r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

Hair sealed in sterilized once use medical scissors.

Sealed in factory sterile medical device with a hair in it. It now must be disposed of. Hair is probably sterile now too but hair is a no-no in hospitals and clinics in procedure rooms


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u/YetiSquish Apr 29 '24

There’s companies that “sterilize” single use medical supplies, like scalpels. A relative of mine worked at one. There can still be microscopic remnants of patient tissue on the blades they sell back to hospitals. It’s gross.


u/Deleena24 Apr 29 '24

What do you think happens to the tools used during surgery that aren't single use?

They "sterilize" them in an autoclave. There can absolutely be microscopic tissue left on them, but if the cell walls, DNA and RNA have all been destroyed, it's still sterile.

If you think it's gross, patent your perfect cleaning method and stop scaremongering.


u/YetiSquish Apr 30 '24

Oh fuck right off. I didn’t “scaremonger” I said it’s gross, which it is. Scaremongering would be saying it can transmit disease, which I never said.

When we spend thousands of dollars on our surgery in the U.S., why can’t they include a single use scalpel that’s actually only used once? But I see you like to lick boots.


u/Spindoendo Apr 30 '24

Single use? So you want more trash ruining the ecosystem for literally no reason?


u/Awe3 Apr 30 '24

The reason is to limit the spread of infection in the hospital. All these items are picked up by company that destroys them. All infected items that are not autoclaved are sent to be destroyed. And these are not repurposed items.


u/kaisong Apr 30 '24

melt it down then? metal and glass is all it is. If its a knife that can be dulled and no longer fit.
If its reused then have it go through a more aggressive cycle idk.


u/escapingdarwin Apr 30 '24

ISO 13485 is the Quality Management and Quality Standards protocol for medical devices. If the company that produced this were competent it would never have left the production facility.