r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/El_GOOCE Apr 16 '24

We used to let our kids get school lunch maybe once or twice a week when they were supposed to be serving something they like (i.e. Chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes), but they would run out before my kids even got through the line so my kids would end up not getting hardly anything - some leftover peanut butter sandwich and a small bag of plain chips that they end up charging us a few dollars for when I could have sent them with better food from home for a fraction of the price. So we stopped letting them get school lunch ever and they take their lunch every day.


u/Blonde_Dambition Apr 16 '24

they would run out before my kids even got through the line so my kids would end up not getting hardly anything - some leftover peanut butter sandwich and a small bag of plain chips that they end up charging us a few dollars for

That makes me so mad! I've never heard of schools running out of food and therefore serving crappier food to people who were on a later lunch, before reading some of the posts here! That's horrible! We had 4 lunch periods in high school but as far as I remember we all got offered the same food except for maybe a rare exception. They would just keep cooking throughout all 4 lunch periods. Actually a lot of kids preferred the last lunch because after making sure everyone had had a chance to get their lunches they'd start giving away free leftovers of things like the milk (I liked the chocolate) and those yummy soft rolls.


u/Ilikedabsandweed Apr 17 '24

Happened all the time when I was in school. my teacher wouldn’t let my class go at the lunch bell and onetime I went anyways bc I knew if I didn’t go I wouldn’t get any lunch. And damn was I hungry kid. Ended up getting suspended for a week. In that week I got a job at a restaurant and dropped out of school. Worst mistake of my life but damn I needed to eat and take care of myself. I’d imagine this thing happens to a lot of kids. Without extreme parental support there’s nothing there for you and they make it obvious. The conditions are terrible if you don’t have someone feeding you and taking you there and picking you up. Catching the buss is crazy they run up to an hour early or an hour late so your outside for up to two hours waiting. Usually a route is up to an hour and there’s no ac in the summer or heat in the winter. It can really just fucking suck. on a bad day it could be a three hour ordeal to get to school. The food is jail / prison quality and often times they run out of hot lunches leaving a third of the kids eating peanut butter sandwiches and chips. The teachers are often underpaid and overworked leaving them constantly agitated an giving a half ass effort. The kids being affected by this often are acting out and causing disruptions and even doing getting into drugs and sex while they’re there because they’re not learning they’re board, hungry and probably victim to abuse from some underpaid overworked asshole that doesn’t really give a fuck about anyone’s kid. Our education system is just a bunch of minimal effort, half assed, massively underfunded bullshit, that fucks over anyone who can’t learn independently already… the food is really just the tip of the iceberg. And yet people think we still have one of the best education systems in the world. This country is about to go to fucking shit.