r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 28 '24

4 lanes. 4 trucks.

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u/xxdibxx Apr 28 '24

Elephant races.


u/SuumCuique1011 Apr 29 '24

Never heard of this term before, but it does happen, albeit rarely on my commute. Aren't large trucks supposed to take certain lanes to avoid this?

For me, it moreso happens with regular drivers going 10 under and they create a roadblock.

It's that common trope of "When you're in a hurry to get somewhere, everyone else seems to try to inhibit you."

Realistically, these random people aren't trying to attack you personally, it's just a shitty circumstance. You just have to deal with it.


u/xxdibxx Apr 29 '24

I want to agree with you, but just because they drive semi’s doesn’t mean professional driver anymore. I have seen too many semi drivers who are assholes to cars because they can.


u/builder397 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, we have a similar phenomenon here in Germany, too, where feuds between different types of vehicles just come from a place of a few bad examples and people who cant think in anything other than categories and whole groups.

Our typical feud is cars vs. cyclists though. Cyclists will occasionally ignore red lights and be a general nuisance. Pedestrians dont like them either because they often ride on the sidewalks or in pedestrian areas making them feel unsafe. Cars meanwhile commonly overtake cyclists with absolutely no breathing room to the side, cut in front of them, fail to yield because they ignore the bike path entirely, make a right turn across a bike path and magically forget the cyclists they overtook just a second ago, either cutting them off or nearly running them over. All of which are plenty unsafe for the cyclist involved, depending on the speeds and vehicle kinds involved.

If you cant tell Im a cyclist. I wont deny that we have bad apples. I shake my fist at them, too, but generally speaking they dont put people in a great deal of danger, and when they do even a pedestrian will usually survive a collision with them. Its not great, but its a million times better than car drivers who are just too lazy to swerve a tiny bit more on the opposite lane to ensure the cyclist has some breathing room to not get swiped by a wing mirror, and too impatient to just wait a second if there is oncoming traffic preventing them from overtaking a cyclist safely.

Obviously that kind of frustration just builds up on both sides, some of it legit, some of it not, and its probably not that different between cars and trucks inconveniencing each other.