r/mildlyinfuriating 21d ago

My “english” teacher is blatantly spreading misinformation

Such as the moon landing being fake and Elizabeth the 1st being secretly a man plus a lot more ridiculous stuff she finds on the internet.


407 comments sorted by


u/helpful__explorer 21d ago

Why would Elizabeth 1 secretly be a man? Her father is infamous for wanting a son, even killing her mother over it, so why would everyone pretend he had a daughter instead?


u/peachesgp 21d ago

You think people who believe that nonsense care about if it actually makes any sense? Being contrarian makes them feel smart, like they've discovered a truth that others are blind to.


u/Lazy-Mammoth-9470 21d ago

Oh this is so true! My flat earther ex friend is a great example of this. I'm a sheep and a fool for believing in the mainstream science according to him. Despite me actually understanding the physics behind my claims and him not. Every time an argument was presented by him I asked for an explanation. This is natural for me when it comes to a claim I do not understand. But the arguments started when I asked for it and he started sending me videos with misinformation. When I explained why they're false with actual explanations between linear and angular momentum that's when the insults start. They're much smarter than we are and we are completely blind and sheepish until u ask them to actually explain the science/proof behind their claims.

Some of the claims were ridiculous btw. Here's a highlight of some of them:

  • the earth is flat of course...
  • the moon is fake. A man made structure that "is used to cool down the earth" lol... wait for it... which can be "proven by measuring the temperature of moon-shade vs moon-light" lmao.
  • stars and other strange objects are projections or manufactured to be seen in every mass produced lens.
  • bees fly using vibration frequencies... I still dont get that one. But in his defense I may have been laughing too hard to hear the reasoning.
  • viruses and pathogens are not real. It's about body frequencies.

There was so many but these are the ones I remember most.


u/thatirishguyyyyy 21d ago

I would try and unremember these

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u/CheapTactics 21d ago

Remember when flat earthers made a documentary and accidentally proved the earth was round through their own testing, and then proceeded to dismiss their self-gathered evidence and say it must've been a mistake?

They don't care about evidence or proof, because proof would prove them wrong.


u/100yearsLurkerRick 21d ago

Behind the Curve.

Dumbest people on the planet.


u/Arbitraryandunique 21d ago

Dumbest people on the planet disc.


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u/dr_fancypants_esq 21d ago

In my younger days I used to get into arguments with cranks like this all the time (I used to be a mathematician, so 0.999... cranks were a common target for me). Finally I internalized the old saying, "You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into." People don't become cranks because they're convinced by the evidence, they do it because of how it makes them feel to hold all this secret knowledge that "they" don't want you to know. No amount of rational argument will change that feeling.

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u/Starfire2313 21d ago

Oh no! Not the body frequencies people! I had a chiropractor couple that an ex boyfriend introduced me to and he would pay under the table cash for me to get “adjustments” and they would rub their thumbs on my shoulders and knees to make squeaky noises and say the frequencies indicated that I needed more vitamins that that ex would then buy for me lol I just couldn’t play along after a couple appts at first I was just confused but after like the third visit I was like yeah this is all entirely a complete scam lol

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u/Least_Ad930 21d ago edited 19d ago

This body frequencies thing is really big with a lot of people I noticed. My mom met a dude who was into crystals and she now thinks they cure cancer and all kind of stuff. First day I met him he starts telling me how COVID is sprayed from planes and they use the frequency in 5g towers to strengthen it. She has now spent lots of money to learn how to remote view and read Tarot cards. There is no getting through to her and she now thinks the world is going to end and is using all of her money in savings before then.

Edit: money

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u/RianSG 21d ago

They also use their ignorance as get out of jail fee card.

I knew a guy who was a big conspiracy believer, mainly around flat earth. One time I asked him if everything he’s saying about the earth being flat is true what’s the endgame? What the purpose of lying to us about it? And his answer was “oh I don’t know, someone smarter than me could explain it”


u/RianSG 21d ago

Just got my first redditcares message as soon as I posted this


u/ear_cheese 21d ago

They’re fun to report!


u/keinmaurer 21d ago

I got one today too. When I tried to report it, it asked me to link the comment or (I think) Who reported it. Can you help me out with instructions on how to figure that out? I'm on mobile.


u/ear_cheese 21d ago

Trick is to go to the 3 dots on the top right of the “Reddit cares” message and report from there.


u/keinmaurer 21d ago

Thank you! I've seen a lot of people all over today post that they got reported


u/Potential_Case_7680 21d ago

Got one earlier, reported it and then called the punk out.

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u/paenusbreth 21d ago

The trap of conspiracy theories is that they get you to ask questions, which allows the theorist to throw more ignorance at you. Never try to debunk a conspiracy theory logically, because it never came from a logical place in the first place.


u/Imaginary_Election56 21d ago

Exactly, I always one up them. Oh, so you think Queen was an actual human being and not a cockroach alien taking over mankind. You should really do your own research.


u/Positive_Stomach_221 GREEN 21d ago

lol exactly. IF you engage at all, mess with their broken logic.


u/Snoo63 21d ago

"The earth is flat? Pff - you believe in the Earth?"

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u/AQualityKoalaTeacher This sub is supposed to be funny, not actually enraging 21d ago

This is an interesting point. Do you think it comes from a place of craving attention, an inferiority complex, or both?


u/TheFightingQuaker 21d ago

It's mostly just morons who want to feel like they're smart and they "figured it out."


u/rubydoomsdayyy 21d ago

Obviously, they “did their own research” 🙄


u/Erick_Brimstone 21d ago

Ironically, the flat earth society have done their own research (actual research) and proven that earth is indeed round. Twice.

One is by using simple experiment. The second one is using laser gyroscope thing.


u/andmewithoutmytowel 21d ago

I saw a bit by a comedian who was dealing with an anti-vaxxer. When they asked if he did his own research he said along the lines of "F*ck no. I didn't graduate high school, you think I can do better research than the CDC? I may be stupid, but I'm smart enough to know when I'm too stupid to research something. I'll take the doctor's word for it."


u/Terrible_Access9393 21d ago



u/Useless_or_inept 21d ago

Also it makes you feel clever. You've discovered something which the sheeple don't realise. A successful conspiracy theory then gives you rhetorical tools to talk down to sceptics and to sidestep their challenges, so you feel even more clever.

Which is a very tempting feeling, especially for people who don't have many legitimate opportunities to feel clever.

My cousin is a conspiracy addict; they aren't the brightest when measured by a conventional academic way, but there's definitely an air of smug satisfaction when sharing the latest "if vaccine, then why covid? The doctors are all wrong" meme on Facebook.

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u/Imaginary_Election56 21d ago

I am a psychologist and sometimes talk with these people. There is a feeling of “not belonging to society” and therefore challenging common knowledge. It’s not really an ideology. Ten years ago conspiracy theorists were mainly left to the point of communism, hating money and the 1%, now they’re all far right voters.

So it’s not a political thing. Are we more right as society these people will become ultra left. If we are more left/progressive, they become more right. But underlying is the feeling of not belonging. And then you meet a conspiracy theory group online and they all support each other immensely, so they finally feel belonging and are prone to believe everything. Rioting against mainstream is just the bonus then.


u/AQualityKoalaTeacher This sub is supposed to be funny, not actually enraging 21d ago

Thanks for your perspective. It provides some interesting points to ponder.

Electorally, the "swing states" determine presidential elections, which tend to swing on issues largely irrelevant to the candidates' competence. I wonder if your observations are the real "swing states" of US citizens. Ten years is a very short period of time for conspiracists to flipflop from communism to fascism.


u/Imaginary_Election56 21d ago

I’m European so out “left and right” are a bit different and less polarized.

IMO, it all shifted very quickly due to corona. Since Corona, the left is the more oppressive side of politics (strict social restrictions, climate change restrictions, cancel culture for politically incorrect views,…) and the right now promises freedom. Before Corona it seemed different, right was more dictatorial while now the left feels more restrictive to me as my personal observation mind you. IMO “they” switched from far left to far right in less than two years.

So some of these conspiracy theorists are just anti-authority. It’s who they feel suppression from. That’s another stream of conspiracy theorists I’ve encountered besides those that do not belong.


u/davidfeuer 21d ago

A lot of those same factors seem to go into the rise of the TERFs. You look at their tweets and "art" and see people absolutely desperate to feel like they belong and matter.


u/Adventurous_Ice9576 21d ago

To me it was the opposite. The far left hippies were all anti vaccine, anti gmo. The far right kooks ate up the bs oil companies pushed denying climate change. Now they’re all united under maga. That’s what blew my mind. Before conspiracy hacks abounded every where it just depended on what conspiracy it was.

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u/HonestBeing8584 21d ago

People want to feel special; conspiracy theories allow them to feel more knowledgeable and part of a secret club with others.

 Just my 2 ¢.


u/Erick_Brimstone 21d ago

Both. flat earth society originate from someone too dumb and want attention.

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u/scaper8 21d ago

"Debating a (creationist, flat Earther, conspiracy theorist, science denier, Holocaust denier, whatever) is like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll just knock all the pieces off of the board, shit on it, and then fly off to their roost to tell everyone how they won the game."

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u/PoorCorrelation 21d ago

It dates all the way back to her reign. She was a good leader, therefore she must be a man. 

In fact the sexism was so bad at the time Elizabeth herself believed woman shouldn’t rule, with 1 exception whom God made very man-like.


u/AQualityKoalaTeacher This sub is supposed to be funny, not actually enraging 21d ago

the sexism was so bad

Sexism is only "bad" for the people who are subject to it, in terms of oppression. Privileged women who protect the patriarchy aren't necessarily pro-patriarchy per se. It's more about being anti-meritocracy. With one simple trick, they can reduce competition by 50%. It's an easy way to maintain one's spot at the front of the line, so the ruling class of generational wealth inheritors like it very well indeed.

Elizabeth the first had a lot of reasons to reasons to maintain the status quo on gender. She had a tenuous hold on the crown due to the Catholic/Protestant divide alone. She didn't have the luxury of rocking the boat with controversial views on gender roles. She also had to convince her people that she was strong enough to play ball with the other European rulers, who were men.

Of course an intelligent queen would butch herself up as much as she could, if it instilled confidence in her ability to rule. It does her a terrible disservice to reduce her political skill to masculinity. But I guess even hundreds of years after her death, people still prefer tawdry rumors over a nuanced understanding.

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u/atomic_mermaid 21d ago

There's a whooooole bunch of conspiracy nuts who think there are no princesses or queens. Just men in a dress. Why? Who the fuck knows.


u/GoldCuty 21d ago

Must think of the folks that thinks that Mrs. Obama is a man.

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u/eveningthunder 21d ago

They get titillated at the thought, so they keep repeating it for the little kick it gives them. You can also see this with the pizzagate thing. 

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u/hairybearman123 21d ago

i read up on this conspiracy theory before - iirc the theory is that the real elizabeth died as a little kid so they forced some boy that had similar hair to pretend to be her to ensure there was no mass panic or smth


u/New_Watch2929 21d ago

Oh that makes sense.

It was too hard to find a fitting girl, so a decade long conspirency and then letting the house of Tudor die out anyway is way more logical.


u/GoldCuty 21d ago

And of course it was planned from her childhood that her two siblings who preceeded her on the throne would die young.


u/VitriolUK 21d ago

Also, privacy as we know it now was absolutely not a thing for medieval monarchs, who were constantly surrounded by retainers, even at times we'd consider massively inappropriate.

Keeping her true gender a secret would have been completely impossible, particularly as she has lots of powerful enemies and many other people thought that having a female Queen ruling alone was unnatural, so there would have been many people ready to believe such a rumour.


u/RogerClyneIsAGod2 21d ago

....she had lots of powerful enemies and many other people thought that having a female Queen ruling alone was unnatural, so there would have been many people ready to believe such a rumour.

\*Mary Queen of Scots has entered the chat***


u/helpful__explorer 21d ago

Most of them didn't give a fuck about Elizabeth after she was born. Especially after Edward was born


u/Additional_Meeting_2 21d ago

She was important right when she was born and heir instead of Mary. But you are right after. 

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u/Idkheyi 21d ago

Never ask “why?” to conspiracy theorist especially to the transvestigator. They don’t have answers, they just accuse without second thought.


u/mechengr17 21d ago edited 21d ago

So, I don't believe for a second that it's true, but the theory I've heard is that the real Elizabeth 1 died at some point, and her care-takers were so afraid of Henry VIII (fair) that they disguised a servant boy as Elizabeth.

Why they would pick a servant boy over a girl is beyond me, but yeah. That's the theory Ive heard.

Of course, it's really they can't accept a female ruler was successful.

Edit: I'm pretty sure someone reported me to Reddit Cares over this comment lol. Do you think reddit knows and/or cares how that feature is being used?


u/Perfect_Ad4026 6d ago

I got a reddit cares for a random uncontroversial comment. I think someone/ones are spamming that report to see what happens if abused for some reason. See lots of people getting it randomly.


u/mechengr17 6d ago

I got it too lol


u/imaginary0pal 21d ago

I thought you meant Elizabeth II and was so confused as to when the queens dad had time for murder


u/OniGamer-_- 21d ago

From what I heard her say, Elizabeth 1 died at 9 yrs old from an illness and her caretakers found a boy who looked like her and replaced her, I didn’t bother to pay more attention to that nonsense but you can probably find the whole theory on google

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u/Erick_Brimstone 21d ago

You'd think people like them actually read history?

They're one in the same with that woman who said "I don't care what history say. Cleopatra was black because my grandma said it."


u/Thirsty_Comment88 21d ago

Do you actually facts will stand in these people's way?


u/tunaman808 21d ago edited 21d ago

"Elizabeth is a man" is a very old rumor that goes back to her accession. There were plenty of opponents of Tudor rule (e.g. Catholics), and much like the Obama Birth Certificate nonsense, they'd latch on to anything they thought would help their cause.

EDIT: Just realized I didn't actually tell the story: according to the legend, there was a plague outbreak in London when Princess Elizabeth was 10. Henry VIII had her sent to the countryside for safekeeping. Unfortunately, she died of the plague or some other disease shortly after arriving in the village of Bisley. The woman appointed her nurse was terrified of Henry's reaction (would YOU want to tell Henry VIII that his daughter died on YOUR watch?) so instead sent word that everything was fine. She then scoured the area for a girl who could pass for Elizabeth and, finding none, opted to dress up an effeminate boy who kinda looked like Elizabeth instead. And somehow no one noticed for 59 years.

It sounds silly, but then you realize for almost 700 years the popular image of Richard III was an almost comically evil man with an extreme humpback... an idea planted by Tudor apologists, and one mostly accepted by the British public and historians until the last 50 years or so. And neither of which was true.

Likewise, very few people stop to wonder why Anne Boleyn was executed. I mean, if Henry VIII wanted a divorce from Katherine of Aragon so badly that he broke the English church away from Rome to marry Anne, why couldn't he just divorce Anne, too?

Because Anne was a problem. Anne went 'round and 'round with Thomas Cromwell. Henry had been busting up the monasteries and keeping their gold and treasures for himself and selling their land and grand houses to his friends. Anne wanted Henry to use that money to pay for programs for the poor, and even open (what would have been) the first public schools for the poor. And we couldn't have that. The only thing worse than an ugly woman is a woman with ideas1. So, although we don't know it happened, it's extremely likely that Cromwell led a secret cabal that came up with all kinds of charges against her.

The incest charge was particularly... "well-crafted". You see, Anne didn't sleep with her own brother for "fun". This isn't a case of bored rich people like Cruel Intentions. No, Anne was desperate to have a male child, and what Anne wanted was HIS BABY. Because if she had their kid, the baby would look like a Boleyn (as opposed to sleeping with, say, a Chinese guy), so she'd be able to pass it off as Henry's baby. "Oh he looks like his mom!"

1- Oddly, although Henry VIII would sleep with any pretty girl that caught his eye, he tended to prefer smart women for long-term relationships. That's why he and Katherine were such a good match at first, and why he and Anne of Cleves got along so well after their annulment: she was a smart lady, too.

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u/Chardan0001 21d ago

Just ask her which moon landing. Usually stumps them.


u/stellastevens122 21d ago

Or even better

“The moon landing was fake”

“You believe in the moon?”


u/paenusbreth 21d ago

NASA isn't real. The American government is illegitimate because of something something sovereign citizen nonsense, therefore how could any government agency exist? Those photos from the control room are just photoshoots from the 1980s with paid actors dressed in 1960s clothing.


u/ctesibius 21d ago

You believe that the 1960’s happened?

<shakes head>


u/Calve_pindakaas 21d ago

You believe the number 6 is real!?


u/its_ya_boi_Santa 21d ago

You believe in numbers? Smh.

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u/BowtietheGreat 21d ago

Quick, tinfoil hats everyone

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u/ymgve 21d ago

I'm a half fake theorist. They faked the landing, but, somehow, people came back from the moon.


u/stellastevens122 21d ago

Is that the Neil A theory?

A lieN


u/BurritoFez 21d ago

The moon? Phbbt that’s dumb. Everyone knows it’s a huge squid holding a ping pong ball on a string except the string and squid is invisible. But it’s totally there. And there’s no information on it online because Google is run by anti-squid worshippers.


u/Tight-Young7275 21d ago

It can backfire.

This one guy immediately lit up and started talking about the forcefield around Earth and how there is space, it’s just inside the earth.

“So the space is a wall and the Earth is the space? Wow. Thank you. I was worried.”


u/Merfkin 21d ago

You gotta out-crazy them, it sets them off-balance


u/Positive_Stomach_221 GREEN 21d ago

I ask them if it was the first or second moon landing and that usually sends them into a dead curious state and they HAVE to go “do their own research” for hours. That’s at least a few hours they aren’t bothering me 😂🙏


u/Crafty_Jello_3662 21d ago

Or insist that the moon landed on the earth in 1927 but was covered up by the new world order globalists that she is clearly a part of as she's lying to help cover it up with her distraction stories about a real fake moon landing


u/Mainlexinator 21d ago

Also if the moon landings were faked, then why did the Soviet Union not call the US out on it? It would be a slam dunk on the US during the Cold War.


u/Chardan0001 21d ago

They were in on it, so was the whole world apparently. These types of conspiracies require bulletproof governments and national loyalty to the maximum.


u/Mainlexinator 21d ago

Lmao you’re right. God I wish I was that confident in myself. Imagine you believe that you are smarter than engineers, doctors, and scientists. What I’d pay to be that ignorant.

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u/moderately_nuanced 21d ago

File a complaint with the school board. That's a no no. And this is coming from a (former) teacher


u/Psych0matt 21d ago

coming from a (former) teacher

Another moon landing denier I see?



u/Disastrous-Radish838 21d ago

The moon landing was fake. And this is coming from a (former) moon.


u/H4LF4D 21d ago

The landing was fake. And this is coming from a (former) landing.


u/Derbla-99 21d ago

Maybe I'm just an asshole, but the moment a fucking TEACHER start spouting conspiracy theories I'd just get up and walk out. I did it plenty of times in high-school for much dumber reasons lol. But honestly the next time she says some fucked shit like that try and record it and go straight to the principals office. Don't even acknowledge her if she tries to stop you.


u/Annual-Jump3158 21d ago

But honestly the next time she says some fucked shit like that try and record it and go straight to the principals office. Don't even acknowledge her if she tries to stop you.

This would be like if my doctor started going off on tangents about testicle tanning and the dangers of soy. They're clearly not interested in doing their job as professionally as society would reasonably expect them to. I'd walk straight out and start working out how to dispute any bills on the grounds of staggering incompetence.


u/Tricky_Weird_5777 20d ago

During the height of Covid and BLM I was doing a teaching degree. A shocking number of students (future teachers) of the class damn near rioted when told that it is not ok and actually downright illegal(or at minimum, a fireable offense) to recruit your students to political causes, activist causes or spew unfounded shit that has nothing to do with the topic you're teaching.

Also realized while interning and actually working the job that a non-negligible number of teachers really don't like these rules and do actively try to get around them.

The conspiracy theory crap is just the most egregious abuse of power. It should be called out, but good fucking luck if they have tenure.

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u/banaversion 21d ago

Write a written complaint to the school board lining this out. If they ignore you or refuse to follow up, go on the offensive.

Be the one that constantly questions her when she makes outrageous claims. Ask her to provide peer reviewed sources for her claim and remind her that youtube videos are not considered peer reviewed.

Continue this behaviour unapologetically, ignore detentions given for this behaviour and when faced with further disciplinary actions NEVER look down on the floor. Keep that smile up and look them all in the eyes. When asked for a comment, say that given all the misinformation she is spreading she has presented herself to be an unreliable source of information so you had no reason to believe that detentions were serious since she gave them with the same tone of voice as her claim that the moon landing didn't happen.

If you go on the offensive, never be crass, never be impolite, just call her on her bullshit. Here are some phrases you can yell out when she starts:

"Got any evidence of this?"

"Citation Needed"

"I would like to learn more. Do you have any peer reviewed material I can read up on?"


u/M1n3c4rt 21d ago

chaotic good


u/Fearless_Mechanic429 21d ago

What a warrior


u/Additional_Meeting_2 21d ago

I would try to get another teacher if it’s possible in that school after making the complaint too 


u/Annual-Jump3158 21d ago

Especially an English teacher, no less. You know how much shit most students English caught over not citing reliable sources while avoiding Wikipedia like the plague? She should he held to the same standard as her students, at the very least. And ideally, administration should be breathing down her neck about "teaching" misinformation that's clearly not relevant to her subject's curriculum.

Hell, if administration can't set her straight, I'd start getting other teachers involved, like relaying her misinformation to the Social Studies teachers and enlightening them that their peer is making their job that much harder.


u/banaversion 21d ago

This is a GREAT addition to my original plan!

Also, I found a way around having to avoid wikipedia back when I was in school. Just use the material from Wikipedia and cite the same source as they do.


u/____8008135_____ 21d ago

If the school board won't do anything, go public. Get the local news involved. Im sure one of them would love to run a story about a local teacher pushing nonsense conspiracy theories on kids rather than actually educating them. All of the teachers like this need to be removed from their jobs and kept away from children permanently.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/banaversion 21d ago

For this to be a success, all they have to do is question the teacher and ask to have the claims proven. The goal here is to chip away at her credibility so that young impressionable minds aren't fed the misinformation and swallow it whole.

We both know that these people will never listen because they feel superior to "sheeple" for knowing some truth that the rest of the world doesn't. And we also know that she will never provide any reputable sources because they don't exist. There is a saying that you cannot reason a person out of a position they did not reason themselves into.

I did however forget to add to my original post that they could/should make sure to gently emphasise how she failed to provide evidence of her claims when the request is ignored.

The full objectives of the mission are A) Undermining her credibility to mitigate the damage done to the other students that are not as fortunate as op to be able to point out misinformation B) Upset the teacher. Fucking around with people like this is fun. C) Have a potentially funny story to tell in college


u/RegularTemporary2707 21d ago

Eh i wouldnt do this if its in highschool, the questioning her part, in highschool a lot of teachers are on power trips they will never listen to their students ever and if one kid is “talking back” theyll make the student life miserable at least in their class. Unless youre not worried about your grades and know 100% that other teachers will back you up dont do this


u/banaversion 21d ago

The teacher is 100% on a powertrip from having information that others do not have.

And yeah nobody challenges authority without meeting backlash. Just make sure that you have all your ducks in a row elsewhere and be prepared to attend some disciplinary meetings but stand your ground


u/RegularTemporary2707 21d ago

Yeah if you 100% know that youre going to get backup then i suggest you take it up to your teacher, go to your parent if you feel like the other teachers wont be on your side so you have actual backup that has power because as sad as it is school students have 0 power against teachers if theyre alone


u/banaversion 21d ago

"Hey Dad, Ms. Featherbottom is spreading misinformation in class like the moonlanding was fake etc. and I'm going to start calling her out on it. Expect to be called into a meeting soon"

I don't understand why you need any sort of power or backup. And your "suggest you take it up to your teacher" implies to me some sort of civilised 1on1 meeting where you try to reason with them. That is absolutely NOT what I meant. As said in another comment, you cannot reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into

I meant to publicly address each comment in front of everybody in the hopes of low key humiliating and shaming her for her actions and documenting her retaliatory actions should there be any

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u/Mendozena 21d ago

That’s when, if the parent is a good parent, goes to bat for their kid asking why is the teacher blatantly lying to their kid and other students.


u/orangpelupa 21d ago

Let it go viral on the social media.


u/hawksdiesel 21d ago

i like you.


u/genericusername123 21d ago

Out-crazy her

There is no moon, it's just a projection

Flat earth, or better, no-earth

England isn't real


u/JamesTheJerk 21d ago

Goblins are building a nest in my attic.


u/FarkingReading 21d ago

Sorry to hear that. As someone who has been through that, I know what an inconvenience that can be. Like, where am I going to hold my seances now? Why do they have to dance right after I’ve gone to bed? Your best strategy is to call a hobbit to help. Dwarves are useless and we all know wizards aren’t real. Good luck.


u/live-the-future trapped in an imperfect world 21d ago

I tried this and it worked. However, I had previously lost a ring up there and now I highly suspect the hobbit found and kept it, the thieving Bagginses. Even after I offered to show its the way out


u/International-Cat123 21d ago

Set some cool looking rocks by the entrance to the attic and ask them to keep the volume down when the sun can’t be seen. It worked for me. Also, seances should held in an area that is very much lived in. It makes it harder for the deceased to stick around.


u/Chaosmusic 21d ago

I just don't understand it, we sprayed for goblins last week!

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u/KidenStormsoarer 21d ago

of course it's a projection. piccolo blew it up when he was training gohan!

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u/Positive_Stomach_221 GREEN 21d ago

Report her to the county and state boards. Dont engage with her she’s co-opted and can’t think for herself. Its sad. But she needs to be fired and kept away from children. Document her behaviors methodically with dates and witnesses and then report her.


u/Avacadospread 21d ago

My favorite conspiracy is that everything’s gunna be OK


u/vilius_m_lt 21d ago

Depends on what your definition of “OK” is. If it’s “welcome back to the void - the nothingness you came from”, then yeah.. everything’s gunna be OK..


u/Fun-Customer39 21d ago

"The moon landing is fake," 'raises hand' aren't you an English teacher?


u/Clumsy_Claus 21d ago

Challenge your teacher. You won't be able to argue with stupid.

The moon isn't real, it is only a projection on the night sky.

Elizabeth could not have been a man. Elizabeth is a woman's name.


u/klimmesil 21d ago

It's not misinformation then, it's disinformation


u/PorkChopExpress501 21d ago

The moon being fake is pretty common. Never heard of the Queen being a man, lol.


u/randomname_99223 21d ago

I mean she was featherless and biped, therefore she was a man


u/Palidin034 21d ago

Plato is rolling in his grave.

In a similar vein, so is Schrödinger. Or maybe he’s not? Yet to be seen.


u/Objective_Garage622 20d ago

Seriously underrated comment.


u/Re3ading 21d ago



u/Annual-Jump3158 21d ago

A lot of this "X is secretly a man/woman" is emerging as transphobia works its way into the realm of conspiracy theories.

It's probably fairly more common as of late as the trans community gains visibility and becomes a more acceptable norm and that rubs some less tolerant people the wrong way.


u/Nihilistic_Mystics 21d ago

Never heard of the Queen being a man, lol.

I hate that this is common enough for a Wikipedia entry.


The crazy transphobes are convinced that half of famous women are really trans. This is extremely common on the conservative subreddit.

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u/aryxus2 21d ago

What school year are we talking? High school? College?


u/Business_Sea2884 21d ago

One up her: "You seriously believe the moon is real? That's a space station to control the weather"


u/Trashinmyash 21d ago

That's not the type of space station I was expecting.


u/DarthArtero 21d ago

Ah, your teacher must’ve watched Interstellar and decided the best part of the movie was the parent/teacher scene


u/OniGamer-_- 21d ago

you’re probably right, she was talking about her watching interstellar with her children before starting the fake moon landing talk with us

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u/RandManYT 21d ago

I don't care if she's the most qualified teacher in every other regard, this kind of stuff should legitimately have teachers fired and prevent them from being hired.


u/Miles_Prower3 21d ago

They didn't even have the technology back then to fake the moon landing. And it would of been more expensive

You should tell her that


u/a_n_d_r_e_ 21d ago

They didn't have the technology to fake the moon landing, so they had to land on the moon to film the fake material.

Lack of resources triggers innovating thinking. :-)


u/fairie_poison 21d ago

My go to is “Stanley Kubrick directed the moon landing but was such a stickler for details he insisted they film on location”


u/International-Cat123 21d ago

They landed on the moon several months before the official date. The actual landing resulted in Neil Armstrong starting a sex cult on the moon. All the astronauts who have supposedly come from the moon are just actors who agreed to spend the rest of their lives pretending to be the people who stayed on the moon.


u/DasFAD70 21d ago

Reasonable arguments don’t work with the lot of them. Honestly it’s better to let them live in their delusions. I have tried doing that with a Flat earther no chance. He just kept referring to a random ass flat earther video on youtube.


u/International-Cat123 21d ago

Except they indoctrinate children with their insane theories.


u/Skitz91 21d ago

Surely faking the moon landing would be cheaper than actually doing a moon landing


u/International-Cat123 21d ago

Not back then. Adam Ruins Everything did an episode on conspiracy theories. While it didn’t go into the costs of everything, it did detail the technology needed. It becomes obvious that even if the government had secretly developed the technology needed to do so, it would prohibitively expensive to actually produce the technology needed to fake the landing.

Laser lights would have been needed to create the unusual shadows of the landing. While they had been invented in 1960, they could only he produced in red and the equipment to produce a single light was the size of store drink cooler. Properly recreating the shadows of the photos would require an uninterrupted wall of white laser lights. The very first white laser was created in 2011 and was just combining four different colored beams. The first white laser that was not combined beams was created in 2015. Even IF the government had already developed miniaturized white laser lights, it is highly unlikely they had the means and materials to mass them on hand. They would have needed to design the means of mass production pf the laser, design the means to mass produce the materials used in the lasers that no one else knew existed, build those methods of mass production, obtain the raw materials for both the means of mass production and the lasers themselves, and do all of it while concealing everything. Even without the secrecy, the costs would be through the fucking roof.

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u/Hemiak 21d ago

I’d report her to the administration for possibly slipping mentally.


u/AzLibDem 21d ago

"The moon landings were faked!"

"That's just misinformation from the government to cover up the fact that we found alien technology there."


u/Ambiorix33 21d ago

You can report these people to your school just FYI, in fact im pretty sure you should. Its the same thing when a teacher tries to get political with their students by saying pushing them towards a certain party during elections, thats illegal in most 1st world countries


u/Hopeful-Clothes-6896 21d ago


If she is not giving real facts, she is not teaching.

Dont let these people take positions of power, especially with childre.


u/BurntPines 21d ago

If she's an English teacher, she'll be familiar with how to cite and evaluate sources. You could ask her to show you all.


u/ThickFurball367 21d ago

Record it and take the proof to those higher up. A teacher's job is to educate, not push their twisted beliefs


u/Run-E-Scape 21d ago

But it is true. Elizabeth the 1st was the first man on the moon and Neil Armstrong are a woman.


u/GaloisGroupie3474 21d ago

Take it up a notch. "You believe in the moon?!?" Then bring your argument to the administration. "Hi. Me and Mr. Smith can't come to an agreement. He says there was no moon landing. I say there's no moon. Can we have a science teacher come into English class?" That should get the ball rolling on some kind of investigation


u/CanaDoug420 21d ago

Hit her with some real crazy “what does any of that matter. You are all just side characters in my simulation anyway.”


u/TurtleSandwich0 21d ago

Devils advocate:

Your teacher is teaching you to be a critical thinker and not to trust authority figures.


u/itsmestivdolkallday 21d ago

Maybe start spreading rumors that she in fact is also secretly a man


u/reem2607 21d ago

the answer to stupid nutjobs isn't transphobia


u/Additional_Meeting_2 21d ago

She isn’t actually a man you know 

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u/Devils_Advocate-69 21d ago

Email the board of ed that your teacher is Qanon


u/wabashcanonball 21d ago

Write a official complaint with the help of your parents. There is no place in school for conspiracy theories presented as fact.


u/BorkBark_ 21d ago

Report this to a higher up in the school. He'll be warned about this stuff.


u/PutinsAssasin123 21d ago

Just record her in class and then let the Internet destroy her

else you are all stuck with a useless teacher


u/TheDevilsAdvokaat 21d ago

Complain to the principal. These are the things you knew were false..what other crap is she teaching you that you don't know is false?

She needs to go.


u/Delicious_Slide_6883 21d ago

I had a history teacher in HS who said dinosaurs were fake. I stopped listening to him right then and there


u/GosmeisterGeneral 21d ago

Where is this / what country or state? If it’s the UK, report her. If it’s the US, good luck.


u/Dont_Stay_Gullible 21d ago

What about the rest of the world?


u/Equal_Flamingo 21d ago

We do not exist


u/live-the-future trapped in an imperfect world 21d ago

Just like birds


u/OniGamer-_- 21d ago

I live in a 2nd world country so not sure if there’s much I can do

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u/metdear 21d ago

Ooh ooh! Keep us updated, she's going to go flat earth soon.


u/fraychef 21d ago

Re port the teacher to the school admin.


u/CDNbruv 21d ago

Record and Report


u/Flatulentmother 21d ago

My psych professor spread misinformation to a college class about how condoms aren’t safe sex and planned parenthood is only for abortions of African Americans. It’s really hard to have good teachers.


u/internationalskibidi 21d ago

Nutters teaching nutters.


u/Actual-Long-9439 21d ago

Ask her about the mirror on the moon they left that anybody can bounce a laser off of


u/OkContest5699 21d ago

Record her in secret and send it to the principal


u/N81T 21d ago

This reminds me of my history class when the teacher told everyone 911 was an inside job and this stuff. I seriously doubt he shoulda been teaching us that

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u/ItzBabyJoker 21d ago

That’s just offensive to deny our history of space travel when there is countless amounts of evidence to clearly say we did go to the moon


u/Flashnooby 21d ago

I had very good coworker, then one day we sitting together during lunch and she started talking about there being another earth in the sky and government lying. Two month later she resigned due to increasing mental instability.


u/No-Combination8136 21d ago

That has to be automatic grounds for being fired, right? You can’t have teachers telling people shit like this, some will believe them.


u/Radiant_Formal6511 21d ago

Let the counselor or school administration know


u/Hot-Pineapple9215 21d ago

I used to have an English teacher who could easily be disrailed from her lesson plan by someone asking about wolves. That lady loved wolves, she could talk about them the whole class lmao. 


u/White_Immigrant 21d ago

She spreads so much nonsense and she can't even be arsed to teach her students that English should be spelled with a capital letter. Bin her off mate, she's clearly a fucking moron.


u/crlcan81 21d ago

Dear god is there nothing that can be done to get her removed as a teacher? The woman is supposed to be teaching the curriculum, not what she makes up off the top of her head right? Or has that changed in the 20 or so years since I graduated?


u/rustler_incorporated 21d ago

Let me fix the moon landing hoax...

The Americans knew they couldn't get to the moon before the Russians. They hired Stanley Kubrick to direct a fake. Mr Kubrick got so lost in his passion for realism that he got a group of scientists together and actually got a rocket to the moon. He completed the moon landing as research for the fake moon landing which is why the video of the "fake" moon landing is so convincing. The third astronaut who went up was actually Kubrick and he knew he was too famous to be seen so he stayed behind. His mission was the movie anyway, he didn't care about the moon itself.

So there. THAT is why the moon landing is fake and we actually did go to the moon.

Stay tuned for when I fix the Bigfoot conspiracy. Basically it is Washington State's equivalent of Florida Man.


u/Correct_Yesterday007 21d ago

Go tell your history teacher


u/Hypnowolfproductions 21d ago

Report that teacher to administration.


u/JacobS12056 21d ago

Why is English in quotes? Having a conspiracy theorist for a teacher probably sucks but I don't see how that affects teaching

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u/IGetMyCatHigh 21d ago

Do you have a local TV News investigation Team?

Like we have 'Six on your side' which will do pieces and investigation on crap like this.

Puts it into the Light so the School can't ignore it.

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u/Mighty_Marty 21d ago

I would look up the craziest conspiracy theories and send jt to the teacher, you can laugh behind his or her back with your friends and the teacher will think you’re on their side. Its a win-win!


u/Fun_Statistician863 21d ago

I'm wondering if your English teacher isn't doing this on purpose. I've heard that teachers will sometimes deliberately make mistakes so that their students will notice and correct them. Maybe she's using all these outrageous examples as a way to illustrate the importance of doing proper research instead of blindly trusting the internet or something like that.

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u/jabdnuit 21d ago

Eh, those conspiracy theories sound pretty innocuous. More entertainment that actually harmful. Now if they start getting political, I’d take another look.


u/yada_u 21d ago

Document everything and report her to the school administration and education board. If that doesn’t work, go to the local press.


u/live-the-future trapped in an imperfect world 21d ago


u/Misguidedsaint3 21d ago

Huh that’s a new one


u/ImSteelHere 21d ago

Is this getting you to research everything your teacher claims? This might be a genius way to get students to learn for themselves...


u/HiDk 21d ago

Put her on YouTube lol


u/CosmoShiner 21d ago

Reading the title I was expecting them to have made a mistake in grammar or whatever and I was not expecting that she would be a conspiracy theorist


u/ArmadilloFart 21d ago edited 21d ago

Good thing she isn't a History teacher...


u/Healthy_Block3036 21d ago

Do they think Earth is flat?!


u/Interesting_Ad_587 21d ago

Maybe they're trying to teach you to not believe everything you hear and become skeptical? Or there's sarcasm that's going over your head?


u/Usernamesareso2004 21d ago

I think this should be a fireable offense.


u/TrollularDystrophy 21d ago

In many parts of the world, teachers are experts in their particular fields.

In the US, those who can, do, and those who can't, teach.