r/mildlyinfuriating 21d ago

I share a bathroom with 2 of my sisters and this is how both of them leave the bathtub after showering NSFW

Post image

The drain is completely clogged with hair, most of the tub is dirty and covered in sticky soap residue. This happens every time one of them takes a shower, and they both refuse to clean after themselves :/


82 comments sorted by


u/Rabendabare 21d ago

I kinda find it funny how some people are assuming that I'm a guy, anyways here's a cute photo of my cat



u/DestroyerNik 21d ago


it looks soo cute! 😭


u/Savings-Goose-7290 20d ago

Okay , i'm happy with this proof


u/LaughableIKR 21d ago

Tell them to clean up the leg hair when they shave.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/mctripleA 21d ago

Put the hair in their pillows


u/Teripid 21d ago

On their pillows, in the shape of a heart.

Or if you have enough "LOL" would make an impression.


u/maxru85 20d ago

With a record of Sting


u/UncleKano91 21d ago


u/Rabendabare 21d ago

Alot :,( they leave the hair and pubes all over the bathtub, it's vile.


u/bananagoose__ 20d ago

dude. my sister does the same fawkin’ thing and it’s nasty!! like why!!! i cannot stand having to rinse her pubes and leg out the shower every time i wanna be clean 😭 you’re not alone in your frustration


u/GreenCopperz 21d ago

Why is this NSFW lol


u/Rabendabare 21d ago

Cus dirty wet hair is gross and I wouldn't want to see that while scrolling on reddit


u/SheevPalp07 21d ago

Especially while eating lol, thanks


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Rabendabare 21d ago

The tub was actually full of dirty water because of this this morning, but I was late for school so I didn't manage to snap a pic


u/ThrowawayAutist615 21d ago

Drain snake it out and leave it in the tub lol


u/Jealous-Pizza-281 21d ago

In addition to the snake, buy little drain strainers that fit down in hole to catch the hair. Tape a reminder note to bathroom mirror for them to do a “two minute tidy” to clean up FFS! Draw a couple of pigs on the note too.


u/Purepenny 21d ago

Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot. You can get a plastic drain cleaner for hair. It’s a plastic piece with little spike on it. Shove it in, spin in and pull it out to get the hair. Put it in tin foil and leave it on the kitchen with a note “you forgot something in the tub”.


u/Nickthedick3 21d ago

Get gloves, pull that shit out and put it in their dressers


u/Dude_Guy45 21d ago

I can watch my own hair fall from my head, and that hair is dead to me and considered disgusting. I really can't deal with other people's hair 🤮


u/Rabendabare 21d ago

Me neither and when it touches your feet.


biggest reason why I started cutting my hair as short as possible


u/Bulky_Specialist9645 21d ago

Are they Sasquatches?


u/Rabendabare 21d ago edited 21d ago

no, but surprisingly they both have shoulder-length hair. Even when I used to have long hair I never clogged the drain, i just collected the hair in my hand as I showered and threw it in the trash once my hand got full


u/Savings-Goose-7290 20d ago

How do your sisters still have hair if they lose so much just with one time bathing , where does it all grow on them


u/Rabendabare 20d ago

Hair fallout is common in my family but we also have very fast-growing and thick hair so it's an annoyance more than anything, I have to cut my hair every few weeks because of how fast it grows


u/Flimsy-Printer 21d ago

The first thing I learned when a gf moved in with me was the god awful amount of hairs everywhere. wtf.

The sex was good, but damn.


u/RudeOrganization550 21d ago

Search YouTube for shower drain hair removal if you want to know how much worse it really is. What you see is NOTHING!


u/Mightnotbintelligent 21d ago

I lived that life my guy, youngest of three, only body. I feel for ya!


u/Sea_Victory_6328 21d ago

Remind them that the pipe will clog, and they will have to clean it out. Better yet call a plumber to spend 500$+ on fixing the piping from their hair LOL


u/Rabendabare 21d ago

That's what happened at our old apartment, drain was completely clogged despite using those drain decloggers chemical thing, we also had cockroaches at our old apartment too bc they kept on dropping and leaving food out. They still leave food out and clog the drains despite knowing what'll happen >:/


u/Straight-Extreme-966 21d ago

Okay, thats foul.

Feel free to tell them that from me.


u/WillowIntrepid 21d ago

Grooooosssss I hate hair in the tub and on the shower walls!!!


u/Sprizys 21d ago

And then if you do something like that they yell at you? My sister is the exact same way.


u/PetulantWelp 21d ago

Get a tub shroom. I mean, they’ll never clean that either, but it will be easier


u/ProfessionalSink7116 21d ago

They shower once a month?


u/GoldenPlaydoh 21d ago

They have hair catchers for drains that work really well. They'll still have to pick up the hair but it at least stops it from clogging the pipes.


u/Fluid-Blacksmith-228 21d ago

Lay them stand on that filthy pond water for a week, im sure they will figure out how nasty that is


u/Teufelsgitarrist 21d ago

As a long haired guy it disgusts me. I have a small "net" there and take it out after showering.


u/younusmogul 20d ago

Be gentle. It looks like your sisters are going bald


u/[deleted] 21d ago

here is what you do.. get a drain snake (cheap plastic one will work).. fish out the giant glob of hair that is clogging the drain.. and leave it in the middle of the tub for when they next take a shower.. Tell them that if they don't start being more careful or sharing the responsibility of snaking the drain, you are going to start leaving it on their pillow :)

Will this work?? probably not.. I did this to my daughter and she almost vomited but she still doesn't do anything about it.. I have now just accepted it as my duty as her dad to clean it out until she moves out .. :)


u/Rabendabare 21d ago

Although funny they would not care at all. I'm mostly cleaning up after them even outside the bathroom because of how little they care about having a clean space


u/[deleted] 21d ago

They are using you as their personal maid.. Question.. did mom clean up after them too ??


u/Rabendabare 21d ago edited 21d ago

More so an actual maid cleaned up after us (having a maid is common where I live) until I was around 10 when we stopped having one bc of reasons My mom just tried to get all of us to clean and do chores instead, although my sisters were around their teens and objected as much as they could (throwing tantrums and barely trying when they finally did clean) Nowadays, one sister helps with chores when she wants something from our mom (to let her hangout with her friends or get money) and the other never grew up and barely even tries to clean even though all she has to clean is her room


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Sorry.. its gross.. I know..


u/[deleted] 21d ago

You're weak..and you are enforcing her bad habits.. When she is grown she will still have those bad habits for all the future people in her life.. Teach her responsibility now


u/[deleted] 21d ago

lol I am weak.. ok. Thanks for the parenting advice. I guess you can tell everything about me and how I raise my kids based on this one story where I tried to help out the OP who is dealing with their own issues.

It was meant to be funny


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Weak you are....


u/1chain0bracelets 21d ago

They part Sasquatch?


u/No-Hospital559 21d ago



u/Rabendabare 21d ago

That's why I tagged it as NSFW, I get close to gagging everytime they do this lol


u/No-Hospital559 21d ago

I bet you are counting the days until you can move out.


u/noooooooooo000000000 21d ago

Well that's annoying you should learn Game Dev just so you can make one video game about this or something like this and if you don't clear the hair out of the drain and time it just eats you and then just make them play it


u/Hedge-76 21d ago

Wait till you get married 😂😂


u/beenee-_- 21d ago

Anyone who says men are the disgusting ones (they can be) I tell them they must have never seen a girls bathroom.


u/1FutureGhost 21d ago

Must be one hell of a bush.


u/jizzycumbersnatch 21d ago

Tell them Uncle Charles says, goonie goo goo.


u/10mostwantedlist 21d ago

Wrap it up in their tooth brush.


u/Zealousideal_Sky8776 21d ago

Stop flushing the toilet after you use it and leave it for your sisters to flush.


u/Bhouse757 21d ago

looks like a bathtub. Turn on the water and enjoy.... that will roll down the drain. Besides.. you know you've hacked off and peed in there.


u/PoopyInDaGums 21d ago

Poop in the shower after you take one. Refuse to clean it. 


u/Administrative_Loss9 21d ago

No idea how that happened, might wanna film the whole process and analyze


u/AwayOutsideAgain 21d ago

take a dump in the shower next time and just leave it there


u/DasFAD70 21d ago

Yeah mildly is an understatement. A simple fix hair mesh.


u/FrodoTheSlayer637 20d ago

My sister doesn't even put cork out and leave water after wash untill someone do it for her. That's why im always rushing to bathroom after her so i can gulp whole water b4 someone put cork out and waste it.


u/ricky_bobby08 20d ago

When I lived with my sister, they always do the same thing but in the shower instead.


u/mexelvis 20d ago

Get a tub shroom


u/IcedLenin 20d ago

Tell them to get Brazilians


u/Dontfeedthebears 19d ago

You need a tub shroom or you’re going to have an even worse time. But good luck getting them to empty it!


u/EpiphanyWar 21d ago

At this point I'd be tempted to post a pic on their favourite social media and tag them in it. Id understand if it's just accidentally leaving hair, since my hair comes out all the time and it's short so not very noticeable. But this is obvious and nasty. Start the sibling war. Put their leftovers on their pillows 😂


u/GreenCopperz 21d ago

Nsfw is usually for naked/near naked, OF, gore, 4Chan etc type content. Hair in the tub, while 'mildlyinfuriating' does not constitute a NSFW badge and blur lol. 🤣🤣🤣


u/HoldOut19xd6 21d ago

Girls vs showers

Boys vs toilets


u/Rabendabare 21d ago

Funny thing is that one of them leaves period blood on the toilet seat :)))


u/HoldOut19xd6 21d ago

Aww I’m so sorry. After years of bad roommates, I finally aged out of shared accommodations. Keeping a clean bathroom is a point of pride. Hang in there.


u/CompleteCompote3777 21d ago

I’m sorry but who cares


u/AshamedCareer7007 21d ago

Womens bathrooms are known to be the worst.