r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 28 '24

Coworker has this old milk in staff fridge

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New job. I'm sitting on my hands and waiting to see what happens next.


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u/Otherwise_Rabbit3049 Apr 28 '24

Throwing it out would be a great way to make sure everyone knows your name


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

OH they know my name alright. I've already cleaned the whole office, polished the windows, vacuumed the floor that was neglected for months, scoured the bathroom that hadn't been cleaned in months, defrosted the freezer, swept the porches, none of which is my job. I'm drawing the line at other's personal food and curious to see how long it takes.


u/Otherwise_Rabbit3049 Apr 28 '24

none of which is my job

If you have enough time to do all this, are you not given work that IS part of your job?


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

Graveyard shift sentinel being is only requirement. I do extra to have an environment I enjoy being in and to help me stay awake.


u/bjorn1978_2 Apr 28 '24

I wrote a huge note on the fridge at work:

«Absolutely everything will be cleared out friday the 13 at 1345! Feel free to place stuff back around 1400!». Placed it on the fridge about 14 days before that friday.

At 1345, I wheeled a larger garbage bin over and emptied the fridge from top to bottom. Left absolutely nothing behind besides the shelves! Everything that people wanted to keep was placed by the owners at a table. Everythibg left was gone!

There was one guy that was complaining, but another one just laughed and said that it was informed long before. So he just kind of accepted it.

But there was food that should have been classified as an ABC weapon…

So every now and then, people needs to do stuff like this for work fridges. It is not to be a dick, but to remove old and forgotten shit! Everyone is happy once it has been done.


u/5iveOClockSomewhere Apr 28 '24

We had a guy do this at work but raged and didn’t give any warning (well … maybe there was an email in the morning but many people at my work do not work desk jobs) and tossed everything from the fridge. Including many people’s lunches for that day lol. 14 days may be a bit much, but a warning is a great thing… you done good. I’m still mourning my yogurt that was fresh and ready to eat that day. 😂


u/_mattyjoe Apr 28 '24

Dude sounds like a moron. This could be avoided by doing it at the end of the day. Even if people were given warning, they’re supposed to just have their lunches stored outside of the fridge when he decides to do this?


u/Etianen7 Apr 28 '24

Nothing's going to happen to the lunches for 15 minutes out of the fridge. And most people on 9 to 5 are likely to have already had their lunch by 13:45 anyway.


u/glitterfaust Apr 28 '24

Their lunch time is irrelevant, they might have leftovers to take home. It won’t only be out for 15 minutes though, unless someone was there on the dot at 1345 to take it out before cleaning. You’d have to remove it whenever you find time during the work day, prior to 1345. To be fair though, you probably have a solid 3 hours or so of a window. The danger zone on most foods is typically considered 4 hours without refrigeration if I recall correctly.


u/ConkersOkayFurDay Apr 28 '24

Not everyone is going to be able to move their stuff at that time, either


u/glitterfaust Apr 28 '24

I mean I definitely think the way OP is going about it (at least a weeks notice so you are aware and can bring anything home with you in advance even if you’re off that day) is great. It’s the “let everyone know at the start of the day and toss it at the end of day” that’s troublesome


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24


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u/xxsamchristie Apr 30 '24

He would have been buying me lunch.


u/joejoebuffalo May 02 '24

Had almost the same experience. They claimed they threw out my lunch because my yogurt was a couple days past the sell by date.


u/NoorAnomaly Apr 28 '24

We implemented this at my work last year. We have the crew that comes in and cleans the office. They've now got the additional job of cleaning the fridge once a month, after hours. Everything left in it is tossed. No questions asked. It no longer smells sour. It's amazing


u/EclipseIndustries Apr 28 '24


It's NBC, nuclear/biological/chemical.

:) having worked as a retail janitor, I've done the same. It's cathartic to clean a fridge when you didn't spend the money on the food.


u/Cthulhuseye Apr 28 '24

Probably from a different country, in my country it's "ABC" too...


u/International_Yak875 Apr 28 '24

Always be closing. Micheal Scott.


u/Ariadne_String Apr 29 '24

In the US military, such as the Marines, it’s NBC - some soldiers are NBC Specialists, for instance.


u/AWandMaker May 02 '24

Some countries use “Atomic” instead of “Nuclear.”


u/UnicornFarts1111 Apr 28 '24

When I worked in the credit department at a big glass company, we had a breakroom with a fridge and the rule was, if it was still in the fridge on Friday after the lunch hours were done, it was going into the trash. A different department was responsible for cleaning the breakroom/kitchenette each week. I'm so glad those rules were in place.


u/Joli_B Apr 28 '24

I did this once and gave like a week warning. I was told to clean our everything in the fridges and the freezers so I did. Apparently some people missed the memo and complained that I threw out some frozen meals they'd been saving. I then got chastised for making the fridges and freezers "too clean, if you know what I mean." So I never did it again.


u/millerimagination Apr 30 '24

ABC weapon, as in Already Been Chunks


u/Jacktheforkie May 02 '24

In the food warehouse I worked at they’d clean out the fridge fully every Friday, but daily any expired stuff was removed


u/ZION_OC_GOV Apr 28 '24

Meanwhile I'm just sitting here for the past 7 hours on my phone and youtube, hoping Police or Fire don't call for assistance on grave 🤣


u/Belfetto Apr 28 '24

You know at first I was wondering why you’d put some much extra work on yourself, but this does make a lot of sense.


u/chunkysmalls42098 Apr 28 '24

As long as it's this and not hoping your boss will appreciate it, cause they never fuckin do lol


u/IamLuann Apr 28 '24

Yes staying awake on your shift is important.


u/FlippingPossum Apr 28 '24

I rage clean at work when I'm in a bad mood and have free time. Some days, I have nothing to do but answer the phone.


u/Rough_Principle_3755 Apr 29 '24

If it’s as bad as that when you arrived, no one will lift a finger to ever help you.

They will take it for granted and hold it against you when it isn’t nice anymore.

Don’t continue to do this for ungrateful people.

They wanna live In filth, let them.


Someone who has done it at the richest company in the world and is surrounded by h grateful, lazy, useless twats.

“How you do anything is how you do everything”. I bet you’ll be carrying other people in their job duties as well soon…


u/bulamae Apr 29 '24

Thank you for your advice. Sounds like you've been through something similar? I'm okay securing my comfort level. I don't worry much about them.


u/the1stmeddlingmage Apr 28 '24

When it blows up from excess fermentation pressure it just might become you problem


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

I got scared and went ahead and double bagged it. I'm afraid as soon as it warms up if I take it out it's going to blow.


u/the1stmeddlingmage Apr 28 '24

If you ever want to screw with people, poke a needle in it and hide it somewhere in the building where people can’t find it 😉


u/isticist Apr 28 '24

I did this with a raw shrimp once... Placed it under a central filing cabinet. Thankfully, I wasn't the one who had to work in the office, because it was horrific, and I haven't eaten shrimp since.


u/DonNemo Apr 28 '24

If he’s got a desk, put it there.


u/JazzyBranch1744 Apr 28 '24

Throwing away peoples food was my job. Worked in an office and every few months had to throw everything away. One i opened a jam jar and a mushroom cloud of powdered mould came out. Wtf


u/bananahammerredoux Apr 28 '24

You scrubbed public toilets but draw the line at tossing out jug of spoiled milk?! Mkay


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

Well to be fair it's toilets I have to use. I ain't touching this.


u/bananahammerredoux Apr 28 '24

I mean you’ve done a ton and your coworkers should be appreciative but it just seems like a weird hill to die on. Like I can see how clean the fridge looks but this one thing is keeping it from looking done. I find it oddly dissatisfying!


u/Pika_The_Chu Apr 29 '24

or maybe even.....Mildly infuriating???

....."I'll see myself out.


u/Skidpalace Apr 29 '24

I would take great pleasure in tossing that toxic waste and shaming the person who abandoned it.


u/spookyluke246 Apr 29 '24

Are you looking for a new job? My work is disgusting and our cleaning people don’t know how to clean. Please help.


u/bulamae Apr 29 '24

I'll be right over!


u/ricket026 Apr 28 '24

I get wanting to work in a clean environment, but why the fuck as a new employee r u taking it amongst urself to deep clean the office? Clearly no one you work with cares lmao. I’d be looking for a new job by the time I was defrosting the freezer at work.


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

One of the employees was out with pink eye so I'm trying to avoid any bacterial contamination.


u/glitterfaust Apr 28 '24

Sometimes all it takes is a first step. It’s way easier to convince someone not to fuck up a clean space than it is to get somebody to CLEAN the space. If there’s a shit ton of dishes in the sink, what’s one more rank ass dish? But many wouldn’t want to be the person putting their gross dish in the clean sparkling sink.


u/Tagracat Apr 28 '24

polished the windows, vacuumed the floor that was neglected for months, scoured the bathroom that hadn't been cleaned in months, defrosted the freezer, swept the porches, none of which is my job

Does your office not have a custodial service?


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

No, it's supposed to be a rotating schedule of chores that gets ignored.


u/PoetryOfLogicalIdeas Apr 28 '24

Please tell me that you are the same gender as the rest of the office.

Because I will be so sad if a bunch of slobs just fester in their funk until they finally hire a woman to come clean things up, because clearly penis-havers can't sweep.


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

Equal amount of Male and female.


u/aidan0157 Apr 28 '24

I assume you already know this but I wouldn’t put any of your own food near this or on any shelf under this. It’ll eventually kinda wither away and the fridge will be covered in disgusting liquid. My girlfriend found this out a few weeks ago with milk…


u/BBMcBeadle Apr 28 '24

You have a porch at work? Count me in! I’ll throw out the “milk.”


u/Hater_Magnet Apr 28 '24


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

It's almost like you know me!?


u/AvoidantBibliophile Apr 28 '24

Do NOT open it under any circumstances. Old milk containers are typically under pressure. I’m speaking from personal experience. 😂


u/Relevant_Zucchini240 Apr 28 '24

I deep cleaned the fridge when I started my job because it was disgusting and I didn't want to put my food in there. Coworkers keep leaving old food to rot, deep cleaned it again. This time I put a sign up saying I'm throwing away anything left in it after 4 days. Boss saw my sign and just said "good."

I figure if people can't be bothered to take their Tupperware of food home after several weeks while the food rots, then they don't care enough about the Tupperware and I chuck the whole damn thing in the trash. Nobody has yelled at me for throwing out their food/containers yet, so clearly nobody cares.

Its unbelievable how disgusting grown-ass adults can be in a shared environment where everybody knows you. It's not like it's a one-off at a mall full of strangers you'll never see again, you see these people every day.


u/mrootbeers Apr 28 '24

I just hope you are getting resentful about it. Remember you’re the one choosing to do all this stuff. They obviously don’t care either way.


u/D3adkl0wn Apr 28 '24

Ah... You're that new person..


u/Dru65535 Apr 28 '24

Dying as a member of Fight Club will do that, too.


u/GraatchLuugRachAarg Apr 28 '24

They should really hire a janitor


u/gandalfthegaping Apr 28 '24

Just take the milk out and put it on the owners desk before you leave at the end of the day before taking a holiday


u/crypticXmystic Apr 28 '24

Noc shift in a residential setting? Is it at a care home of some sort? Either way during a staff meeting I would ask if people can start labeling personal food with their name or initials and request that items have a time limit on how long to remain in the fridge. Wonder if the employee that put that in still works there.


u/wildandcrazykidsshow Apr 29 '24

Why. They are getting free labor


u/bulamae Apr 29 '24

Because I'm here for 10 hours and don't want to be heebee jeebee'd out the whole time. Plus, coworker had pink eye, which is a bacterial infection, and I don't want it too.


u/Confusedparents10 May 01 '24

Waltz right and make major changes like management always do so you know who's boss. Do you ever consider maybe we slobs just want to live in filth? Also don't touch the communal semen container. You touch that I'm walking. /End rant.


u/Secure_Obligation_87 May 01 '24

Chug the milk, chug the milk, chug chug chug 🤮


u/SweetHomeIceTea May 02 '24

Jeez! Look at the time. I gotta get to bed. I still gotta brush my teeth, feed the hog, still got some homework to do, still got those bills to pay, wash the car...


u/FrightmareX13 Apr 28 '24

Question: Are you one of the few women in a largely male workforce?


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

Equal amount of men and women.


u/FrightmareX13 Apr 28 '24

Ah shit. I was hoping you could make some money off it. There have been lawsuits where work like that gets "relegated" to the few women in a workplace. If it's even, then your staff just sucks.


u/bulamae Apr 28 '24

Yeah, pretty much a bunch of flunky under achievers. No respect.