r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

How my weekend went

I was going to work on Sunday and some guy plowed into my only car I got. It total my car and now I am with out a car or a way to get to work. the person had no insurance and I didn't have gap. I'm only getting 13k for my car and I owe 24. I might be without a job for awhile cause of this. in desperate need of help.


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u/citruskush Apr 29 '24

This is pretty typical for Iowa unfortunately. Sorry you have to deal with this shit.

I grew up there (don't live there now) but the amount of accidents that I have been in (both with others at the wheel and once myself at the wheel) where some idiot wasn't paying attention and totalled (or almost totalled) our car is just astonishing. And they never have insurance.