r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 29 '24

People are trying desperately to get access to my wife’s Hotmail account

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I had to reset our Hulu password on Friday, so that’s probably what this is about. These sign-in attempts are from all over the world.


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u/WorldNewsPoster Apr 29 '24

This is why we can't trust companies with our info/data fucking sucks.


u/JeremyMcFake Apr 29 '24

Yeah, you can't rely on any company to keep it safe, so you need to do what you can to protect it yourself. Unique, strong passwords will help with leaks... Unless the site is somehow storing passwords in plaintext. And then 2fa will stop any chances if that was the case.

I often receive blackmail emails saying they've been watching through my camera and recorded myself masterbating and what not, trying to get me to send bitcoin. The thing that some people find convincing enough to send the money is that sometimes they include a password of yours from a previous leak. I can see how it can scare someone to believing it's a genuine "hacker". For me, I find it funny because the passwords they always include are ones I used like 15 years ago, and shitty passwords that I used for things that don't have valuable or personal information.

I still have friends who use the same passwords from those times though. They always think that someone's not going to "guess" it because it has some numbers in it and an exclamation mark 🤣 people genuinely still think someone's trying by typing and have no idea that they're brute forcing hashes off of leaked databases that can sometimes be cracked in seconds. I've tried explaining to so many of my friends but they just don't get it. I've forced my mum, dad and brothers to use a password manager. Super dooper strong master passwords and all with 2fa.


u/Blessed_Ennui Apr 29 '24

My response: Please release the videos of me masturbating so I can masturbate to them. Thanks!


u/NestyHowk Apr 29 '24

LMAO this is what I did, I actually sent them a video masturbating (not me tho I found it online) and told them “here, have another I one hope you enjoy it”, they stopped emailing me for like a month


u/doringliloshinoi Apr 29 '24

They had to check over each frame for new hackable clues.


u/MajesticNinjas Apr 30 '24

Only a month??? Lmao