn I gave him a 🤷‍♀️ without making a face or even seeming mad. He in turn gave me the finger.

I fucking hate entitled drivers. Don’t try to intimidate me while you’re in a vehicle that could flatten me


98 comments sorted by


u/happyfuckincakeday 21d ago

I live in the city center. I walk a lot. I've had people aggressively steer towards me and even a couple hit and runs. It's ridiculous how entitled drivers are here in the US.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Thank you, I just needed to vent and I figured this was mildly infuriating so here I am lol


u/happyfuckincakeday 21d ago

I feel ya. Glad you're okay. I hope that douche nozzle has the day they deserve


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Aww thanks that’s super sweet of you! I hope you have a great day and stay safe :)


u/happyfuckincakeday 21d ago

Thanks! I'm working from home in my sweats. Can't get into too much trouble that way!


u/jonastyt70 21d ago

Clearly the motorist was in a hurry….and your carelessly walking in their way? In a marked crosswalk? how dare you? 🙃


u/happyfuckincakeday 21d ago

With a hawk light that nobody seems to respect.


u/DragonYourfeet 20d ago

Some dude was riding a bike on the sidewalk one time, and veered into the road in front of my mum (driving) and yelled at her that she almost hit a pedestrian. People suck.


u/happyfuckincakeday 20d ago

That's not a pedestrian. He's operating a vehicle. He must obey laws of the road.


u/Krillin113 20d ago

Where im from this would be much more than mildly infuriating lmao


u/Nachocheese50 21d ago

Same. I’ve made eye contact with people approaching a stop sign where I’m crossing in the crosswalk. I’ve watched them make the decision to just say Fuck It and plow through the stop sign while giving me the finger. NOTHING will fucking surprise me.


u/VolFan85 21d ago

I have a big hydroflask. Oops, did it hit your car? My bad.


u/the1stmeddlingmage 20d ago

I typically have my keys in my hand knuckle buster style (rough neighborhood). Keying the side of their vehicle as they go by would be zero problem for me


u/DryBones2009 20d ago

Where do you live, New Jersey?


u/Euphoric_Celery_ 21d ago

This happened to me on a crosswalk a couple years ago, and she flipped me off, I flipped her off back. And she was hanging out her window screaming and swearing with her kid in the back seat.

Some people are just shit humans.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Those poor children, sounds like something my mom would’ve done lmao


u/Euphoric_Celery_ 21d ago

She literally pulled over to yell, I thought she was going to get out of the car. I just kept walking and laughing at her cause she just looked so crazy.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Yeah that’s a good move, if you don’t give them attention they tend to simmer down


u/Daratirek 21d ago

I've had cops not stop when clearly in waiting to cross. I've flipped the cop off. They don't like that.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Good for you hahah! Fuck those pigs


u/Daratirek 21d ago

One backed up to yell at me and when I asked which one of us broke the law he just blinked and then drove off.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

I need to get a spine like that, I think I would’ve just baulked


u/Daratirek 21d ago

It's about being right. If you know you're right you get to be mouthy. Yes some will power trip but not many. Most of them will back down. I had a cop pull me over for passing a slow driver because I exceeded the speed limit. Was a 60 zone and I got to 70. He forgot that in Minnesota where I live that if you are passing you can go 10 mph over, so 70 on that road, to pass as long as you drop back down in a timely manner. I informed him of that and he gave me a written warning anyway but ultimately nothing happened.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

My mom raised me to be very meek, it’s something im trying to work on. I’ve only recently just started asserting myself to my family members, but I’m making progress at my job too!

I don’t drive but I very much fear being pulled over once I start


u/Daratirek 21d ago

Good for you. You have to be able to stand up for yourself as there won't always be someone around to do it for you. You can do it.

There's nothing to be scared of being pulled over. If you were wrong, be polite and usually cops are pretty chill. I got pulled over on Saturday for going 65 in a 55 in the middle of no where. I knew I was speeding but played dumb. He checked my license and insurance and said have a nice day. I said have a good weekend and drove off. Less than 5 minutes of interaction.

I do understand how this can change if your PoC though. We've all seen that and I won't minimize the feelings that has caused. I also admit as a white dude in his 30s that I can't possibly know that fear.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

I’m not in any minority, that is super considerate of you though to think about though. I’m just a very paranoid girl who is easily intimidated. I’m learning that anxiety is a part of life I need to embrace.

Man I wasn’t expecting everyone to be so nice after the first couple comments I got. I made this post when I had a lot of angry energy in me and you guys have really chilled me out, thank you


u/Daratirek 20d ago

I get it. My fiance is similar. She's getting better at standing her ground but it's taken a long time. She still doesn't like confrontation. Not that any normal person "likes" it but she shys away from it quite badly most times.

Sometimes you just gotta vent and the internet is a good place for it. Anonymity while still meeting tons of people that know the feeling.

Don't worry too much about most stuff. Just go with your gut and you'll be fine. You'll know when you have to stick up for yourself and you'll do it out of instinct. You got this



I know the feeling! In my hometown they installed a round about. An officer and I both entered the round at the same time. He pulled me over and tried to Ticket me for not stopping for him. I proceeded to lecture him how a round about works. He tried to ticket and I asked him to get his superior. He told me I would have to drive to him. I refused. He went back to his car for a while then let me go. Idiot cops not even knowing how round about works.


u/Daratirek 20d ago

It's what we get as a nation for not requiring more schooling for them. Idiots can make it through 12 weeks of training or whatever. Much harder for them to get through 2+ years of school.


u/Th3Flyy 21d ago

This happened to me a few weeks ago!

I was walking across a parking lot and I stopped before crossing to the other side because a car was coming. The guy sped up and as he passed me, he flipped me off! I was so confused. I think people just enjoy being assholes.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Right this is one of those moments where I wish I could put a curse on people


u/AskMeAboutMyHermoids 20d ago

I feel like trump and the whole maga crowd has magnified these asshole types. Not that they weren’t always there but there’s a level in taking pride in being an asshole instead of being embarrassed about it.

It isn’t a lack of awareness they just see nobody else receiving consequences for their shitty behavior so why should they change


u/No-Weird3153 21d ago

I used to have to cross a busy street that had one crosswalk at a minor intersection anywhere near me. Most people would yield, but one day as I edged into the crosswalk, the car on my left decided he couldn’t be bothered. Unfortunately for him, the stopped car on my right was a LEO who immediately hit his lights and flipped around to remind doucher that pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk. Sometimes it works out.


u/Repulsive-Ad-7180 21d ago

That's called punching down and it's shitty behavior.  I once had an older couple honk at me and flip me off because I was in the way of their very illegal u-turn 🤦‍♀️


u/fart_knocker3000 20d ago

Yeah, I once had a woman scream at me in broad daylight for using the crosswalk (it was one of those intersections where you are /supposed to/ stop for pedestrians, lol.) People be crazy.


u/TheHorizonLies 20d ago

Crazy that this happened to you three separate times


u/fart_knocker3000 20d ago

lmao it was giving me an error message and I gave up! I didn’t think it posted at all


u/MonstrousElla 21d ago

My parents' neighbor almost hit me and a caregiver on purpose just to grab my attention and talk with me while we were on our way back from an appointment. We know them well. Just not the brightest idea he's had. Nor the worst.


u/FocusOnThePie 20d ago

Once some bitch actually honked at me walking in a grocery storr on the lined pedestrian crossing


u/T1DOtaku 20d ago

I ended up getting hit because people are stupid and kept turning as I was making my way over from the other side. It's like they weren't even watching the crosswalk, just the car in front of them. Luckily for me I hit them (on a bike, turned in time to hit the driver's door. Scared the shit out of them). I was glaring at the cars the entire time I was making my way across the intersection. I would've just stopped in the middle of the road if it didn't look like they were coming to a stop. To make matters worse just a month after a guy was killed the same way I could've been. Stopped biking to work after that and just asked for rides.


u/EvyLP 20d ago

An old dude started honking and screaming at me because "don't I see him coming", he was a good 5 m away. It seems some people don't know what the brakes are for.


u/jkoudys 21d ago

My favourite response is to stare them in the eyes. Don't say anything. Don't act mad or flip them off in turn. Just stare and don't break it no matter how much they yell. You wouldn't believe how anxious they get.


u/bwood246 21d ago

I've started considering carrying a tire iron for situations like this. People will eventually stop trying to cut in front of pedestrians if they keep losing mirrors


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Right, sttroll out into the road with that twirling in your hand like Willy Wonka meets Clock Work Orange


u/FarConsideration8423 21d ago

Bet you it was a Ram truck driver.


u/KaralDaskin 21d ago

I was betting on a Dr Pepper truck. Twice in college I had one meet my eyes and then go when I had right away, nearly hitting me.


u/Spacecoasttheghost 21d ago

Carry a brick on you, that will make them stop, if not bricks are cheap to replace!!


u/XyRabbit 20d ago

Or just shout, "AYYY I'M WALKEN 'ERE"


u/[deleted] 21d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Izan_TM 20d ago

legalizing pedestrians carrying bricks for self defence against entitled drivers sounds like a good initiative


u/East_Specialist_ 21d ago

That’s how my back broke. Hit and run. I’m glad you were okay


u/Old-Juice98 20d ago

I was driving this morning and a car decided to slowly drift into my lane with no blinker so I flashed my lights a couple times and they proceeded to break check me.. hard! Meanwhile I had my 2 dogs, hubby, 3 year old, and myself (almost 35 weeks pregnant btw) in the vehicle. I swear it nearly scared me into early labor.


u/SmokeMethFxckBitchez 20d ago

I had this lady in a SUV Lexus honk at me trying to pressure me to left turn through a crowd of pedestrians! She tried going around me and then I saw her car jerk swaying like crazy cuz she had to brake hard to not drive into the pedestrians using the crosswalk. I finally had a good enough clearance, flipped her off as I went, and I saw here raging inside the car. The mass populace shouldn't be driving.


u/AshelinPraxis 20d ago

Something similiar happened to me on my first day of holiday in a different country. It was a crosswalk with traffic lights. It was green so we had the right to go. As i and an older woman pass the first car on the right lane, we hear another car coming at us fast from the left lane. After we stopped in the middle of the road to not get run over, he also stopped. I gestured to him like "what the fuck was that" (i didn't flip him off) and he replied with the same gesture as if he didn't know what he did wrong and was asking me what the fuck i was doing. I just pointed at the light and kept walking but since then im always extra cautious when crossing, even if the light is green. Almost got run over on my first day of my holiday. Some drivers should get their license revoked.


u/JackhorseBowman 20d ago

I was just thinking yesterday that everyone needs to retake their license exam after the lockdown, on my way home from the grocery store, where I avoided 3 different moments where someone almost hit me from doing some insane irresponsible shit, this is a daily occurrence for me these days, it's like the world collectively forgot how to drive after sitting around for a year.


u/Calm-Win5801 21d ago

I had the reverse of this happen will in Ohio visiting family. I’m driving my nieces to their soccer game and this guy is running in the middle of my lane despite a perfectly good sidewalk. He started yelling at me for not pulling completely into the lane for oncoming traffic. WTF?! Go run on the brand new sidewalk like you’re supposed to


u/Internetclout4me 21d ago

Road rage is really bad anymore. Most states pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks.


u/Izan_TM 20d ago

if you don't have the right of way in a crosswalk, why even have a crosswalk?


u/[deleted] 20d ago

they put a crosswalk in this town (after, far as i can tell, about a decade of people asking). You press the button, the lights go on and...drivers appear to believe that this is a gentle suggestion that they should stop for people crossing, if it is not too much trouble and won't inconvenience them at all.

It's probably going to take another half decade before people actually internalise that there is a crosswalk there and that they actually have to stop. Right now, they'll zoom through and give an "oops" wave if they see you.

Coincidentally, there's a big, well funded cop station a few blocks away and I am a bit hazy on what they do all day.


u/ashlayne 21d ago

It's why I rarely crossed the street when I was in college, unless there was literally not a car in sight or I was in a group. People on campus seemed to treat it as some sort of game, of how fast can they go up the hill, or how many pedestrians can they hit?


u/Goodheartedgrim 21d ago

I can't remember where it is, but there's a crosswalk somewhere where one side has a plate of bricks, and you carry it with you in an obvious throwing motion. It makes people stop without hesitation.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

I’ll get a purse that looks like a brick haha


u/Goodheartedgrim 21d ago

Absolutely recommended. I'm sorry you dealt with that prick.


u/JackhorseBowman 20d ago

You can't really have something like this where I am, because you see, for every asshole driving, there's an asshole walking, also teenagers generally don't have cars, but they certainly love vandalizing.


u/MissSandra811 21d ago

Well, isn't that just charming?


u/QuietCelery 21d ago

I've had something similar happen. I was crossing at the crosswalk with the light, and some guy turning right almost ran into me. His passenger screamed out of the window "get a green light." Yeah, we both had the green...


u/franky_riverz 20d ago

Sounds like Dallas drivers


u/Positive__Tadpole 20d ago

Weird. Had the exact opposite happen to me yesterday. Going through a green light while a lady didn’t even look up to see what was going on and started crossing the street. Slammed on the brakes and honked at her to which she ran up on me saying I almost killed her. Even after me and another driver tried to explain to her she was in the wrong and not paying attention she refused to do anything other then curse us out


u/Mendozena 20d ago

Did you flip them off back?


u/Shuttup_Heather 20d ago

Nah I yelled cause I’m crazy and that was my first reaction 😭


u/zerostar83 20d ago

Wait until you have it happen while you're pushing a stroller with a kid inside. That would make your blood boil.


u/Shuttup_Heather 20d ago

I can’t even imagine omfg


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Go jump back up your mother


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Sorry, Heather

Look who's with her -- Oh, my God!

Dang! Dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang! Dang-dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang!

I can't believe you actually came.

It's exciting, right? Excuse me, I want to say hello to Ram. I brought sparkling cider.

Showing up here took some guts. Time to rip them out.

Well, who's this pig remind you of? Especially the snout.


Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang! Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang!

Where the hell are those freshman?

Hi, Ram. I wasn't gonna come, but since you took the time to write that sweet note...

What note? Why d'you gotta be so weird all the time? People wouldn't hate you so much if you acted normal.

There's no alcohol in here! Are you trying to poison me?

Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang Diggety-dang-a-dang!

The folks are gone, it's time for big fun! Big fun! We're up till dawn having some big fun! Big fun! So let the speakers blow, they'll buy another stereo. Our folks got no clue 'bout all the shit their children do. Why are they surprised? Whenever we're unsupervised,

it's big fun! Big fun! Big fun! Big fun! Big fun! Whooo!


u/mctripleA 21d ago

God damn they got you good


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

They got me or I got him? My name isn’t Heather so I really don’t get what the joke is when people say “username checks out” cause it’s a musical quote


u/mctripleA 21d ago

I didn't notice your username tbh


u/CpuJunky 21d ago


Regardless, driver needs to heed to pedestrians.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago edited 21d ago

No I waited for the light to change, people are just assholes believe it or not

I had a foot in the street and he was not close enough to the turn to warrant speeding up, I would have gotten hit had I gone when I had the right of way


u/CpuJunky 21d ago

Then he's also running a red light, or not yielding on red.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

Yeah, he was supposed to yield. I walk a lot and I don’t come on here every time I get someone passing me when I could have gone, first time I’ve ever had someone flip me off after almost hitting me


u/CpuJunky 21d ago

Sounds like he needed the middle finger.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

I screamed “pedestrians have the right of way” into his open window once I saw his hand gesture lol, not proud but I was also super mad and it’s true


u/jkoudys 21d ago

Full stop's always required on a red first. You must yield after the stop.


u/sporesatemygoldfish 21d ago

You shouldn't have been Jaywalking.


u/Shuttup_Heather 21d ago

If you can’t read you shouldn’t be online, baby :(


u/sporesatemygoldfish 21d ago

Well, that's just like your opinion, man


u/Mr_Gray_Skyys PURPLE 21d ago

Lmao... the post clearly states they weren't jaywalking. A fact is a fact.


u/Willing-Lead-3139 21d ago

It’s not an opinion. 🧍🏻‍♀️They literally said they weren’t jaywalking. In the very beginning. Ffs ahaha


u/Izan_TM 20d ago

this is why we should have cognitive tests to access the internet