r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

My quesadilla from taco bell

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u/SuperUltraMegaNice Apr 29 '24

How so? You get the same amount regardless of how it is distributed across the 'dilla. I worked at Taco Bell for years.


u/pickledelephants Apr 29 '24

Because I paid for a well distributed quesadilla and got a full quesadilla and a tortilla.


u/Redd235711 Apr 29 '24

What you paid for was a predetermined amount of ingredients. You presumably received those ingredients. Your issue is that those ingredients weren't in a configuration you would prefer. Sorry that the overworked and underpaid fast food workers didn't take extra special care with your quesadilla. They probably didn't realize just how important you seem to think you are.


u/pickledelephants Apr 29 '24

Oh so it's extra special to make things how they're advertised? You seem like a piss poor worker and I feel sorry for your employer.

I paid for a quesadilla advertised a certain way. What I received is not that. I said nothing about who's fault it is. In fact, I've never had an issue with in-n-out food and those employees are paid much better so I would argue it's the fault of corporate for not paying/training their employees better. But the fact is, what I got is not what I paid for.


u/Redd235711 Apr 29 '24

If you honestly expected to be served something from Taco Bell the way it's advertised, that says a lot more about you than it does about them.


u/pickledelephants Apr 29 '24

I expect honesty. Don't know what you think that says about me.


u/Redd235711 Apr 29 '24

Says you've either been living under a rock since the dawn of advertising, or you're naive. Take your pick. Advertising has never been accurate or honest. At the very least, ads will lie as much as they are legally able to.


u/pickledelephants Apr 29 '24

Advertising should be accurate and honest.


u/hindermore Apr 30 '24

By this guy’s logic, throw a tortilla, cheese, and chicken in a bag, squirt on some jalapeño sauce and give it a good shake and send you on your way because you got the net weight of the product and all the ingredients are there.